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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Bizarre morning for me. Got woken up with a phone call at 4 am after a depressing whisky fueled night watching the Referendum. The doctor looking after my Dad who's in hospital with a broken hip told me he'd caught a chest infection, was being treated with antibiotics, but if his heart stopped did I want extreme methods used to start it again. I said to do everything possible to save him but not to do drastic stuff if it was just going to make his end more traumatic. Then Nigel Farage's victory speech came on the telly.

I vomited. Went to see him with my Mother after I was sober enough to drive and he looked better than the day before, so I guess the antibiotics are working. Still hoping to get the old (94) c**t back home but he's getting well looked after.

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In all this referendum shite, the most important issue seems to have been forgotten.


We're going to be hearing this godawful 'Brexit' portmanteau for another couple of years, aren't we?



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I don't often do public transport, and if I do it's the train. I'm currently sitting on the Glasgow - Dunfermline bus at Buchanan St waiting on it leaving and I already want to kill every single person on here.


It's pishing down through here, just to add to your demeanour.

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It's pishing down through here, just to add to your demeanour.

My demeanour cannot be fucked with today.

Kids at the grandparents for the night, night in a hotel in Edinburgh and dinner at a Michelin starred restaurant for our anniversary.

KnightswoodBear has done good this weekend boys.

I might even get my end away.

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Had a friend staying with us last night who had just come back from a few games at the Euro's who did a number of things to piss me off including -

Didn't state when he would be arriving.

Text saying he had been drinking all day and would be down at 5 and would buy us a take away.

Text again at 6 telling us to just get our own dinner (I was starving by this point)

Didn't hear from him again til 8 o clock when he was lost and couldn't find flat.

Showed up about 9 and drank my beer and slavered shite until i eventually lost interest and went to bed.


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Kids at the grandparents for the night, night in a hotel in Edinburgh and dinner at a Michelin starred restaurant for our anniversary.

KnightswoodBear has done good this weekend boys.

I might even get my end away.

You should have taken your wife there rather than send the weans and their granny.
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I don't often do public transport, and if I do it's the train. I'm currently sitting on the Glasgow - Dunfermline bus at Buchanan St waiting on it leaving and I already want to kill every single person on here.


Why are you going to Dunfermline?

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