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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. all this talk seems to have left one thing out but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, don't the torries have a majority in practical terms? there are 650 seats in the commons meaning 325 is the magic number, the torries have 318, sinn fein have 7 that don't go and the speaker doesn't vote so doesn't that make their 318 enough to get thing through? surely its their own members that can f**k things up rather than the opposition?
  2. Its too late now but would have been a great idea at the time.
  3. I like the idea of it but think once the novalty wears off youd be in a worse position than when you started
  4. Tell me if im wrong but i dont think they have huge crowds or much of an international interest either. Maybe staggering ko times for devisions over the weekend might make people take in a game they otherwise wouldnt.a bit like on the last weekend. Or not cause its mostly auld diehards that go now but f**k knows. So long as its rotated fairly so nobody gets stuck with lunch time everyweek. I like 3pm myself and its handy to know that most games will be then for planning ahead. Even as a shiftworker who cant go everyweek. However we are long past the reason for it. The men dont finish at 12 on a saturday , go to the pub then go to the game when the pub shuts at half 2. Its not like that anymore! Can always try new things eh!
  5. Im not a formula one fan but ive used this example before. Success is impressive. Celtics treble this year aye fair enough, barcalona wiping the floor with everyone with a team that will be spoken about for generations- sure ok. BUT domination is boring, especialy to other fans. Its not a "f**k you sellick we hate ra **** they should be handicapped" its more about improving the standard of competition. Improving the product. Ken better fitbaw more entertainment
  6. that's way to sensible, how did you only retire recently and not get shot 20 year ago when you first said that?
  7. Don't get me wrong I fully support legalisation, just prefer to discuss the facts rather than hysteria. Whenever there's a debate it always seems to be between daily mail readers and thick hippies types and goes from being the worst thing on earth to a totally harmless plant that everyone should do . we all know the truth is neither of them so how is that supposed to make anyone take the debate seriously. if you want progress you need to get these hippie student types tae f**k! tabloid scare stories and the "wow dude" crap American comedies have given rise to a sort of stereotype of smokers. The most shocking thing about weed smokers is that most of them are normal c***s who have normal jobs normal lives normal hobbies and aren't actually stoned most of the time, some of them even like Scottish football, Strange c***s indeed!
  8. the tories don't care any more than you do, lets stop thinking politicians are idealogicaly driven , when they do something its not because its right or wrong but because it will go down well with the electorate, right now the kind of people they need to vote them in don't broadly support it, if they did it would be legal, see my earlier post about gay marriage . but that's another story anyway all the hysteria (from both sides btw!) gets away from the main point; It is bad for you, youre smoking for starters. it can be addictive -mentally the same way that gambling is. But if used in moderation by sensible people it is low risk.
  9. well in this imaginary scenario you'll no be allowed to smoke anywhere you cant smoke a fag just now anyway, maybe there should be a public consumption ban like there is with booze just now, you know in case old people get scared. just my opinion but I think this will follow the same timescales as gay marriage ( not that they are in any way related obv!) more in terms of public opinion, a few places will/already have got the ball rolling, the debate will rage on across other western countries then you'll reach some sort of tipping point where it becomes widespread. still think we're a good 5-10 years away in the uk, far too many people don't like change or anything that goes against what they've already heard. northern Ireland will drag its feet.
  10. wee tangent here but how many folk in their 20s got hit by their parents? im closer to 30 and it was about 50/50 in my friends group. i never got beaten or anything just twatted in the back of the head and only when i deserved it. seems like its almost unheard of now? i have cousins who are now in their mid 40s and going by their accounts corproral punishment was pretty much universal when they were kids
  11. Probably a bit of both to be ohnest, I'm one of these millennial types and its true people my age definetly don't know how to just do without when necessary. old people maybe did get a wee bit greedy, but they were also lucky . got top class pensions then lived long enough to see the benefit of them, got to buy houses at a fraction then sell them. at the end of the day if something like that's on offer to you then you'd be mad not to take it
  12. Not getting into ppv good v bad debate but mind advertising is a big part of revenue. All the higher grade adverts are on during half time. Old firms fixtures can atract as big an audience as som english games so thats what the ads are worth. Dont understand alba tbh seems like a pure box ticking excersize. Games are almost always shite that would never be picked for comercial tv
  13. think there is some over reaction here. cant see how it would be in any broadcasters interest to show crap games at crap times. as for increasing the number of games I would imagine if they are going to be shelling out big bucks then those extra games will be the old firm's home games which are still mostly 3pms barring the odd exception or when they play each other, cant see them splashing out for more st johnstone v Dundee on a Friday night at a half empty MacDiarmid park.
