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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who constantly put pics up of their baby scans on Facebook every single fucking day. Right! We get the fact that you're pregnant ya rocket.

It gets worse once they have popped out the wee chavvy...a daily picture accompanied by the line 'XXX is xxx days old today...I don't know where the time has gone'

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Or the constant updates of the size of the bump.

And if they are a couple then the accompanied father to be kissing the bump goodnight.

Or if it's a single mum the obligatory "he won't need a dada, il be as strong as 2 mamas"

f**k off ya dopey cow

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I have been looking for someone to move into my student flat from mid-April until July (end of lease) as I finish my time at uni in three weeks and will have no more use for it.

Remarkably, I received instant interest on Gumtree. Some guy said he needed it for that exact period and it would be ideal. I gave him a flat viewing the following week and he said he liked it and would definitely take over my lease.

I left it at that for a few weeks and sent him a gentle reminder last night about paying his half of April's rent. He replied this morning, saying he has had to pull out of this arrangement. I wonder how long it would have taken for him to tell me unless I had broached the subject last night.

Now I'm back to square one and urgently trying to find someone else at a time when I should be concentrating on my final degree. And what is the likelihood of finding someone to take the flat at such a bizarre time of year? Virtually none. Seething.

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No offence to genuine Aberdeen fans but the amount of gloryhunters crawling out of the woodwork just now is incredible.

Did you mention Aberdeen once on facebook in the last few years?

Is that a new scarf in your picture at Parkhead?

Will you now be going every week?

Feck off.

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No offence to genuine Aberdeen fans but the amount of gloryhunters crawling out of the woodwork just now is incredible.

Did you mention Aberdeen once on facebook in the last few years?

Is that a new scarf in your picture at Parkhead?

Will you now be going every week?

Feck off.

This, this and this. The amount of #coyr and #standfree I've seen from people who I've never even seen mention football before is very irritating.

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When you want to use a council gym, why do you have to have an induction to show you how to use the equipment in the event you might hurt yourself but when you want to use the swimming pool they don't test your ability to use the equipment ie the water? Surely the consequences of not being able to swim are worse than not knowing how to use an exercise bike?

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