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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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15 hours ago, Empty It said:
16 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:
Translation :- "I'd love to live in North Berwick but can't afford it......" emoji2.png

Stay not far from North Berwick and it's one of the last places I'd like to stay.

Getting buried there, are you?

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On 27/04/2022 at 19:14, Newbornbairn said:

People talking LOUDLY in restaurants.

Sat near Sir Tim Rice in a restaurant in Edinburgh once. He was talking loudly at his companion about the cost of getting a plumber out to one of his flats in London (“80 quid, jeez”). He’s worth about £1bn so I think it was his attempt to seem like an everyman to his more fiscally common companion.

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3 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Sat near Sir Tim Rice in a restaurant in Edinburgh once. He was talking loudly at his companion about the cost of getting a plumber out to one of his flats in London (“80 quid, jeez”). He’s worth about £1bn so I think it was his attempt to seem like an everyman to his more fiscally common companion.

Once sat near a guy who was dining by himself whilst on his mobile seemingly helping to orchestrate some sort of mountain or coastguard rescue.  Imagine the humiliation when his phone started ringing whilst he was talking into it.  Utterly bizarre (but highly entertaining) behaviour.

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15 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

The deep sniff/snort. The kind that is specifically designed to get the snotters in the sinuses to run down the throat. Awful behaviour.

My old boss used to do this whilst on the phone to customers. Fucking outrageous behaviour. 

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43 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

The deep sniff/snort. The kind that is specifically designed to get the snotters in the sinuses to run down the throat. Awful behaviour.

I know someone who does this all the fucking time; every couple of minutes. You just want to beat them to death with a giant box of tissues.

My son went through a phase of that when he was younger, but thankfully me hysterically screaming, "A TISSUE! BLOW YOUR NOSE INTO A FUCKING TISSUE! HERE, I'VE GIVEN YOU ONE, NOW BLOW YOUR FUCKING NOSE AND YOU WON'T NEED TO KEEP MAKING THAT FUCKING DISGUSTING NOISE!" at him every time seemed to cure it.

They asked me to stop picking him up from the nursery, but it was worth it.

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The sound of blowing your nose is just as bad as the sniff. In both work environments the person doing so should just f**k off home.

I will raise you the sound of someone swirling saliva back and forth under their tounge. I know someone that used to do this but I don't think he realised it was audible and everyone could hear his minging wee noise. 

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On 28/04/2022 at 11:04, Boo Khaki said:

No sure that's all that unrepresentative of certain parts of the country tbh.

If you walk around North Berwick these days and listen to the 'locals', you'd think you'd suffered a bump to the head and come around in some leafy Home Counties village. It's the same in parts of the Moray Firth, and although I've no first hand experience of it, my sibling says that indigenous accents are becoming fewer and fewer in the Western Isles.

It's something I find weird and unsettling about the Highlands. It's become a place purely for tourists and the hotels/restaurants are almost entirely owned by English folk. Obviously that's perhaps not the case in the "earthier" parts like Wick, but it seems like we're seeing a second clearances in the west due to incomers from England driving up property prices or depriving the local economy (and councils) of revenue by buying holiday homes and leaving them empty much of the year. Ullapool was notable for this.

I imagine @TheScarfdoing a wee happy dance at the highlighted part due to his ears not working well enough to appreciate its mellifluousness.

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5 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Far simpler solution: return Loch Spynie to its former grandeur:


Might cause some HL fixture congestion next season, but hey-ho.

Christ, no wonder Nessie’s never been found...... daft cvnts’ve been looking in the wrong place

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11 minutes ago, Smurph said:

Took my lunch to the park but I didn’t bring a fork to eat it with, so now I’m just hanging out with my lunch in the park.

Use your hands / be creative with your phone cover, bank card, car key, house keys / find a twig and fashion a skewer.

Lunchbreak is no excuse to switch off your synapses. 😉

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