  14. I didn't like this when I first heard it but who knows maybe we could do worse than give it a try, teams who are comfortably top in the middle 8, bottom 8 and those out of the running in the top 8 can start fucking about with their squads? who knows, the group of 18 must surely have automatic relegations to the highland and lowland tho? or it will be even more stagnant with perma-diddys
  15. we've been playing like pressleys 12/13 season for weeks now, at least that squad were all about 17 and weighed 9 stone between them, whats this lots excuse? other than gallacher and o'hara who its too early to call I cant see any of the rest of our squad going any further than a mid table spfl side. after being touted as the next best thing wee sibs could well end up wishing he stuck in at school. yogi might well have given us great memories of good football, cup finals , skelping the big teams including the old firm and all that but he is also in a way responsible for the utter fuckin pish we had to watch from 2010-2014. never forget he signed the likes of neil McCann Jackie mcnamara burton o brian and lee bullen who were either too auld too shite or both. and had next to no re sale value. As for Houston hes done not too bad for us, but he is your type-cast provincial diddy team manager and as such can only go so far with us and it looks like he has. personaly I'd go for someone young with a bit ore hunger and energy about them , someone who can get us playing fast attacking entertaining fitbaw even at the expense of conceding a few more goals and I'd imagine most would agree. But you know what ? fitbaw fans are a strange bunch, playing great football but not picking up points doesn't take long to get the fans on your back! the last time we tried to break the mold was with gary holt! his signings were questionable but he had presslys team playing 10x better, it was like a breath of fresh air even if only because of what we had seen before that. and that was his first ever go at being the main man. But fans weren't realy buying it. crowds were only up a couple hundred on the season before , 4000 for a playoff semi final at £12 for adults? we had more than that for last weeks snorefest in the freezing cold! I used to be one of those sack the board types but sometimes I even feel a wee bit sorry for them, damned if you do damned if you dont
  16. why do people get worked up tho? tell the truth how many of your neighbours do you know well? there are 34 houses in my street and i know the names of 2 of mine and they are through the wall and across the road, second to that how much do you care about what your neighbours get up to? (so long as theyr not being c***s are breaking the law) i bet the answer is not many and not at all. ive had the discussion with my own mum who isnt so tolerent, she likes to whinge about neighbours of hers not integrating , but who cares? she could not answer when i asked how much of a shite she gives about what all the white people near her get up to. after all its a free country. what is so reasuring about a bus full of white strangers? a street full of white faces you dont know? its just peoples fear of the unkown. after all there arent that many immigrants in Falkirk but none of them have ever done anything to upset me, plenty white people have
  17. first point fair enough my spelling is shite, second one no chance, not racist in the least. simply making an observation , plenty of folk in Scotland go on and on as if we have huge levels of immigration here when we actually have hardly any. imagine what it would be like if we DID have southern English levels of it. personally I couldn't care less if I was the only white man in my street but not everyone would. people who don't have much to say on the topic just now might find they would in that scenario. unless you think we are hugely different to the English ? I don't think we are if we are being totally ohnest.
  18. or the those of immigrant decent swayed in favour of remain? probably not tho , londons vote was more likely to do with money. Riots is probably an overstatement though the way some folk go on about what tiny levels of immigrants we do get (at least compared to down south) if we did get as many as southern England it would get enough folk riled up to at least get a few ukip/bnp msps and councillors voted in.
  19. was wondering this myself, for the whole team actualy now obviously it wont be superstar money we all know that but if these guys are happy to be squad players at a mid table provincial Scottish championship club it must be enough for them to be comfortable otherwise theyd be busting a gut to get noticed and get a move
  20. think if he hadn't got injured he would have been away aswell
  21. Yep think some of the jersey fillers need to go, duno if others agree but I wonder if a good few in our squad would have been good enough for full time football say 10-15 years ago? we should have a strong first 11 with a decent bench and the rest should be academy players. a big squad full of nobodys will just get us into money difficulties again.
  22. vaulks and alston were the only 2 who looked like they were a level above the championship last season, They are now above the championship and we have became rotten side to watch this season , no drive, skills bravery or trickery just the very predictable runs at the back 4 then stop, pass back pass sideways ball to the byline then out cause were too slow. or a long thro into the box we just do not look like a team that's on the up if anything were going backwards. you could even say that 3rd in the league flatters us. I agree that the board seem happy for us to stay where we are so long as the fans dont desert the place, its very short sighted as I think we are still turning up in decent numbers because we had a good couple of seasons and there are decent teams in this league. in a couple of seasons when Dundee utd and hibs are replaced by thistle and Hamilton wel be back to playing in front of 2.5k
  23. see Bayern munich have got arsenal again. same old same old. needs a proper change not back to the old champions only format just something that's a bit less greedy than now
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