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Everything posted by 10menwent2mow

  1. I think that's half the battle. Comparing yourself to others is only a natural position to be in. Friends that are married, kids, houses, cars, careers, it's only natural to look at yourself and think you've kinda fucked things up a bit. However, there are times when I'm very happy with my lot. My 20's were an exceptional time in my life but the last few years I've really not felt like I've kicked on in life.
  2. The past couple of months I feel like I've fallen into a pretty deep rut but at the same time, feel like an utter arsehole for allowing myself to think that I'm struggling mentally. My work (a pub) has been opened after full lockdown, closed for the Aberdeen lockdown, opened again and has now been closed since mid October. While still on furlough of 80%, the lack of purpose is really starting to get to me. I appreciate that getting 80% of wages for sitting on my arse is a hell of a good position to be in compared to others and I feel guilt for thinking that I should be in anyway down about this. During the first lockdown I was out exercising regularly and even during the local lockdown in Aberdeen, I felt not too bad but from about September onwards, I have noticed a real change in my demeanour. I was resenting customers at work for constant complaining about the Covid-safe rules we were enforcing and I was drinking far too much after work. Since we closed under the tier system and there have still been pubs open this has continued. Find myself waking in the morning after drinking with the absolute fear and it's usually justified as I've said something stupid or out of order on social media (I'm toying with the idea of canning it). The thing is that I know the things I have to do in order to sort myself out it's just proving very difficult to get out of. At, 36, I've only had one reasonably serious relationship and that ended 10 years ago. Funilly enough, my ex is the only one I've talked to about this and she's been great. I think with Aberdeen moving back into tier 3 and the pubs closing again I might be able to dig myself out of it but I've just spent another full day pretty much in bed and haven't left the house. I know other people are worse off and struggling way more than I am which is what I keep telling myself but it's not really helped.
  3. Is that the McColls in Tillydrone that used to be the Broadsword pub??
  4. Who actually watches this? I genuinely have not met a single person who thinks its anything other than the worst thing on television.
  5. Ferguson back from suspension but Mcrorie supposedly banned. Would think a straight swap. Main did enough to keep his place. Hopefully we keep the ball down and play some fitba.
  6. It's not just the people who directly work in the industry itself. It's breweries, delivery drivers, food producers that supply these places. Taxis that will pick up and drop people off from pubs/restaurants/hotels.
  7. This idea that it has to be either hospitality or everything else is a fucking horrid idea. Hospitality/tourism employs a huge number of people in this country, not just directly but through supply chains etc. It's not as simple as saying that folk should just be able to 'go without a pint for a wee while'
  8. The greasy pole at the Cullen gala used to exist of a pole extended over the pier and one on one pillow fights until someone fell into the harbour. Was a cup knockout type affair until you had a final. Many a bout was decided by someone having a swing and a miss and over balancing and going clean off the pole. Also a common result was someone falling off while shoogling out without a blow being swung in anger.
  9. Still happens fairly regular in Aberdeen but it's usually not of the trailer type. They usually just get tied to a tree or lamppost near a pub. Kind of a tradition that the groom tries to run and has to be caught as well. My pal got blackened in Cullen last summer and they all ended up jumping off the pier into the harbour to clean up.
  10. When I needed something with a stopwatch it was my first thought. Remember it being the first 'digital' watch when I was a primary school kid in the early 90's
  11. I'd not change it for anything. It's very simple but a fantastic watch.
  12. The two watches I own. The Citizen I got for my 21st in 2005, it has not missed a beat since, hasn't needed a thing done to it. Think it was just over £100 back then. Casio I bought a couple of years ago because I'd started doing a bit of running and am not a fan of smartwatches. Use my phone as my distance tracker and the stopwatch on the Casio for keeping an eye on how long I've been running. Tenner from Argos, quite often wear it.
  13. I know a guy who's last name is Forward. His first wife was called Eileen, absolute true story.
  14. Looks incredibly likely that Hernandez will be off to Atlanta in Jan. Word is that when we signed him, they didn't have room for an international player on the books but now do. We sign him, keep him for a year and they get him at the end of the year. No-one really loses, apart from the player left kicking his heels for a year. I think he's a decent player, obviously we don't see him in training every day but he's a full international for a team ranked miles above Scotland. Anytime I've seen him (admittedly, hardly at all) he's not really done much wrong. McInnes obviously just doesn't fancy him, Logan, Kennedy and Mclennan all appear to be ahead of him to play RWB which seems pretty ludicrous on paper.
  15. 'carrying a threat' is one that seems to have appeared in the last wee while.
  16. This is true. I've just never understood the media obsession with them.
  17. The same Hibs we absolutely battered twice. They are actually favourites to finish ahead of us. Incomprehensible stuff. Did they not go down from a similar position a few years ago?
  18. This has been a pretty awful couple of weeks. I understand that there are injuries and the covid didn't help but this is supposed to be our strongest squad in years. Yet, McInnes has insisted on playing people out of position in the last few weeks. I've vociferously defended McInnes over the past couple of seasons but we've arguably been quite fortunate to get away with 2 points against the two worst teams in the league. There is no point in absolutely battering Hibs if we can't get more than two points from Hamilton and St Mirren. This run of fixtures was a great opportunity to pile up points, 8 fixtures in a row without playing anyone any good. Need to start getting some points from these games.
  19. Not really. They may be bottom of the league by the end of the day. As in worse than Hamilton. Although they'll probably beat us because we are awful.
  20. f**k me, it's really bad if we are settling for a draw against St Mirren. That's three games against the two worst teams in the country and we are looking at zero wins. Absolutely fucking rank.
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