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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I wear sunglasses most of the time tbh......I find the daylight glare hurts my eyes.


Sub human scum.

Do you spend much time in the north? The sun doesn't.

Therefore these fucking arseholes needn't bother wearing them every day in the pissing rain.

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Also, sunglasses. It's not sunny, it hasn't been all day and I see people wearing sunglasses. Absolute subhuman scum.

I'll raise you people who wear sunglasses on the back of their head or the back of their neck. Wtf is that about?
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The amount of hair that sprouts from everywhere when you hit middle-age.

After years of denial, I just had to shave my own back for the first time. Two days later and I'm like King Kong all over again :angry:

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The amount of hair that sprouts from everywhere when you hit middle-age.

After years of denial, I just had to shave my own back for the first time. Two days later and I'm like King Kong all over again :angry:

I have to shave my ears. I am waiting to see if it appears on the palms of my hands.
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To get to work I get a bus from just outside my house. There are two buses here, both reaching the same end destination but going slightly different ways. I get the same bus every day and, about three stops down, the same old git gets on every day and asks the driver, "Does this bus go past Tesco".

Well, it went that yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that! You stupid old cnut!

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People writing 'bassa(s)' on here instead of b*****d or bàstard to escape the filter. It's mainly Dundee supporters too.

Even more annoying is trying to discuss the 1878 FA Cup Final, and specifically, the performance of the referee, Segar b*****d.

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newspapers who retweet every fucking tweet from their stupid fucking subsections. The guardian retweeting their shitty Guardian US pish and the independent retweeting their shitty Buzzfeed rip off steaming pile of turd i100.

Sky Sports News have started doing this recently. Retweeting shite from Sky Sports Football and Sky Sports Golf. What's the point when the Sky Sports News main feed is full of the exact same thing?

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