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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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11 minutes ago, throbber said:

Nah - been together for so long now as well and thinking I should have proposed years ago!

Not unless you're both into the idea. No point unless it's something you both want to do.

If you do, pay for it yourselves, for God's sake. Parents can get very strange when it comes to weddings they're stumping up for.

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I'm getting married too. Just started doing the invite list. She wants every fucking cousin and aunty on her ridiculous Catholic side invited. Folk she hasn't seen in over 10 years. About 60.

Being good Presbyterians from Dundee's leafy west end/Perthshire we mate for procreation. My entire family including cousins, nephews nieces comes to 10.

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1 hour ago, mizfit said:

See if i get to the stage with my girlfriend then i know of a massive fight with her family that will happen, they all believe in the sky fairies and her gran has constantly told her since she would be having a religious wedding. Her gran already dissaproves of me to an extent because i was never christened as a child and has told her i must be christened before we marry......

Tell her gran, and anyone else for that matter who tries to tell you what to do to f**k right off . 

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Anyone who invites you to their wedding, you're supposed to invite them to yours. I think. And that counts even if you don't go. I've lost track of whose weddings I've been invited to, so I'm seriously considering either just not ever getting married, or going the whole hog - turning gay and claiming that those rules don't apply to man-on-man weddings.

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Anyone who invites you to their wedding, you're supposed to invite them to yours. I think. And that counts even if you don't go. I've lost track of whose weddings I've been invited to, so I'm seriously considering either just not ever getting married, or going the whole hog - turning gay and claiming that those rules don't apply to man-on-man weddings.

Don't worry too much about all that shit. It's blown way out of proportion (actually just like weddings are).

People who take offence at such things are invariably c***s.
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29 minutes ago, resk said:

Anyone who invites you to their wedding, you're supposed to invite them to yours. 

My dad used to say, "If you don't go to somebody's funeral, they won't come to yours."

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My dad used to say, "If you don't go to somebody's funeral, they won't come to yours."

So what you're saying is, I should murder everyone who has ever invited me to their wedding?
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So what you're saying is, I should murder everyone who has ever invited me to their wedding?

It's the only way to be sure. I spilled a pint once at an evening reception and had to erase the entire paper trail to ensure that it wasn't jovially cast up in years to come. Took some doing so be prepared to be inventive and make sure you can invest the time to do it.
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The more I think about it, doing what we did and disappearing abroad to get married with just immediate family in attendance was the best thing we ever did - no obsessing for a year about what table to sit Auntie Jean at because she had that fight with Uncle Alec in 1973 and so on.

I've done best man for a few mates over the years, and I remember one in particular who was at his wits' end a couple of weeks before the wedding - place held 200-odd, and his old dear wasn't budging on her guest list which stood at over 100, most of whom were randoms neither of the punters getting married had ever met. I volunteered to get her telt - never liked the old witch anyway...

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2 minutes ago, throbber said:

If you're just wanting to propose to your GF can you just give her any old ring and then go shopping for the actual wedding ring?

^^^eBayer found 

not if you want it to last. 


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1 hour ago, throbber said:

If you're just wanting to propose to your GF can you just give her any old ring and then go shopping for the actual wedding ring?

Don't do it. You are too young.

I didn't even propose with a ring. We have enough shite in the house. Probably the reason I'm marrying her is like me she has no tolerance of nonsense like diamond rings.

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Last week the daycare (kindy, nursery whatever you foreigners call it) that my kids go to was locked down for a few hours due to an incident at a local school. Today the local police Facebook update reveals what happened at the school


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