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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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36 minutes ago, Blue Brazil Forever said:

Maybe a temporary ban might make him apologize, but then it didn't work for VT who is still as rude and arrogant as always.

What should Granny Danger apologise for?

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18 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

People who use the phrase “I can’t wait” continuously.

“I’m going to the football next Saturday, I can’t wait”

”I’m going on holiday in March, I can’t wait”

”Granny Danger is a shit poster but he’s old and might die soon, I can’t wait”


Not only can you wait but you have no alternative.  (For the last of the three examples hopefully a long time).


Add into this people who start sentences with "So......", those who pepper everything with "literally" and waiting staff who, when given the menu choices respond "amazing ! ".

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

Add into this people who start sentences with "So......", those who pepper everything with "literally" and waiting staff who, when given the menu choices respond "amazing ! ".

And people who...yeah.....utter sentences with....yeah.....totally unnecessary additions of only.......yeah. 

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10 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

And people who...yeah.....utter sentences with....yeah.....totally unnecessary additions of only.......yeah. 

"D'ye know whit a mean" (regional accents will vary)

In a hurry, know whit a mean?

Pure starvin', know whit a mean?

Desperate for a pint, know whit a mean?

Yes, I do know what you mean, because I'm not a fucking simpleton!

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51 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

And people who...yeah.....utter sentences with....yeah.....totally unnecessary additions of only.......yeah. 

The yeah every 2 seconds usually means you're talking to an arrogant moron who isn't listening to a word you say because they think they know better.

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2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

"D'ye know whit a mean" (regional accents will vary)

In a hurry, know whit a mean?

Pure starvin', know whit a mean?

Desperate for a pint, know whit a mean?

Yes, I do know what you mean, because I'm not a fucking simpleton!

"ken?" (regional accents will vary)

In a hurry, ken?

Starvin', ken?

Desperate for a pint, ken?

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34 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

"ken?" (regional accents will vary)

In a hurry, ken?

Starvin', ken?

Desperate for a pint, ken?

The Dundee version of this is to add something that sounds like "iye" to the end of a statement. 

Doesnae bother me likesay


Edited by Cosmic Joe
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11 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Yes, I do know what you mean, because I'm not a fucking simpleton!

Those examples are relatable but I always heard it being said after something slightly left field. "It's just one of they things, know what I mean?" No, I don't know what you mean. One of what things?


9 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

"ken?" (regional accents will vary)

9 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

The Dundee version of this is to add something that sounds like "iye" to the end of a statement. 

This came up when I was very hungover the next morning at a friends party last year. We ended up putting the different variations together, including a weird inbreathing gasp contributed from somewhere in north/middle englishland. When you have started, it is very hard to stop ending every sentence with "...eh aye but ken like ah!"

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3 minutes ago, AnderooMFC said:

Those examples are relatable but I always heard it being said after something slightly left field. "It's just one of they things, know what I mean?" No, I don't know what you mean. One of what things?


This came up when I was very hungover the next morning at a friends party last year. We ended up putting the different variations together, including a weird inbreathing gasp contributed from somewhere in north/middle englishland. When you have started, it is very hard to stop ending every sentence with "...eh aye but ken like ah!"

If ye ken Ken ye'll ken that Ken kens Ken, ken?

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3 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

If ye ken Ken ye'll ken that Ken kens Ken, ken?

In a previous job I actually said to the CEO " it's Ken's. I dinnae ken if you ken Ken, ken?"

The horror on my bosses face was fantastic.  Partly because he fucked up worse than me when the CEO pulled out a rotten totally black banana out of the thermal jacket pocket he'd been given by my boss.

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6 hours ago, Loonytoons said:

In a previous job I actually said to the CEO " it's Ken's. I dinnae ken if you ken Ken, ken?"

The horror on my bosses face was fantastic.  Partly because he fucked up worse than me when the CEO pulled out a rotten totally black banana out of the thermal jacket pocket he'd been given by my boss.

Question Mark What GIF

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A new guy joined our team a couple of weeks ago. I popped into his office to say hello. I'm standing chatting, on my way to get a coffee. Holding my Star Trek mug, and I spot on his desk a model Enterprise and Galileo. Well, great, I think. Another one. So I'm chatting away, pointing this out. 

He tells me he and his wife are watching Deep Space Nine. Great, I replied. I'm going through it again, too. 

After a few minutes I realise he's watching DS9 for the first time. He's never seen Voyager, any of the movies, not even heard of any of the shows that started after the reboot. And he's only seen some of the original series and Next Generation. 

I reckon I should confiscate his models until he's earned the right to have them on his desk, but that might be seen as theft. 

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