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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 minute ago, DA Baracus said:

Time to get one of the aforementioned newspaper types involved. Kick up a big fuss on social media as well, and also leave negative reviews on Trustpilot and similar sites.

Get these c***s properly done.

I'm not sure I could do disappointed newspaper face nor would I want that kind of publicity. Social media would have been an option but I don't do twitter or that. I have however just finished typing up a massive complaint complete with a list of demands to the Ombudsman. They were efficient in exacting an arse booting just over a year ago for a separate issue so I'll let them loose again first and hope they do a similar number on them this time.

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Just now, GiGi said:

I'm not sure I could do disappointed newspaper face nor would I want that kind of publicity. Social media would have been an option but I don't do twitter or that. I have however just finished typing up a massive complaint complete with a list of demands to the Ombudsman. They were efficient in exacting an arse booting just over a year ago for a separate issue so I'll let them loose again first and hope they do a similar number on them this time.

Those regular columns in papers don't usually have photos. It's usually a few of the stories and how the column has sorter things. 

Shockingly things get solved very quickly and all issues are suddenly no problem, and managers etc are suddenly available. 

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Aye. I don't do the "we'll call you back" thing, only time I tried it I wait for an hour, then the call back came, which was just hold music for a further 1hour+ before I spoke to someone. They are honestly the worst company I've dealt with in any industry without question. My only concerns now are getting my money back, interest charged on the balance they've been holding, significant compo and then getting them to f**k.
I've actually had few issues with them as a customer, but might just leave them in solidarity with you. Only pay 32 quid per month for gas + elec normally, which has probably made me too lazy to consider changing to another provider.

I was offered a smart meter in today's call, which reminded me that I got compo off them before because the first time they sent an engineer round years ago to install one, he didn't have a big enough ladder (to check something in the shared stairwell) and then when the second guy turned up a few weeks later he explained it wasn't possible for me to get a smart meter anyway for some reason.
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Just now, Markka said:

I've actually had few issues with them as a customer, but might just leave them in solidarity with you. Only pay 32 quid per month for gas + elec normally, which has probably made me too lazy to consider changing to another provider.

I was offered a smart meter in today's call, which reminded me that I got compo off them before because the first time they sent an engineer round years ago to install one, he didn't have a big enough ladder (to check something in the shared stairwell) and then when the second guy turned up a few weeks later he explained it wasn't possible for me to get a smart meter anyway for some reason.

As far as I know I'm on a cheap enough tariff but it shouldn't really matter, I live alone in a wee flat and I'm stingy with my heating so my bills will never be that big anyway. I've just never had anything but problems with them though so the goal is just to move to a company with a better track record for not being worstcunts in service.

Similarly to you I was supposed to be getting a smart meter (ironally as part of the resolution to my previous ombudsman complaint) but when it came to instalation time was told my area is not smart ready. I live about 60 seconds walk away from my mum in one direction and an aunt in another who both have smart meters, but I'm still stuck with the same old 3 rate meter which is causing me problems to this day because they won't replace it.

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21 minutes ago, GiGi said:

I'm not sure I could do disappointed newspaper face nor would I want that kind of publicity. Social media would have been an option but I don't do twitter or that. I have however just finished typing up a massive complaint complete with a list of demands to the Ombudsman. They were efficient in exacting an arse booting just over a year ago for a separate issue so I'll let them loose again first and hope they do a similar number on them this time.

The Judge - Daily Record Online

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Another useless energy provider story.

Got a joint account with my partner to start paying all our bills from. Changed all directions debits easily on every other bills either online or via a quick phone call. Then get to Eon. Online the section that has “amend bank details” has a link that doesn’t actually work as a link, you just click it and nothing happens. Phoned up and said I wanted to change direct debit, go through it all with them and they claim the sort code isn’t correct - despite it working for every other bill. Said they’ll have to send out paper form to fill and return to get it changed and will be there in 3-5 working days. It’s not been well over that but still nothing. Can’t get through on the phone now either. 

