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Everything posted by Anonapersona

  1. Hard to believe people on here would be willing to break up Scotland to appease Westminster. Oh well.
  2. Westminster is relying on the fact that Scots will find it acceptable to be told no, because we're used to it.
  3. The goalie's leg looks like it came out the socket.
  4. Going from the majority to the minority is not going down well at all with unionists.
  5. I guess I sort of understand why unionists don't even try anymore.
  6. I don't recall the SNP saying they intend to inflict more austerity. Can you share the link?
  7. It was all a bit white trash once you got out of the touristy area. The perfect Trump breeding ground.
  8. I was up at Geneva-On-The-Lake last weekend and was a bit shocked to see all the Trump placards in people's back yards. God, Guns, Country, Trump. Yeah, that was a real one.
  9. All you had to do was not troll. What a sad, pathetic person.
  10. Ya'll getting trolled.
  11. I know I don't really need to ask because you were just preparing the evidence. But let's see the evidence.
  12. Sure the tories can be voted out. Just not by the Scots.
  13. But now you come across as against independence. You prefer long term toryism to anything EU. Yes? No?
  14. I'm still waiting on a unionist to come in here with the intention of actually being serious. Instead we get people like you. A total waste of time. You've had more chances than anyone to present your case but you just prefer to troll instead.
  15. ^^^^^ makes fun of anyone who is more successful than him. That would be the majority of people.
  16. Trump calling someone a nut job. The irony meter just exploded.
  17. Malky is about the most embarrassing person on the internet. And when you're contending with Trump, that's quite the achievement.
  18. When the pandemic slows down and people finally have time to reflect and look at the stats, I think there'll be some repercussions.
  19. My three brother-in-laws will vote again for Trump. Even if he nukes a third world country for the fun of it, they will vote for him. Two of them are college educated. They're not stupid people and that's the scary fact. I wouldn't go as far as to say they are brainwashed. It's more like they are responsible for trying to brainwash others. They positively, absolutely, genuinely think they are doing the right thing.
  20. The parasite that causes malaria is nothing like a virus. If hydroxychloroquine is effective then it is down to a monumental piece of good luck.
  21. It won't. My brother in law thinks Trump has been selected by god. And that is not in any way a joke. Fucking depressing.
  22. When Trump said he could shoot a stranger in Times Square and nobody would care he was right. I'd be surprised if he came out of this with bad ratings no matter how many people die.
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