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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. It's a shame he was. I have a few splinters I could sell him. Genuine, right off the cross. Certificate of authenticity and everything.
  2. I went through a period of listening to TalkSPORT in the run up to the 2010 world cup. Alan Brazil talking about phones getting nicked out if your hands, and drive by shootings at traffic lights. I don't think he was keen on going.
  3. This makes me want to tag in @mathematics. Not sure why.
  4. Narrowing down to this country only.. Maybe Del Boy Trotter? Nobody is on more birthday/father's day/anniversary/sorry for your loss cards.
  5. Nina's song 99 Red Balloons answered this one. Spock never even got a mention.
  6. Sure, why not? All the ones I suggested were in movies as well as TV.
  7. Years ago, the prize was £1000 and the contestant said "I would stick it in the bank and live off the interest"
  8. Who do you reckon is the most famous TV character of all time? My guess would be Homer Simpson (though I did consider JR Ewing, Doctor Who and Captain Kirk)
  9. I was in Edinburgh last week and heard a radio advert (I think Forth Radio?) for a local restaurant. "Instagrammable dinner ideas" Boak.
  10. Balding man’s incredible reaction after he gets a FRINGE tattooed onto his forehead - then sees himself in the mirror for the first time
  11. I largely agree. Discovery is fucking awful. Seasons 1 and 2 of Picard likewise. Into Darkness and Beyond were dreadful. Prodigy is eye bleedingly bad. Picard season 3 wasn't all that great but not bad, written directly for middle aged fan boys like me. On the flip side, Lower Decks is fun and Strange New Worlds is genuinely good.
  12. Got stung twice last year. Bought a new car - £35 fee. Took a week for the personalised number plate paperwork to come through. Another £35. 70 quid for next to nothing.
  13. I don't believe you. We need a lie detector test to be sure.
  14. Not just played out in TV and films, it seems. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/apr/27/us-rapper-moneysign-suede-killed-in-prison-aged-22 Officials from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said the rapper, real name Jaime Brugada Valdez, died on Tuesday evening “with injuries consistent with a homicide”. He was being held at a prison in Soledad, where since January he had been serving a 32-month sentence on gun charges. A lawyer for Valdez, Nicholas Rosenberg, told the LA Times that officials had said Valdez had been stabbed, and that an investigation was under way. “People are very shocked,” Rosenberg said. “He was a very popular guy, very mild-mannered. People loved him.”
  15. Tesco just can't match the prices on Aldi's stuff like dinghies and reciprocating saws.
  16. Whilst utterly valid, the central point stands. Why did a political party buy a motor home, and apparently gift it to the chief executive's mum?
  17. If nobody from the future comes to stop you doing it, how bad a decision can it be?
  18. No. Almost there but Scott could take no more Davison for the time being. We'll get to it soon enough.
  19. If you hear strange noises in the night, make stranger ones to assert dominance.
  20. The Reign of Terror was tremendous. 2 episodes animated, the rest normal. Hartnell having an utter laugh, dressing up as a citizen and really hamming it up. Ian the star of the show, doing all the heavy lifting. Susan a bit of an irritant as always. They animated Barbara with, er, bigger assets than in real life. Just fun. Very welcome. Really love these old ones before the baggage of show mythology took hold.
  21. I started rewatching the first series, and then realised this is the only post-2017 show I have done this for. Given I have seen TOS, TNG and DS9 numerous times, this says more about the shitey new shows than anything else.
  22. The 50 Year Mission by Edward Gross. Essentially the story of how all the Star Trek shows and movies were made. Expect some of this to appear in the Fun Facts thread in future. Quick summary: everyone who was ever involved in making Star Trek was a complete and utter bellend, with the exceptions of Gene L. Coon and Ron Moore.
  23. Tremendous performance by Brecel. On another note - is it just me that finds Shaun Murphy painful as a pundit?
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