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Everything posted by Jacky1990

  1. So thats us signed a right back, aggressive centre mid and a striker. Good to see that McCall is making signings to target our weak areas and not just making random signings.
  2. Im not seeing your point. You are slagging us for being below Arbroath. A team you have just failed to beat. League One forum for your pish please.
  3. No. You are paying more than most Championship teams to deservedly sit a full division below Arbroath and Alloa. Just you focus on beating Forfar next week sweetheart.
  4. Thats the spirit. While we are at it, we know most people are secretly racist so people should stop pretending to be offended and let people make their monkey chants. Fucking idiot.
  5. With the exception of being in the right place at the right time to score goals (hopefully).
  6. He has the advantage of not being Kenny "point and shout" Miller so thats a start
  7. Get them two in plus a new right back and a winger and we would be well set IMO. Time to get some more of the dross punted now.
  8. They'll be liquidated again within the 2.5 years so we shouldn't have anything to worry about.
  9. What? Its hardly unusual for a club to insert a buy back clause or first option clause when selling young players with potential. However I do realise the idea of receiving any sort of transfer fee might be an alien concept to an Ayr fan.
  10. Excellent to get Rudden confirmed. Not a big fan of McCall brown nosing Rangers* though. Can only hope it is with a view to getting more players off them, hopefully Nathan Patterson on loan.
  11. If the Scottish media get a nomination for this it would surely be Joey Barton. Most pundits choice for POTY, only to be unceremoniously punted by January.
  12. Storey/Sammon - I remember being away for work and seeing the news they had both signed. Think we expected one of the two to sign and i would have been happy with either so was delighted to get both. The top 6 surely beckoned again with a strike force of Doolan, Sammon and Storey. Que relegation and Storey spending two years looking like he had never seen a football before. Adam Barton - remember reading an article about him while he was still at Preston (I think) about how he didnt really like football. Thought he'd get found out by the pace of the game up here. But ended up playing a big part in us getting top 6. Reverted to type in his second season but still better than expected.
  13. Photo or it didny happen, amma right?! But honestly man, take the rest of the day off. It doesn't matter if Weir thought we played in black and white and called us Patrick to his mates. He shared some of his wealth with our club, helping is to become debt free and revolutionising our youth system. That is all that matters. May he rest in peace. End of story.
  14. Was only pulling your chain. Both Rudden and DKD would be excellent signings. Plus both are young with decent sell on value if they do well.
  15. Any time I've seen him he has looked like a competition winner. IMO he'll start slipping down the leagues over the next few years and end up at a mid table League 1 / upper League 2 team.
  16. This bickering over Colin Weir's financial involvement post his death needs to stop. We are incredibly fortunate that a multi million pound lottery winner chose to invest in our club. Now that he has sadly passed away, there is surely no guarantee of any further investment from the Weirs. Until we hear otherwise, as a club I trust that we havent been solely relying on the Weirs to stay competitive and that we are financially fine to continue to move forward.
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/50896434 "Rangers* announce partnership with Orange County" Thats like something out of Only An Excuse. An absolute parody of a club.
  18. Caldwell's the type of p***k that would talk about what good a job he did to get us into the top 10.
  19. Wait, do Rangers* officially call themselves the famous? Not just their fans being weirdos? Hahaha what a riddy
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