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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. Doesn't mean anything to me although a google search suggests "Cool Story Bro" Context?
  2. Easy - polite applause with occasional utterances of "well done chaps" Possibly accompanied with a rousing chorus of "Auld Lang Syne" Glad to have been of assistance.
  3. Yes - I often thought the team under Lennon was so much style over substance. There were lots of big names on equally impressive salaries playing as individuals. Unfortunately the team we faced on Sunday were very much a TEAM in the truest sense of the word; working for each other with a unified strategy. To beat Celtic we really needed to be on the top of our game; unfortunately not to be but we can look forward now to the bounce back against Hearts
  4. Anderson really shouldn't have been playing at all. I was plainly obvious that he was still struggling from the exertions on Wednesday night and he was miles off the pace. Mindful of his diabetes; I'm not sure putting him on for half an hour was particularly wise; surely would have been far better to use either Montano or Bailey.
  5. At the very least. The skill of a manager to manufacture two cup wins from a fairly run-of-the-mill team is legendary. Surely you cant become a bad manager over night?
  6. Traditionally we seem to do better against the old firm at the end of a poor run of results. Hopefully we'll have an easier time than the stadium announcer reading out the team sheet.
  7. Neither our official report nor the BBC have any cards recorded other than the one given to Niskanen. Suppose we'll have to wait for the referee's report.
  8. Had to check; but was surprised to note that Keaghan will be 33 this year. It doesn't seem that long ago that I remember him making his debut as a teenager.... Sheeeeesh!
  9. You're half right; there was another Livi player behind Soto with a United defender in-between. Edit - just checked; it was Christian Montano - not exactly identical?
  10. Nouble is such an enigma; seeing him run you think "this boy shouldn't be a footballer"; so often he looks like he's almost going to fall over or it appears like he's lost the ball only to twist and amazingly he still has it and the defender is nowhere. Even up against two defenders he won out more often than not. He's really made that position his own; I cant see Bailey getting a start ahead of him and Josh Mullen has no chance when he returns in the summer. As a side note I really feel for Craig Sibbald; he's not had the best luck this season but really struggle seeing him get back into the team at the moment with so many players ahead of him in the pecking order. Shame really because he's a fantastic player but his injuries have surely impacted his development.
  11. Changing the subject slightly last night did anyone else think Alan Forrest was a bit on the greedy side last night; there were at least 3 occasions when he insisted on hanging on for a shot when there were clearly better options? Cant criticise the guy because he's been immense over the past couple of months but cant help wondering if all the speculation and press attention has been getting to him?
  12. I though Soto did okay; some mistakes but lots of good positional play meaning he dragged the defenders out of position. As FF also said he was largely responsible for the own goal; Edwards had to make the interception else it would have fallen to Soto for a knock in.
  13. Should the title of this thread be changed to can St Johnstone or Dundee pick up enough points to catch the Dons? St Mirren may be in the mix but win their game in hand and they're up in the top six again.
  14. Soto made a lot of mistakes but he was nowhere near the performance level of Chukwumenka when he was taken off after about five minutes. The young man was doing a lot of running and, even if it didn't end up with anything positive, he was tying up two defenders at the same time. Also I feel his presence meant that Edwards had to make that interception leading to the own goal. Personally I feel he's a bit too lightweight for our game but then again the likes of Holt and Omeonga are not exactly behemoths.
  15. I thought we started quite well last night but let some defensive laxness nearly knock up off our stride. United had obviously done their homework on us and challenged for everything; closing us down as soon as they could and not allowing us to settle our game. Incidentally I thought Marc McNulty was giving Jack Fitzwater a torrid time for the first 20 minutes last night; often beating him for outright speed and agility. After that we seemed to change our game plan with closing him down at every eventuality and really not leaving him with a plan B particularly after Tony Watt went off - or maybe he wasn't fit enough and got too tired too early. We had a lot of attempts at goal (21?) but generally I thought United contributed well to a blood and thunder type tie. Incidentally we got zero yellow card last night and yet managed to pick up nine against Aberdeen where our playing style was very similar - who says there's inconsistency with Scottish refereeing? For Forrest; I very much doubt he'll be signing any PCA's just yet. I would expect him to continue to perform as he has and weigh up who comes in for him on a free at the end of the season. He's 25 at then moment, not too old for a first Scotland call-up but time is certainly running out fast. He will need a club that will give him an almost guaranteed start; the more high profile the better, and, of course, European football could be a significant draw. I would also expect, with maybe six or seven top class playing years ahead of him; he'll be looking for a big sign on fee and salary. That kind of puts us out of the running but I live in hope - as always. A lot of United fans seem to be quite down on their performance last night; I don't know how that compares to the norm but, for me, I thought they battled strongly and gave us a real contest. Unlucky for the lad (Edwards?) for the own goal but I think he had to make the interception else it was heading straight to Soto for a tap in - them's the breaks I suppose.
  16. My wife had a BIG [cough] birthday a couple of years back and someone [double cough] had asked the DJ to play "Simply the Best" by Tina Turner. The guy refused because, and I quote, "it was a Rangers song". I'm pretty sure Tina Turner never recorded this with a view to it becoming a sectarian anthem. I know its played at Ibrox but does that make it theirs?
  17. I'll have a go.... Stryjek = 1 Lazy; stays in goal when he should come up for corners. Devlin = 1 Was he even on the pitch Fitzwater = 1 Good goal but should have scored 3 more Obileye = 1 too tall for a footballer Penrice = 1 Looks too young for a footballer Holt = 1 Too small and light for a footballer = needs to show more passion Omeonga - 2 Mediocre Pittman =1 Passed it at this level Forrest = 1 Forgot he was even in the team until he was substituted Nouble =1 No where near the standard for the team Anderson =1 Too selfish Is that the general idea?
  18. This isn't the same team that nearly snatched a point (or three) at Celtic park is it?
  19. So busy showing the foul leading up to the free kick that they almost missed the goal. Was that Dundee fans walking out already or is there a sudden outbreak of norovirus at dens park?
  20. Three defenders not enough to stop Alan Forrest? Edit - just seem from behind the goal; what on earth were the defenders doing there?
  21. Instant relagation is the only suitable punishment. Its a fair cop but society is to blame!
  22. Don't forget; a start for our new enforcer Archi Lookinatmepal
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