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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. When's that scheduled for? End of July? Ignoring Kilmarnock's disaster last season, it might actually to draw a Welsh team. Might be about the only place we're allowed to travel to (or NI or ROI).
  2. I'll take your word for it. I just assumed we'd miss out as we would have to be down the pecking order as we normally need to play a number of qualifying rounds.
  3. Great news but unfortunately I can't see us playing in Europe. I'll be very surprised if UEFA can fit in all the games and I think they'll skip the qualifiers and go straight to the group stages with the seeded clubs. Marvellous achievement to finish third with our budget though.
  4. It's not an animated film but a sci-fi weepie starring Jude Law about a robot boy who wants to be human. Full title is A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Full packet of hankies required (well, for my wife anyway).
  5. Spot on with the end of Toy Story 3 and Bambi's mum getting killed. I'm getting worse as I get older and find quite a few of the animated films get me like the beginning of Up. I mentioned this thread to my wife and her immediate response was A.I.
  6. This looked a cracking game. Great goal from Brewster before Dundee United score two own goals for Motherwell in an action-packed first half to win in a Tannadice undergoing reconstruction. Outstanding performance from Seib Dykstra.
  7. Devante Cole's miss on 33 seconds is quite something. Still don't know how he missed it. Reminds me a bit of this one.
  8. You only need to watch the first 50 seconds of this for an own goal to savour.
  9. I have to admit to briefly questioning my behaviour last night as i sat watching a re-run of the game in Katowice from 1991, complete with Polish commentary, as i was supposed to be watching a film with the kids. It was only one earphone in and on my phone at the side but I realised I hadn't probably gone too far when a wave of disappointment passed over me when they scored a free-kick in a game from 29 years ago that I knew the score from. There's no way we should have lost 2-0 to them as they weren't threatening that much despite having more possession (in the part of the game I saw) and Cooper and O'Donnell were easily the best players on the park. It was strange to see Cooper playing in a deeper role but he was dominating play form there, picking up the ball and spraying the passes around. Great work from the club to provide all the footage they did yesterday although I only dipped in and out of it.
  10. I've not heard any explanation of how many games we would have with the two proposals that seem to have been put forward but the Aberdeen chairman is right, this is not the right time to be discussing reconstruction. I don't understand how anyone could vote any proposal through when we have no idea when we will be able to start playing football again and therefore we have no idea how many games we will be able to play. As it is, there is a very good chance they will need to vote through a re-jigging of the league set-up to reduce the number of games due to the shortened time available. If this is a shambles just now, just imagine they voted through some sort of league reconstruction and then had to meet up again to change it because it had become unworkable. It's too early to be having any sort of discussions when they don't the parameters they are working to.
  11. Who's Martin on First Dates Hotel tonight that played for you? He's now 54.
  12. I'm not sure what you're suggesting "M" stands for but there's a big difference between thinking he should be dropped and having him in a team of the season. I said i like him but I wouldn't rate him as one of the top four midfielders in the country. If that was the case then he would be in the running for international call-ups.
  13. There are plenty of Motherwell supporters that wouldn't even have Polworth in their starting XI never mind in a team of the season. I like him but he's well away from this list.
  14. 4-1 down in the first half and Colin Nish running amok. No wonder the commentators are saying lots of Motherwell supporters are leaving.
  15. Impressive run back from Coke to beat Stokes and then.... oh, dear.
  16. Yes, 6th is the lowest position Motherwell could finish but technically Aberdeen could miss out on the top six and even finish close to the bottom if they lost every remaining game. Motherwell, Celtic and Rangers were all paid based on a 6th placed finish but all the other clubs (including Aberdeen) were paid for 12th position. If anything, Celtic and Rangers are the ones hard done to as they could argue their lowest possible positions are 2nd and 3rd respectively and could have been paid out on that basis.
  17. I had forgotten just how late Turnbull's goal was. What a goal it was too.
  18. I saw that last night and my wife said it was far too much detail. Anyway the adverts for Jan Stewart Pram Shop are so amateur they make me angry watching them.
  19. That's been on a few times before - really well put together documentary. Is it 3 parts? The details of what early doctors and scientists are really gruesome and we have a lot of today's medicine from trial and error experiments.
  20. I can't see the Premiership agreeing to cut the number of games by that much, especially when the average attendance is likely to reduce. I also don't think a 7/7 split works very well as it leaves one team in each half not playing on a particular match day, including the final game of the season. I think they're more likely to go for a 6/8 home and away split giving 36 and 40 games. It wouldn't surprise me if the two lower leagues just play each other 3 times giving 39 games.
  21. Has there been any details released for the proposed 3x14 divisions? How many games are they suggesting would be played?
  22. That's great that you're enjoying it. I'm very much a leisure cyclist but I would suggest not getting too hung up on timing at this stage (if ever). Just enjoy going at a speed you're comfortable with and taking in your surroundings. You'll be able to go further, find new routes and vary your existing ones by adding on a branch off in another direction. It's a great feeling to come back having discovered and enjoyed a new route. If you are interested in times I'd suggest recording your ride on Strava on similar which will let you see overall times and speeds. It'll also let you try to beat times on any segments of your routes that you ride regularly without getting too caught up on the speed for the overall ride.
  23. What was the justification for the DUP guy being on? Is he a spokesman for one of their supporters' groups or does he hold some other Rangers-related position?
  24. I found it interesting to see some of the teams that appeared early on in the chart which tracked Premiership points with Clydebank and Ayr making brief appearances and Falkirk, Dunfermline and Airdrie jockeying for position before Airdrie eventually dropped off the table. We really need to get some football played again so Motherwell can get off the not-so-coveted 1690 points total.
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