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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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18 minutes ago, milton75 said:

I did wonder if I'd get that sort of reply.... :lol:


Well the alternatives are:

- go and have a confrontation with the tosser. This would be cathartic, but since the neighbours have already tried, unlikely to make a difference.

- continue to get annoyed about it but do nothing other than complain on here about it.

Both of the above result on the street still being covered in dogshit. I'd really feel no guilt whatsoever in being a dirty grass about it.

you know where he lives, get the marigolds on & shove all the shitbags through his letterbox.


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15 hours ago, milton75 said:

Why not report him for littering / fly tipping?

As far as what Lee Wallace would do I've discovered there is an anonymous form you can fill in on the council website, should I choose to grass him up.  Not really comfortable about following Lee's example though.  Hypocritically hoping one of my neighbours will do it.

Anyway actually had a word with him myself the other day, was surprisingly civil.  Maybe the entire street having a go at him is starting to have some effect.  All I got was a denial that he'd do such a thing, which we both knew wasn't true, but hopefully he's going to mend his ways.  Not that optimistic. 

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PTTGOYN When something crawls up your arse and dies. Farted in the car today - felt more like I'd passed a depth charge. The air turned green, the boak was rising, my eyes were streaming and opening the windows let in a monsoon. Had to stop at a supermarket to check I hadn't sharted. Whilst in the cubicle, I farted again and a few seconds later got called a "dirty, dirty, filthy, stinking c**t" by someone in another cubicle, which I couldn't deny or even answer back as I could barely breathe. Went back to the car, opened the door and the stench was stupefying. Had to open all the doors and stand in the rain for five minutes to let the evil odour disperse. Got back in the car but the act of sitting down ejected another arse torpedo. Jesus fucking christ.

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3 hours ago, Redstarstranraer said:

As far as what Lee Wallace would do I've discovered there is an anonymous form you can fill in on the council website, should I choose to grass him up.  Not really comfortable about following Lee's example though.  Hypocritically hoping one of my neighbours will do it.

If you lie on your arm until it goes numb before filling in the form, it'll feel as if it's somebody else that's doing it.

No, hang on, that's for having a w**k.

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1 hour ago, NewBornBairn said:

PTTGOYN When something crawls up your arse and dies. Farted in the car today - felt more like I'd passed a depth charge. The air turned green, the boak was rising, my eyes were streaming and opening the windows let in a monsoon. Had to stop at a supermarket to check I hadn't sharted. Whilst in the cubicle, I farted again and a few seconds later got called a "dirty, dirty, filthy, stinking c**t" by someone in another cubicle, which I couldn't deny or even answer back as I could barely breathe. Went back to the car, opened the door and the stench was stupefying. Had to open all the doors and stand in the rain for five minutes to let the evil odour disperse. Got back in the car but the act of sitting down ejected another arse torpedo. Jesus fucking christ.

The mourners in the back of the car weren't too happy either...

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3 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

PTTGOYN When something crawls up your arse and dies. Farted in the car today - felt more like I'd passed a depth charge. The air turned green, the boak was rising, my eyes were streaming and opening the windows let in a monsoon. Had to stop at a supermarket to check I hadn't sharted. Whilst in the cubicle, I farted again and a few seconds later got called a "dirty, dirty, filthy, stinking c**t" by someone in another cubicle, which I couldn't deny or even answer back as I could barely breathe. Went back to the car, opened the door and the stench was stupefying. Had to open all the doors and stand in the rain for five minutes to let the evil odour disperse. Got back in the car but the act of sitting down ejected another arse torpedo. Jesus fucking christ.



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5 hours ago, Redstarstranraer said:

As far as what Lee Wallace would do I've discovered there is an anonymous form you can fill in on the council website, should I choose to grass him up.  Not really comfortable about following Lee's example though.  Hypocritically hoping one of my neighbours will do it.

Anyway actually had a word with him myself the other day, was surprisingly civil.  Maybe the entire street having a go at him is starting to have some effect.  All I got was a denial that he'd do such a thing, which we both knew wasn't true, but hopefully he's going to mend his ways.  Not that optimistic. 

Get NewBornBairn to go round and fart through his letterbox.

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PTTGOYN When something crawls up your arse and dies. Farted in the car today - felt more like I'd passed a depth charge. The air turned green, the boak was rising, my eyes were streaming and opening the windows let in a monsoon. Had to stop at a supermarket to check I hadn't sharted. Whilst in the cubicle, I farted again and a few seconds later got called a "dirty, dirty, filthy, stinking c**t" by someone in another cubicle, which I couldn't deny or even answer back as I could barely breathe. Went back to the car, opened the door and the stench was stupefying. Had to open all the doors and stand in the rain for five minutes to let the evil odour disperse. Got back in the car but the act of sitting down ejected another arse torpedo. Jesus fucking christ.

Sounds like your body is warning you for something worse to come. . .
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PTTGOYN When something crawls up your arse and dies. Farted in the car today - felt more like I'd passed a depth charge. The air turned green, the boak was rising, my eyes were streaming and opening the windows let in a monsoon. Had to stop at a supermarket to check I hadn't sharted. Whilst in the cubicle, I farted again and a few seconds later got called a "dirty, dirty, filthy, stinking c**t" by someone in another cubicle, which I couldn't deny or even answer back as I could barely breathe. Went back to the car, opened the door and the stench was stupefying. Had to open all the doors and stand in the rain for five minutes to let the evil odour disperse. Got back in the car but the act of sitting down ejected another arse torpedo. Jesus fucking christ.

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14 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

PTTGOYN When something crawls up your arse and dies. Farted in the car today - felt more like I'd passed a depth charge. The air turned green, the boak was rising, my eyes were streaming and opening the windows let in a monsoon. Had to stop at a supermarket to check I hadn't sharted. Whilst in the cubicle, I farted again and a few seconds later got called a "dirty, dirty, filthy, stinking c**t" by someone in another cubicle, which I couldn't deny or even answer back as I could barely breathe. Went back to the car, opened the door and the stench was stupefying. Had to open all the doors and stand in the rain for five minutes to let the evil odour disperse. Got back in the car but the act of sitting down ejected another arse torpedo. Jesus fucking christ.

Every so often, having trawled through pages of tedious shite from Grimbo, you read a post like this one and remember why you like P&B.

Genuine laugh out loud there - well done sir! 

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5 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

Every so often, having trawled through pages of tedious shite from Grimbo, you read a post like this one and remember why you like P&B.

Genuine laugh out loud there - well done sir! 

Fartbo is an ale drinking veggie. He could do fart stories. His new hoose is like Belsen already.

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I have an issue with the character who slagged him off thru the cubicle. Totally out of order. Shitting is a solo sport. ABSOLUTELY no talking or communication of any sort.

Anyway, mine for today... And its not petty. In my enforced absence for the last two weeks, she has replaced standard tetley teabags with those one cup abominations.

Fucking seething.

Whats worse is her claims that you cant tell the difference anyway when I asked her if she had changed the teabags simce they seemed different.

Yer no a fuckin jedi, dont tell me if I can tell the difference or not

You'll get used to them. Different teabags always taste bad but your tastebuds will adapt and hopefully marital bliss will return. I prefer decaf tea. Thought it was minging at first but now the proper stuff tastes bad compared to it.

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