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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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20 minutes ago, mathematics said:


I think I’m only on my second ever one this weekend. Started around noon on Friday and I’m now in the hazy zombie phase.

Used to get them working at old computer screens and under fluorescent lighting, only way to head it off kicking in was lying flat in a dark room, definitely no reading anything for a while.

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I remember reading an Oliver Sacks book about migraines, some of his patients would suffer from complex hallucinations during a migraine, not just the flashing lights and shapes of an aura.  ONe of his patients used to see tiny people running around in the run up to an attack.

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(Un)fortunately, some of us don't get the auras with our migraines, which can be enough for doctors to dismiss the other symptoms.

It was only a few years ago that I mentioned it to a doctor to exclude head pain from another issue ("nah, I've had that since I was kid, that's not the problem") and was lucky enough to be seeing a locum who had the same issues. He prescribed the same medications that he took and it was like magic - I think I've only had two unbearable migraines in six years.

Half a lifetime spent being accused of malingering by judgemental c***s  :rolleyes:

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I get mild migraines by comparison to others.  Just feels like someone sticking a stiletto down through my right eyeball.

I'm lucky that I usually know when it's about to kick off, a couple of ibuprofen does the trick, otherwise a 30 minute kip is required.

I had one start in an unusual way when I was driving home after work.   Felt like I was taking corners way faster than I should have, when I checked the speedometer I was actually going much slower than I usually do.  Wasn't sure what was happening but when I got home... 💥 f**king horrific and that was me until the following morning.

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4 hours ago, BFTD said:

(Un)fortunately, some of us don't get the auras with our migraines, which can be enough for doctors to dismiss the other symptoms.

It was only a few years ago that I mentioned it to a doctor to exclude head pain from another issue ("nah, I've had that since I was kid, that's not the problem") and was lucky enough to be seeing a locum who had the same issues. He prescribed the same medications that he took and it was like magic - I think I've only had two unbearable migraines in six years.

Half a lifetime spent being accused of malingering by judgemental c***s  :rolleyes:

Nortripyline by any chance?

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5 hours ago, BFTD said:

(Un)fortunately, some of us don't get the auras with our migraines, which can be enough for doctors to dismiss the other symptoms.

It was only a few years ago that I mentioned it to a doctor to exclude head pain from another issue ("nah, I've had that since I was kid, that's not the problem") and was lucky enough to be seeing a locum who had the same issues. He prescribed the same medications that he took and it was like magic - I think I've only had two unbearable migraines in six years.

Half a lifetime spent being accused of malingering by judgemental c***s  :rolleyes:

It's great when you find a doctor who's suffered the same aliment. I had a nightmare with anal fissures when I was just prescribed Anusol until I met a doctor who had had them and sorted me out with a powerful steroid cream. Nearly instant cure and I've never had them since, they're like the worse toothache you've ever had but up the arse, your morning shit is an appointment with extreme pain.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It's great when you find a doctor who's suffered the same aliment. I had a nightmare with anal fissures when I was just prescribed Anusol until I met a doctor who had had them and sorted me out with a powerful steroid cream. Nearly instant cure and I've never had them since, they're like the worse toothache you've ever had but up the arse, your morning shit is an appointment with extreme pain.

Believe it of not, eating radishes will ameliorate your Dike of Argylls. I thought it was hippy nonsense, but they're an essential part of my diet now.


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1 hour ago, velo army said:

Believe it of not, eating radishes will ameliorate your Dike of Argylls. I thought it was hippy nonsense, but they're an essential part of my diet now.


The last time my Nobby Stiles were seriously playing up I purchased the Anusol cream strategically placed halfway between an £80 Tesco shop.

Still got the snidey glance from the YTS checkout w****r.

Edited by Cosmic Joe
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38 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

The last time my Nobby Stiles were seriously playing up I purchased the Anusol cream strategically placed halfway between an £80 Tesco shop.

Still got the snidey glance from the YTS checkout w****r.

Next time tell him it's for saddle sores (miracle cure by the way) or to reduce the bags under your eyes. 

Or you could just buy a bag of radishes and keep your Sieg Heils on the need to know.

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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It's great when you find a doctor who's suffered the same aliment. I had a nightmare with anal fissures when I was just prescribed Anusol until I met a doctor who had had them and sorted me out with a powerful steroid cream. Nearly instant cure and I've never had them since, they're like the worse toothache you've ever had but up the arse, your morning shit is an appointment with extreme pain.

Only had that problem once and, aye, you're not kidding. A dull, sickening ache that you feel in your bones, and taking a shite is like being slowly stabbed in the pucker. You must've been euphoric when the steroids worked.

Anyway, I'm frantically taking notes about this stuff for future reference, although I may return with "instructions unclear; stuffed radishes up arse".

@jimbaxters - they're talking about bums again!

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4 hours ago, bobbykdy said:

Nortripyline by any chance?

Zolmitriptan and Propranolol. The latter usually stops them happening but, when it doesn't, the former zaps them like Thor's hammer!

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5 hours ago, BFTD said:

Zolmitriptan and Propranolol. The latter usually stops them happening but, when it doesn't, the former zaps them like Thor's hammer!

Yeah, am on Nortipyline and Propanolol, though the propanlol is to slow heart rate it also works on the migraine too along with the nortriptyline. Before I was on it suffered 24/7 with them and only respite was sleep, also like you took me a few years to figure out what was going on as doctors continually said nothing wrong.

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10 hours ago, velo army said:

Believe it of not, eating radishes will ameliorate your Dike of Argylls. I thought it was hippy nonsense, but they're an essential part of my diet now.

Reported for homophobia! 

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