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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I don't get all the fuss Italians make about pasta. It is flavourless. Just a vessel for sauces.
  2. My youngest came into our room at 2 am complaining of feeling sick. Apparently I told her to go back to bed and back to sleep. I have no memory of this, but the wife woke me up to complain. I checked on the wee one and she confirmed it. I was a bit harsh. Must have been asleep.
  3. I like it when they ask "Are you working today?" or "Is it your day off?" It's 3pm on a Wednesday and all I am buying is beer and doritos. No, friend, I am skiving.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11657325/Rishi-Sunak-faces-police-probe-failing-wear-seatbelt.html He really is a dreadful politician. This is the most schoolboy of errors - not wearing a seatbelt ffs.
  5. Ah, never thought of that. The one poster on my list crossed the personal abuse line. I just slapped him on ignore, and my forum experience is better for it.
  6. You can burn 12 calories per, er, session. Combine it with jogging in the park and the calories start burning off.
  7. This time last year I weighed in at over 125 kg. I'm 6 foot 4. Got down to ~118 kg by the summer. Haven't weighed myself since and haven't (I think) put any back on.
  8. I have never played the game, but watched this. Didn't know the story of the game so judging this purely as a TV show. The first episode was excellent. John Hannah's bit at the start gave a wee preview of what it would be about. I honestly thought the whole thing was going to be set in 2003, maybe about the Bush government dealing with the fungus as the pandemic emerged 9sort of a mirror of when Covid struck). Was not expecting what happened. 30 minutes in and I was wrung out. I wondered where the show went from there - heartbreaking. Then the flash forward. Very enjoyable.
  9. I wonder what alias I'll come back as when my turn for a meltdown comes.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64321755 Tories giving more levelling up money to the South East of England. Apparently this is a shock/surprise.
  11. Nope, no sunroof. My uncle (born in 1940) was 15 lbs and made the newspapers.
  12. You make a fair point, though finding a good, experienced manager in League 1 is difficult. The best you can often hope for is taking on a newbie and hoping they are good enough to get you up, or an experienced guy looking for a fair pay day. On John Hughes, we got him at the right time in his managerial career. He was progressive and generally good in his early years. He peaked with us and started to go downhill in his final season. The Yogi of today isn't the same calibre of the one from the 2000s. Falkirk's history of managerial appointments in the last 15 years is indeed a big part of why we are here. But it isn't the only thing. In the 2000s we had an academy that was brilliant. Not only did it produce players who did well for us and then moved on, but it lent us a reputation as a club that looked after youngsters. It made getting you up and coming players on loan easier. Binning the academy was a shocking act of self harm by the club.
  13. The story is simple. My wife heads off for a wee holiday staying with friends every few months. Posters here believe that the second her car is out of our driveway, I enter an immediate masturbatory frenzy, stopping for neither food nor sleep, which lasts until she gets back.
  14. Just finished the Monster of Peladon. Just one more Pertwee story to go, sadly.
  15. @Jacksgranda Please add one grandchild for me. Born at 6.30 this morning, weighing in at 9 lbs (my step daughter is tiny, 4 foot 11).
  16. It's wonderful. For me, personally, the more they give me means my "research income" is higher. Which means more chance of promotion sooner.
  17. In my old work we had 3 office dogs. They were very quiet, nice to have around. The new director of HR came for a visit. The next day she sent out a directive to the whole organisation on rules and procedures, and this banned the dogs. The dog owners decided just to ignore it. Everyone in our office agreed. The dogs and their predecessors had been there for 20 years. As far as I know, the director has long gone and the dogs are still there.
  18. Have a read of the Henry Deedes column...jeezo! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11646353/HENRY-DEEDES-watches-Government-blocks-Sturgeons-Gender-Reform-Bill.html
  19. I 100% agree. The only gif I could find of the video, though.
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