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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Having just done the certificate for work, it only covers accidents/emergencies at work. What you choose to do outside work in terms of first aid is separate from the requirements of the work course
  2. I have just completed the Red Cross First Aider at Work course. I pity the fool that get's ill or has an accident in my workplace.
  3. Went out on the Saturday afternoon for the first time this year and managed just over 11 miles. Probably could have done a bit more but glad i didn't as I was into a headwind all the way back. Good to get out again though. Also managed to hit a dog on Porty prom. A bit of indecision on both our parts and end up doing nothing then colliding. Thankfully (for the dog) I had pretty much stopped when contact was made and it wasn't hurt. I stopped and checked with the owner and made sure everything was okay. Good to know the brakes work!!
  4. No, but if he chose to play tennis Professor Finlay would be far superior to Federer
  5. I wish I was him, we should all aspire to be him
  6. Professor Richard j Finlay, the greatest living teacher of modern Scottish history. A legend. A king amongst men, nay a god amongst men
  7. With flexibility like that you'd be guaranteed a cracking ride.
  8. In off the motherfucking red!!! A magnificent evening's entertainment
  9. Don't worry everybody, after about 14 hours of being a human faeces fountain, I haven't shat for a couple of hours and had a shower and something to eat and feel a lot better. A decent night's sleep should hopefully see me much better tomorrow. Thanks for the concern UTN, it was touch and go for a while but with God's help I'll beat this terrible affliction
  10. Still up shiting rusty water. In fact, it's just water now not rusty at all. And it doesnt smell anymore. Interesting. Don't worry good folks of P&B I shall keep you informed of my 'movements'
  11. SkyBlue Solutions Glasgow Suite 5, Stock Exchange Court, 77 Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow G2 1QY T: 08701 285 250 F: 08701 285 251
  12. But at least she'll be able to be refloated and swim away to rejoin the rest of her pod, whilst simultaneously trying to avoid Japanese ships.
  13. From one of the Holy Fleeto; so many prayers and words of thanks being said this wk to us - very humbling. On Sunday the paster gave us a blessing and it was a very special moment being at one with fellow Christians. I can't bring myself to delete her, she is a nice person, but this kind of crap has my finger hovering over the button for a few second.
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