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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

Shirts in boxes which thus require you to iron them before you wear them.  Not as bad as 20 years ago when they had about half a dozen pins in them too - but still a fucking pain.

I’ve never bought a shirt that I didn’t need to iron before wearing.

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When you try and slowly tip the remainder of your packet of crisps into your mouth but they come out too quickly, which means you either choke on them or they go down the front of your shirt.
I was eating a packet this week with my knees up supporting my phone on my thigh. As I went to move to pour the last bit into my mouth, my phone slipped. I then jerked to prevent it falling and the crisps went all over the floor. And to make it worse, they were mini chips which took a good few minutes to clear up and make sure I got them all!
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1 hour ago, Hampden Diehard said:

Rush hour bus.... two women with prams, an old dear with an old dear shopping trolley and an old guy with a zimmer. Get out of the road and let the bloody workers on!

Annoys me in the morning, why do pensioners feel the need to do a massive shop at 8am?

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10 minutes ago, Dele said:

Why shouldn't they?

A massive shop at that age is a big risk with the nest egg. Best do one daily so as to maximise the cash component of your estate;  no one wants to inherit 4 fray bentos and 3 tins of carrots. 

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19 minutes ago, Dele said:

Why shouldn't they?

Not saying that they shouldn’t, but they have all day to go shopping and the shops will still be there at lunchtime. There was actually an argument a few months ago as someone had their trolley on an already packed bus and there was no space for anyone to get off unless they were auditioning for Krypton Factor.

Edited by IainMorton
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When something like Comic Relief is on, and every c**t moans about celebrities asking Joe Bloggs for money instead of handing their own dosh over.

Entirely likely that they have donated, potentially a decent sum,but just haven’t boasted about it.

Usually these whinges come from the type who plaster their charitable donations all over Facebook and make sure folk know all about it.


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11 hours ago, IainMorton said:

Not saying that they shouldn’t, but they have all day to go shopping and the shops will still be there at lunchtime. There was actually an argument a few months ago as someone had their trolley on an already packed bus and there was no space for anyone to get off unless they were auditioning for Krypton Factor.

Old folk eh...imagine wanting to go out when they can rather than when it suits others!  They fought 2 wars to get on the bus with their tartan trolleys whenever they wish. 

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12 hours ago, IainMorton said:

Not saying that they shouldn’t, but they have all day to go shopping and the shops will still be there at lunchtime. There was actually an argument a few months ago as someone had their trolley on an already packed bus and there was no space for anyone to get off unless they were auditioning for Krypton Factor.

Nah, get them to f**k at lunchtime too.  You just want to get into Greggs, grab a beefy bake, and get out again as quickly as possible, and there's some auld c**t at the front squeezing every loaf to see which one they are eventually going to buy.

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12 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

Nah, get them to f**k at lunchtime too.  You just want to get into Greggs, grab a beefy bake, and get out again as quickly as possible, and there's some auld c**t at the front squeezing every loaf to see which one they are eventually going to buy.

Bugger off, I want a beefy bake now :( 

Edited by IainMorton
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