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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. I really hope this is the last season they play this competition - so that we can win it, and declare the trophy as one of our assets..........................................
  2. Is this the first time you've been wrong three times in a single sentence?...
  3. Listening to the radio on the way home from a bit of hillwalking yesterday and honestly feared the worst when they suddenly mentioned "late goal at Palmerston" - what a relief. Sounds like we've maybe been a bit fortunate, but tbh I don't really mind. Hard lines to Queens though, shite way to lose a game as we know from pained experience. They're a club I've got a bit of a soft spot, so hope everyone's feeling alright this morning. Except Sandy Clark, who I hope hasn't slept yet, rumbling about his house like a bear with a sore head, pausing every few minutes to scream at the magpies in his garden.
  4. Seems to be for international subscribers, with audio for those on Plague Island.
  5. Came in to congratulate the Saintees but wow, I'm actually chuckling out loud at the precision and comprehensiveness of this telt. Anyway, I remember saying around the Rosenborg game a few years ago that St Johnstone were every Scottish football fan's second team in August - and it seems like not much has changed. An absolutely fantastic result - fingers crossed you can finish the job next week.
  6. Christ, these guys are always such losers. Clicked on his profile and was surprised by absolutely none of it.
  7. Lee Clark's dimension sounds like an alternate reality from Red Dwarf. Tearful young men on a never-ending coastal death march sustained only by bacon rolls.
  8. Think his strop was pretty justified with us, as our then assistant manager - who you might be interested to hear has "been places and done 'hings" - used his bogus column in one of the redtops to slag him off while he was still at the club.
  9. That boy would genuinely be better off retiring from the game. Aaron Comrie levels of utter ineptitude.
  10. There was one in the second half from Jason Naismith that looked as though it rebounded off the underside of the West Stand and into someone who wasn't paying attention. One of those "funny because it wasn't me" moments.
  11. I really meant "ages" as "the majority of last season" - genuinely wasn't taking the piss, apologies if that's how it came across.
  12. At least you only have to put up with us 1 year out of every 30...
  13. Media darlings We're getting less press in this league than when we were anonymous strugglers in the one above, they've absolutely crumbled last night.
  14. Don't forget their nine "league titles" Not surprised that it's all quiet on here tbh, that was an absolute embarrassment from them last night. Absolutely no attempt to win the game - can't wait to hear them point to the scoreline and the unfortunate penalty andsay they were unlucky, despite an absolute doing. It's Hampden all over again
  15. Just get this deleted, jinxing b*****d. He's been one of the best players in this league for ages! Looking forward to this game despite missing out on a ticket - must have tried about eight and a half minutes after they went on sale. Anyway, it'll be nice to actually play against a team looking to play football - hoping for any result that keeps the unbeaten run going.
  16. Favourite moments from last night's "derby" include the wee team turning up in our training kit and being warned for time-wasting after 19 minutes, the worst visiting fullback (no3, I'm not even going to bother looking him up ), and managing to get a player booked in the context of their own free kick. An absolute shambles going out with a whimper against a newly assembled Killie side who are only going to get better. And you waited DECADES for that
  17. So am I, it'll be a weird atmosphere and feels almost like it's a waste of the fixture. I don't even know who I'm going to gloat at as Kilmarnock roll in their third goal...
  18. Your parents probably block out your childhood.
  19. I don't think there are too many goals in our team as yet, so we'll have to wait a while to hand out a pumping in this fixture - although I do fancy it'll happen in one of the games this season... Can see Ayr getting a draw next Monday - DVD to be in their club shop in time for Christmas.
  20. I fucking hate them. Ever since that 2-2 draw at Hampden 10 years ago - absolute scum, with no respect for the sport or their opponents. Hope we f**k them up so badly they disband.
  21. So weird to see a picture of St Johnstone when they were still winning trophies one at a time.
  22. Quite looking forward to bodying St Mirren's best team in a generation with the dregs of one of our worst.
  23. Sakes, this is my constituency - Jackson Carcrash holding a 1600 majority, really felt it could go.
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