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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I'm sorry for what you went through, but let's be honest. This thread is about making puns and jokes. Lettuce move on now, thanks.
  2. Imagine if we held debates 4 and a half months before the election. Jeez.
  3. Lawrence Stroll has decided to continue with his One Champion / One Paperweight policy by extending his laddie's contract.
  4. Yes - we even have a thread for The Boys. Reviews for the new season are negative because the Trump supporters are getting the pish ripped right out of them, and they don't like it.
  5. scottsdad

    The Boys

    "Told where to stand, what to say. It was like slavery...only worse." Some great humour in it this week.
  6. The team I am leading is trying to develop our own AI guidance. We cannot beat it in the future, so we have to find a way of incorporating it responsibly. That said, after a morning of disciplinaries, good to see old fashioned plagiarism still turning up.
  7. One myth from my student days. A female student was taking part in a biology class. The students were to swab the insides of their mouths, then apply the swab to a microscope slide. Then, students would identify the cell types. The female student couldn't identify one cell and asked the lecturer to help. He comes over, looks down the microscope and declares: "that is a sperm cell". The older I get, the more convinced I am that this never happened.
  8. I reckon the silent Tories will come out, and a lot of folk thinking Labour have won it will stay at home. Tories to get more than 200 seats. Hope I am wrong! I'd love a wipe out.
  9. f**k it. We're invincible. Let's start with a lovely Friday night home win, followed by immediately poleaxing the Fifers at their place. Onwards!
  10. Assange might be an excellent shout for the Dead Pool thread next year.
  11. Sunak getting the interrupting down well.
  12. Now..Sunak doing better. He has the tactic right. Repeat the lines, interrupt, end with a slogan.
  13. Sunak's Rwanda plan gets a clap from the Gammons in the crowd.
  14. Starmer mopping the floor with Sunak here. Utterly one sided. Sunak has his 3 soundbytes he keeps repeating.
  15. Folk outside Nottingham Trent trying to drown out the debate is getting on my tits.
  16. Ben Stiller is in the video for Tenacious D's Tribute.
  17. Reports that up to 15 Tories now being investigated for betting on the timing of the election. Admission from a cabinet minister that he bet on the timing of the election. How will the press report this widespread corruption?
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