I’m tempted to cancel the current direct debit as I’m sure they’ll get their arse in gear when no money comes in, but assume that has potential to damage credit score?

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I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you can get something soon.
Cheers. Thankfully I'm in one of the few job sectors that seem to have actually got busier over the last year so it shouldn't be too long term, just a pain in the arse getting 3 days notice.
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37 minutes ago, Aidan said:
4 hours ago, Jambomo said:
I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you can get something soon.

Cheers. Thankfully I'm in one of the few job sectors that seem to have actually got busier over the last year so it shouldn't be too long term, just a pain in the arse getting 3 days notice.


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14 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

I've not long fell down the stairs, it was bloody sore.  I've hurt my shin and ankle.

I also fell on the ice yesterday hurting my right knee  and my shoulder already hurts from shovelling snow.

I also have a sore throat.   I don't think I will make it through the night.

Might as well have a bevvy to numb the pain.

Thoughts & Prayers 

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

I've not long fell down the stairs, it was bloody sore.  I've hurt my shin and ankle.

I also fell on the ice yesterday hurting my right knee  and my shoulder already hurts from shovelling snow.

I also have a sore throat.   I don't think I will make it through the night.

Might as well have a bevvy to numb the pain.

Your getting as bad as those numpty Pars supporters.

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

I've not long fell down the stairs, it was bloody sore.  I've hurt my shin and ankle.

I also fell on the ice yesterday hurting my right knee  and my shoulder already hurts from shovelling snow.

I also have a sore throat.   I don't think I will make it through the night.

Might as well have a bevvy to numb the pain.

Has Div put out the request for new mod nominations yet ??

Thoughts, prayers, etc.

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3 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

He probably should, I've hurt my back and ribs also.  Probably have a torn liver or ruptured spleen.

Got a lot of sympathy from family as they stood laughing at me.  b*****ds.

All kidding aside, you've done some serious damage for what would be relatively innocuous mishaps.  

Get Well Soon

P & B xx

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At what point is it ok to take a dump on the bonnet of a car?

Only asking as I had cleared a couple of parking spaces outside our house on Tuesday for my partner and I (I was helping out on the Covid vaccination drive next morning so wanted to make sure I made it in).

Tonight the woman 3 doors down who has a bad back, was trying to dig out her car to go see her disabled brother as she is one of his carers.

After helping dig her out, her car would not start.  So I dug out a second space to get my car in and get jump leads on it.

While doing this, a woman who lives in a house in cul-de-sac opposite (not sure which) took the opportunity to park her car in the space outside my house I had vacated to help my neighbour and I ran off before I had the chance to shout on her (I had actually thought it was somebody doing a home delivery as the guy opposite normally gets one in a Friday night as did not think somebody would be so cheeky).

I know it is a residential street but it was blatantly obvious I had gone to the trouble to dig out the spaces at the front of our house where we always park our cars.  The fact she drove along the street and instead of going into her cul-de-sac she chose to park in the space I had cleared shows she is clearly at it.

Fortunately for me I was able to leave my car in the space I had dug out to give her a jump start but it still hacks me off.

Edited by Sugar_Army
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Aldi and Lidl's insistence on only ever having one checkout open.

They've upgraded to the point they have self scan checkouts but it's a crime to open them.

And naturally you end up at the back of the queue as every customer in the whole shop finishes their shop at the same time.

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1 hour ago, Ludo*1 said:

Aldi and Lidl's insistence on only ever having one checkout open.

They've upgraded to the point they have self scan checkouts but it's a crime to open them.

And naturally you end up at the back of the queue as every customer in the whole shop finishes their shop at the same time.

I was in the Stirling Lidl the other week, every single self service checkout was flashing red while 2 employees stood gassing and filling shelves not 20 feet away. Woman at the checkout next to me started waving her arms and saying "excuse me" to get their attention, so they turned their backs. That was the cue for me to walk out leaving my messages on the scanner. f**k them. 

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