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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Grown men going around shops / supermarkets with football tops on.

Seriously, who looks at their wardrobe and thinks that today they will wear a football top out? You just know that will be the idiot that cant work the self scan checkout, will the drive the wrong way round the one way system before inevitably almost causing an accident by changing lanes without indicating.

Wear my Scotland top out when popping to the shops etc no problem, who gets dressed up to go to the shops anyway or cares what they look like when they're out shopping

Pair of joggers and a t shirt, occasionally a Scotland top, nae bather ;)

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Grown men going around shops / supermarkets with football tops on.

Seriously, who looks at their wardrobe and thinks that today they will wear a football top out? You just know that will be the idiot that cant work the self scan checkout, will the drive the wrong way round the one way system before inevitably almost causing an accident by changing lanes without indicating.

I was in Slaters suit shopping yesterday and there was one idiot with a Celtic shirt. As you say, how did he think that was appropriate to go clothes shopping in?
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I was in Slaters suit shopping yesterday and there was one idiot with a Celtic shirt. As you say, how did he think that was appropriate to go clothes shopping in?

Sounds like the, infamous unscreened, OF episode of Mr Ben. Where it finishes with a tracky bottoms sodden wi pish Mr Ben being huckled by the polis after necking some Bucky and banjoing his missus.

As if by magic the man, unfortunately for Benjys missus, had a half day.

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Sitting nursing a hangover of epic proportions. Wife working and kids at home too. Feel like everyone's coming to get me.


Sakes; he's onto us, boys! Abort, abort!!!

Just got a work email from a Builder's Merchant that's signed off "Love and Respect".

What the actual f...?

You're in there. Let us know how it goes in the Car Sex thread.

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My car is knackered, to say the least. The electrode has broken off one of the spark plugs, causing oil to leak out, and breaking one of the Pistons. Not looking forward to the estimate one bit.

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Getting sent home from work unwell. Normally I'd brave it but I couldn't move from my desk. Back when I was 18 I would have loved getting sent home.

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My car is knackered, to say the least. The electrode has broken off one of the spark plugs, causing oil to leak out, and breaking one of the Pistons. Not looking forward to the estimate one bit.

Having to scrap it.

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Something in the house is intermittently beeping, loud enough to drag me from my filth-ridden pit of sloth. It's not a beep I've heard before, and I've checked all the alarms of varying descriptions, along with the electronic devices that might require charging. Starting to think it's coming from somewhere within the walls. Either the meds are wearing off, or the feds/aliens/Scientologists have implanted some kind of tracking device in my head. Which is much like saying the same thing, I suppose.

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Something in the house is intermittently beeping, loud enough to drag me from my filth-ridden pit of sloth. It's not a beep I've heard before, and I've checked all the alarms of varying descriptions, along with the electronic devices that might require charging. Starting to think it's coming from somewhere within the walls. Either the meds are wearing off, or the feds/aliens/Scientologists have implanted some kind of tracking device in my head. Which is much like saying the same thing, I suppose.

Make a hat out of tinfoil and wear it 24/7, just to be safe.

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Beeping's finally stopped. Swear there was a short, quiet burst of voices, then silence for the past fifteen minutes.

Off to bed now. Probably just a coincidence that it all ended after I put the tinfoil hat on, but I'm taking it with me anyway. Night all.

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Beeping's finally stopped. Swear there was a short, quiet burst of voices, then silence for the past fifteen minutes.

Off to bed now. Probably just a coincidence that it all ended after I put the tinfoil hat on, but I'm taking it with me anyway. Night all.

Can your neighbours see in to your house, and were you walking backwards at any point?

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This is the very definition of a first world problem, but it's something so easily avoided that it irritated me.

I needed to return something to Apple. No problem - phoned them up, they generated a returns label which I duly printed and dropped off for UPS to pick up. But silly me forgot to note down the tracking number; still no problem, just load up the label again and job done.

Except the tracking number kept showing "Order processing - waiting for delivery to UPS". From Wednesday until last night it was showing this. So I loaded the label again and lo and behold it was a different tracking number. Silly me. I tried it, but nothing.

To cut a long story short(ish), it turns out that a new label is generated every time the page is loaded. So the number I was originally tracking was completely different to the one associated with the parcel.

Is it really beyond the wit of a company like Apple to store the label the first time it's generated then continue to show that label each time the page is loaded? And yes, I know it could have been avoided completely if I'd just written the number down first time...but, meh.

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I'm waiting for my appointment at the dentist. I don't particularly mind the dentist, it's just a fairly boring and mundane way to spend a part of your day.

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