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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I'm sorry to hear that this annoys you. No, hang on. That isn't right. I'm delighted to hear that this annoys you.
  2. The Prof is in Australia. He is doing these 3-day training courses for people who pay him really good money, who pay his travel and put him up in luxury hotels. Australia this week, Dubai last week. He's off to China in the summer. Last time I spoke to him he said his wife was in a rooftop lawn bowling league. I'm not sure if he was whooshing me or if this is a real thing.
  3. I asked an AI picture generator to create a memorial.
  4. The papers this morning must have watched a different debate to me. The Tory press (Mail, Express, etc) talking about Sunak landing knockout blows. The £2000 tax is pish and Starmer should have shut it down at the start, not an hour in. Sunak is utterly out of touch.
  5. Found this out from his obituary. William Russell was in Superman.
  6. I'm really glad I watched the original ones a year or two ago. It's hard to overstate how Ian was central to the show. In many ways he was the star, the main man, whilst the Doctor was often in the periphery (or, even, missing entirely). Very much the leading man.
  7. Two hits in a week. Lovely! Last year he was a solo shot of mine, but not this year sadly.
  8. I still keep passing here to go to the League 1 forum, before checking myself. Lovely feeling every time.
  9. I do a role at the uni that takes up a big chunk of my time. The Head of School asked me today if I receive an honorarium for it. I said no. It just is part of my workload. He's putting one through for me - £2k a year.
  10. Brings back memories of me saying (within earshot of my niece, who was a toddler at the time) that hamsters die after only a year or two. She had a pet hamster and burst into tears. Utterly inconsolable.
  11. It's always the ones you least suspect
  12. I really, really hope he stands against someone like Sunak or Badenoch, splitting the gammon vote.
  13. I have banged the drum about this show before, but worth saying again. There are now 4 series of Accused: Guilty of Innocent available to watch. I have virgin media so I watch it on demand via channel 5. Basically it covers a real US court case; the build up to it, the case itself and then what happens. Focuses on the defendant's point of view. Imagine 24 hours in police custody but once the arrest etc has been made. Really worth a watch.
  14. I enjoyed it a lot. Thinking back on the comment "Are you two in the same room?" with an air of disgust took on extra meaning when you saw the ending.
  15. A good friend of mine is in his early 80s. We met through work but just hit it off. For the last 12-13 years we have been pals. The work we do is more a hobby for us both, and gave us great days away here and there. He is nearly 40 years older than me but when we talk it is like we are the same age. He has a wicked, and smutty, sense of humour. His health has gone downhill for the last couple of years. He told me on Thursday he has a terminal diagnosis. My instant reaction was (no clue why) to wash my cars. Inside and out, showroom clean. I cannot say how gutted I am. I will be visiting him regularly. I remember lots of my dad's so-called friends vanishing when he was ill and how much it hurt him. But I am really gutted right now.
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