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On 23/09/2016 at 18:39, Stu said:

Don't spend the night before googling tips for tackling a half marathon. I was freaking out after doing that. Same with the route - after doing that for the Dumfries one on Sunday I'm now worried. Ultimately it matters not a jot - you've signed up to do it so at this stage it doesn't matter if it's flat as anything or up a steep hill. 

Take jelly babies to eat during the race.

Further proof that Googling before a race can be bad for your health. After reading about the route and seeing last year's times, particular of folk I knew, I thought I would be struggling to get round in under two hours today and wasn't looking forward to it at all. Instead, I did just over 1:41 - 10 minutes faster than the only other half marathon I've done, which was earlier this year.

Off for a lie down.

EDIT: From the official results I was 1:41:08 and came 54th of 168. Second of male club members in my age group - out of two :lol: The other guy was only a minute or so ahead.

Edited by Stu
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Good work Stu!

Parkrun yesterday where I speeded up slightly in the second half to come in at 19:41 followed today by the longest run I have planned before Dublin - 21.5 miles including going back and forward over the Forth Bridge - that's got quite a hill on it! Last couple of miles were a bit sore but the rest was feeling good.

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GSR - the wonder wall is great in my experience.  I got a message 2 years ago and my cousin successfully sent his wife a message last year.  My only gripe is it could be nearer the 10 mile mark rather than less than a mile to the finish.

Anyway, I wash half pished on Saturday night and entered the Stirling Marathon.  8 years since my last one and the wrong side of 40.  What could go wrong?

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I obviously can't find anything credible to back this statement now I want it, but most reading I've done on it suggests carb loading isn't overly useful. Habit still has me doing it too, mind!

I'd go for a regular sized bowl of pasta or a pizza in the early evening, with some porridge and a banana for breakfast 2-3 hours before the start. Usually does the trick for me.

I wouldn't experiment with anything you're not used to at this stage! Good luck for Sunday.

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Guest bernardblack
I obviously can't find anything credible to back this statement now I want it, but most reading I've done on it suggests carb loading isn't overly useful. Habit still has me doing it too, mind!

I'd go for a regular sized bowl of pasta or a pizza in the early evening, with some porridge and a banana for breakfast 2-3 hours before the start. Usually does the trick for me.

I wouldn't experiment with anything you're not used to at this stage! Good luck for Sunday.

Cheers! I had pasta Saturday night/porridge Sunday morning in mind, so that's what I'll do!
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I'll be doing the half-marathon on Sunday as well. Never run that far before but training has been ok so fairly confident unless I start too fast and knacker myself by halfway.

Did the Linlithgow 10k last weekend as well and got round in just under 50 minutes. Hadn't managed that at all in training so the crowd must have carried me along a bit. 

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Entered the GSR on Saturday and training been great, was aiming for 1:45 but been absolutely out of it all week with a chest infection. Absolutely gutted as just feel totally drained. Think I will switch to 10k and plod round so I can still feel part of it but this is the worst I have felt since taking up running.

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I had a stretch of the legs at Carlisle parkrun this morning on my way down to Chester for tomorrow's marathon. Finished 42nd, which I'm taking as a metric sign that things will go well!

Fanny p, what does the 630 do? I've been wanting a change for ages but can't justify it just now.

Good luck to all running the various GSR races, look forward to reading the reports!

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I've got a question that hopefully the P&B masses can help with.

I bought the trainers I intend on running the marathon in today (4 weeks tomorrow). They're the same as one of the two pairs I train in - how much should I be doing in the new ones before the marathon itself? I've still got a 20 mile run, a couple of 10s and a couple of 12s to go between tomorrow's GSR 10k and the marathon.

Good luck in Chester morrison and also to those also running in Glasgow.

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The day before a half I prefer to have the big carb meal at lunchtime, something smaller for dinner and then porridge Sunday morning. I'm always paranoid about stomach issues...

Good luck to everyone running tomorrow. 10k GSR for me, but not in shape for a pb. I'll take 41 now.

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Good luck to everyone at the Scottish tomorrow.

Lighting struck twice at Loch Ness on Sunday past as my race went rapidly down the tube at Dores (got through halfway in 2hr10 feeling pretty good) - hip flexors started seizing up and then my back went as 2 years ago, though this time I was only 6k from home. Frustrating watching the sub 4.30 and then the PB slide away but still got home under 5hrs so fair enough. No more 26.2's for a while unless I get in the ballot for London.

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