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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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14 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Having to chase folk for owed money.* 

Went on a tangent but deleted it. Is there anything more socially uncomfortable than having to remind folk you're owed money, though? I hate having to ask folk for a debt to be paid when you're the one who's done them a favour in the first place! 

* I'm not a drug dealer. Honestly. 

Reminds me of my time in Hong Kong where a group of us used to go drinking.  Brett, an Aussie, had a habit of being fiscally irresponsible and would borrow a tenner or so - no big deal and he was a good c*** who always stood his round (albeit often with somebody else's cash but still).  One time I lent him and the next day, surprisingly there was 100HKD note stuck to my locker.  Pleasantly surprised, I thanked Brett for repaying the dosh.  He got a bit pissed off as it turned out it wasn't him who put the money there and he thought I was being a dick by thanking him.  

Never got the tenner back, though! 

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12 hours ago, BFTD said:

I've known so many people whose friendships have been ruined by loaning each other money. You have to assume you won't get it back, so twenty quid or something is fine, but if they forget/decide to stiff you for five grand then you're down a big chunk of change, you've lost a friend, and you'll likely spend the rest of your life seething about their cheek.

Usually involves an element of the loanee pretending like their awfulness isn't a big deal too, which makes matters worse. Also very strange how people can decide that, if they've had an argument with someone, that means they don't have to pay back any loans they gave them. Just a whole tin of dreadful behaviour worms.

To paraphrase Trump, if you borrow a fiver from a friend, you owe them. If you borrow a billion from them, you own them. 

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15 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Having to chase folk for owed money.* 

Went on a tangent but deleted it. Is there anything more socially uncomfortable than having to remind folk you're owed money, though? I hate having to ask folk for a debt to be paid when you're the one who's done them a favour in the first place! 

* I'm not a drug dealer. Honestly. 

I had a friend (she played flute in our band - no, not that type of band) and she was a troubled woman with an alcohol problem. She started asking me for a tenner here and there to get herself a bottle of wine and a few times I reluctantly agreed. I hated the thought of me enabling her alcohol problem but at the same time she'd been through a lot and who was I to judge her for how she dealt with things. Got to a point where she owed me money but was still asking for more and I had to put a stop to it. Said I wouldn't be giving her any more money and not to worry about what she owed me. About 3 weeks later I got a letter through the door with my money and a note saying sorry from her. I found it weird as I felt bad, even though I had been beyond fair with the whole situation. I try to avoid lending money as much as possible now, unless a mate is really struggling. 

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21 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I had a friend (she played flute in our band - no, not that type of band) and she was a troubled woman with an alcohol problem. She started asking me for a tenner here and there to get herself a bottle of wine and a few times I reluctantly agreed. I hated the thought of me enabling her alcohol problem but at the same time she'd been through a lot and who was I to judge her for how she dealt with things. Got to a point where she owed me money but was still asking for more and I had to put a stop to it. Said I wouldn't be giving her any more money and not to worry about what she owed me. About 3 weeks later I got a letter through the door with my money and a note saying sorry from her. I found it weird as I felt bad, even though I had been beyond fair with the whole situation. I try to avoid lending money as much as possible now, unless a mate is really struggling. 

Replace an alcohol addiction to a gambling addiction and I've been in the same situation with a friend. Not good but gets to a point where you have to say enough is enough 

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5 hours ago, The Moonster said:

I had a friend (she played flute in our band - no, not that type of band) and she was a troubled woman with an alcohol problem. She started asking me for a tenner here and there to get herself a bottle of wine and a few times I reluctantly agreed. I hated the thought of me enabling her alcohol problem but at the same time she'd been through a lot and who was I to judge her for how she dealt with things. Got to a point where she owed me money but was still asking for more and I had to put a stop to it. Said I wouldn't be giving her any more money and not to worry about what she owed me. About 3 weeks later I got a letter through the door with my money and a note saying sorry from her. I found it weird as I felt bad, even though I had been beyond fair with the whole situation. I try to avoid lending money as much as possible now, unless a mate is really struggling. 

She sounds like a good person. It seems like a lot of people just decide to pretend the loan(s) never happened.

Also, did you meet her at band camp?

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30 minutes ago, BFTD said:

She sounds like a good person. It seems like a lot of people just decide to pretend the loan(s) never happened.

Also, did you meet her at band camp?

She was a good person caught in a horrible cycle with no hope or will to remove herself from it, sadly the alcohol took her in the end. 

I don't like to speak ill of the dead but I did not meet her at band camp and I am very glad of that. A sight you would not like to see. 

Edited by The Moonster
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I live one up and my kitchen window looks out over the street. The guy next door parks his white car right in front of my view and the roof of his car is this manky green from what I assume is the result of sitting under a tree. It's boggin' and it's been like that for months.

Edited by Hampden Diehard
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23 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Having to chase folk for owed money.* 

Went on a tangent but deleted it. Is there anything more socially uncomfortable than having to remind folk you're owed money, though? I hate having to ask folk for a debt to be paid when you're the one who's done them a favour in the first place! 

* I'm not a drug dealer. Honestly. 

Tapping folk money must be one of the most common issues fraught with the potential of lost money/relationships. As the lender you're doing a good thing in helping someone out, but on so many occasions end up like the villain for asking for it back. No idea how some folks minds work, but portraying someone as a cvnt for wanting back what is rightfully theirs and what they've lent you in good faith seems to be all to common a theme.

I've had numerous instances of 'lending' a close friend or family member a couple of quid on the understanding that there is no repayment required, simply helping out someone in need when in a position to do so. However, folk ripping the piss and trying to take advantage causes all sorts of unnecessary shit. I've got one guy who was part of an extended friend's group who I lent £20 quid who to this day, on the rare occasion our paths now cross, says to me without fail every time "I've still that score to give you". The original loan was circa 1996 when we were young drink and eccy fueled dafties. I think I've very long since written it off, so why keep mentioning it nearly 30 years after the fact ffs. Used to really like him but now just does my tits in lol.

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1 hour ago, Cosmic Joe said:

People who whoop and holler at concerts.

Just enjoy the music, maybe clap and dance along

People acting up at concerts is one of my biggest bugbears. Shut up and if you really must have an at length chat with your buddy, save it for a gap between songs or go to the bar. Might not mean a thing to you but the lad next to you might have waited years or spunked days of leave and hundreds of poinds to hear song A or see whichever random support act. 

Worse I have ever had was a couple of lads and their lasses off their tits at a country gig (!) Singing their own words over thr chorus. The f**king state of it.

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2 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

People who whoop and holler at concerts.

Just enjoy the music, maybe clap and dance along

Reminded me of one - I used to have a Live concert CD by a band (I won't name as it'll distract from the point). At the intro of every song the crowd went irritatingly mental. What annoyed me was, why did they act surprised by the song choices? Did they really not expect a band to play their biggest hits at a concert? f**king idiots. 

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14 hours ago, hk blues said:

Reminds me of my time in Hong Kong where a group of us used to go drinking.  Brett, an Aussie, had a habit of being fiscally irresponsible and would borrow a tenner or so - no big deal and he was a good c*** who always stood his round (albeit often with somebody else's cash but still).  One time I lent him and the next day, surprisingly there was 100HKD note stuck to my locker.  Pleasantly surprised, I thanked Brett for repaying the dosh.  He got a bit pissed off as it turned out it wasn't him who put the money there and he thought I was being a dick by thanking him.  

Never got the tenner back, though! 

Brett is now likely a millionaire venture capitalist with other people's money. That's the way it works. 

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