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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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53 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m back the morra and having a bit of a moan because I don’t feel that they’re taking covid seriously enough.

Falkirk fans seem offended by this so that’s a plus.

So unlike you...

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2 hours ago, throbber said:

Tomorow is genuinely going to be the most depressing day in history for everyone going back to work.

I took tomorrow off as well, mainly to avoid the first Teams meeting of the year. I know I'm busy with something else for the one due on Thursday, but I need to think of an excuse for Wednesday, any ideas?

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8 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I took tomorrow off as well, mainly to avoid the first Teams meeting of the year. I know I'm busy with something else for the one due on Thursday, but I need to think of an excuse for Wednesday, any ideas?

I can send someone round to break your legs.

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1 hour ago, NewBornBairn said:

Put into lockdown for at least the rest of the month. 2 hours later work sends me new sales targets - 12% up on last year. Tempted to reply - "LOL"

We got our 2020/21 targets last January - 60% increase in sales required from our department, as the board are utterly fecking useless at raising funds elsewhere, so we were to make up the difference on what they'd lost. When lockdown started at the end of March, there was a general feeling of 'phew', as there was no way they'd expect us to keep the same unachievable target after closing for three months, and having sales unavoidably affected by Covid even after that.

They certainly didn't - they increased our target by 100%, as they hadn't made any money during lockdown, so we'd have to make up for it. Oh, and we were the only ones on furlough - everyone else was on at full pay, despite doing absolutely hee-haw from April to July.

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8 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Talking of shin based injuries, I very painfully put an actual dent in to mine earlier


Not the best picture but there's an actual indent in the shin now.

I dented my shin playing cricket about 18 months ago (I got lazy while fielding and tried to stop the ball with my feet, it popped up and smacked my shin), it's still dented now, and occasionally hurts when I run.

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46 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

I dented my shin playing cricket about 18 months ago (I got lazy while fielding and tried to stop the ball with my feet, it popped up and smacked my shin), it's still dented now, and occasionally hurts when I run.

Deserved for playing a silly nonsense like cricket IMO.

Edited by 8MileBU
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12 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Put into lockdown for at least the rest of the month. 2 hours later work sends me new sales targets - 12% up on last year. Tempted to reply - "LOL"

The sort of people who make such decisions are idiots and were never going to demand anything other than an increase. They just can't contemplate anything other in their small minds. They probably need to demand an increase to validate their position, both to their bosses and themselves.

Anyway, f**k capitalism. 

10 hours ago, BFTD said:

We got our 2020/21 targets last January - 60% increase in sales required from our department, as the board are utterly fecking useless at raising funds elsewhere, so we were to make up the difference on what they'd lost. When lockdown started at the end of March, there was a general feeling of 'phew', as there was no way they'd expect us to keep the same unachievable target after closing for three months, and having sales unavoidably affected by Covid even after that.

They certainly didn't - they increased our target by 100%, as they hadn't made any money during lockdown, so we'd have to make up for it. Oh, and we were the only ones on furlough - everyone else was on at full pay, despite doing absolutely hee-haw from April to July.

The 12% in the last post is a lower figure to try and seem reasonable, even though it isn't.

The figures your joke lot are demanding don't even attempt to seem reasonable. Sounds like the classic 'setting folk up to fail' nonsense here, i.e. once a load of you can't make a comically unreasonable figure, they will claim to have reason to punt you all. 

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

The 12% in the last post is a lower figure to try and seem reasonable, even though it isn't.

The figures your joke lot are demanding don't even attempt to seem reasonable. Sounds like the classic 'setting folk up to fail' nonsense here, i.e. once a load of you can't make a comically unreasonable figure, they will claim to have reason to punt you all. 

Yeah, that's what I used to think too. I've been waiting for the axe to fall for more than a year. It doesn't help that we regularly get statements like, "if you're not on line to meet your targets within 2 months, we're going to close all the outlets and turn them into art installations"  :1eye

Having spoken to outside contractors and service providers who've had to deal with our board, it seems like they genuinely don't have a clue what they're doing, and have developed a Dunning-Kruger mentality which leads them to think they're the only ones who do. I'm told that, in the sector, we're well known as being one of the poorest performing, yet upper management brag about having instituted the best procedures in the industry. They were recently kicked out of a standards organisation because they were unwilling to meet their incredibly low-bar standards, as it meant we wouldn't be able to sell damaged or dangerous goods for a few quid here and there. Literally, a few quid.

People who've been with them longer than me say that they've been like this for about five years, so they've just gotten used to it and don't pay attention. I'm starting to get that way myself, as I've seen enough stupid threats and ludicrous targets that weren't met, with no consequences whatsoever. The simple fact is that they need us, and the money we bring in, but the only tool they know how to use is the stick. Never any suggestions about how to improve, because they don't know, just "make us more money, or else". I suppose there's a certain freedom in that?  :lol:

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since new year the landline is getting bombarded (multiple calls every day, weekday or weekend, doesn't matter), don't know if its the vaccine getting approved and some scam along those lines or that folk know there's an increase in working from home = more chance of someone picking up the phone

irritating. any weird area codes/random totally unrecognised mobile numbers/unavailable/international calls are getting patched. anything with a code beginning like 024, 021 etc. 

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