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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. "There were three people in my parents' marriage. Mother, father and Camilla Krabbe"
  2. Noticed this also. Went to Sainsbury's in Linlithgow at the weekend and half the staff were wearing them, too.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-64207235 In true @ICTChris style: Have you ever urinated on a fellow passenger mid-flight? Has anyone ever urinated on you whilst travelling?
  4. I heard horror stories on the news at the weekend of folk being "forced" to cancel their skiing holidays in France and re-book for Scotland. Poor wee lambs.
  5. In 2019, a car ran into the back of our Duster. £4k of damage to the other car (a Vauxhall). £0 damage to the Duster. Not even a scratch. The insurance sorted it all out and it was quick and painless for us as it was a clear cut case and nobody was arguing about liability. But for most cases I imagine insurance people must get really annoyed trying to sort out who is telling the truth and who isn't.
  6. I might be wrong, but I think the most recent team to start from scratch (and is still in the sport) is Red Bull. They started out as Stewart in 1996, then became Jaguar, then Red Bull. I remember watching a really interesting documentary about Jackie Stewart getting the team up and running, and sweating about his car meeting the safety rules. Toyota also started from scratch after this, but then left. Most/all other teams essentially bought older teams and rebranded them.
  7. The only Bond movie that would get a look-in is probably Skyfall. The best Jack Ryan movies were the Harrison Ford ones. The reboot attempts with Affleck and Pine were utter shite. As an aside, season 2 of 24 completely nicked the plotline to a Jack Ryan book. The whole series.
  8. You don't look at the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire.
  9. The newspapers are in a seething meltdown about this, which is nice.
  10. I'm beginning to think I know more about healthcare than my doctor and his ignorance scares me. He recommended radiotherapy even though I'm deaf.
  11. Anthony Stokes has been charged with transporting drugs in Ireland. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11609087/Ex-footballer-Anthony-Stokes-arrested-Dublin.html He is only 34 but has seemingly retired from the game.
  12. Given that the list isn't exactly a festival of rom coms and chick flicks, I am a wee touch surprised at the lack of Bond, Bourne and Jack Ryan movies.
  13. I was the same, I remembered this as being a bit shit compared to the 1989 one. But when I rewatched them last year this was far, far better. Schumacher took over the franchise in the next one, Batman Forever, and flushed all of Tim Burton's good work down the bog.
  14. Getting the search history tidied is top priority. The house comes second.
  15. I recently rewatched all of these. For me, Batman Returns was a far better and more enjoyable movie.
  16. By the same token, my old man cannot watch police shows. The inaccuracies just annoyed him. For me, I cannot watch any of the CSI shows. Show made in the early to mid 2000s saying you can have DNA results in a few hours... You can (to a limited extent) now, but not then.
  17. I managed half and they started to go mouldy. The birds got the rest.
  18. Just finished Planet of the Daleks. It was great, and really a second part to Frontier in Space. Very much enjoying both Pertwee as the Doctor and Delgado as the Master ("You will obey me...") Good to be back in space again.
  19. I am in a minority, but the first Godfather was better than the second. The final third of the second one really drags.
  20. As sexy talk goes, "This is from Phil in Thailand" might be one of the more obscure phrases I come out with
  21. We tried our jack Russell with a cricket ball when I was a teenager. It lasted 20 minutes.
  22. Watched this today, wonderful movie. Not a bad moment in the whole thing.
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