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Ray Patterson

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Everything posted by Ray Patterson

  1. The Hibs one would be alright if it didn't have the shitey white bits on the side. Looks very mid-2000s, and not in a good way - I expect to see Ivan Sproule in it now. Full expect both of United's to be terrible given that we've partnered with some dodgy online casino
  2. A joint bid with Indonesia seems more likely apparently.
  3. Prediction: the FC Edinburgh name will be changed within 24 months.
  4. The 2030 Bid of Bulgaria-Romania-Serbia-Greece is proper nightmare fuel stuff. Only two suitable stadiums between the four countries as of now, and they're wanting to host the World Cup.
  5. What's this about Eni Aluko being a tory, I've missed this?
  6. As an away fan to Somerset fairly recently, I would say it's one of the best away places in the country because of it's historic status. There's seating available for those who need it in the Main Stand, as well as Covered Terracing behind the goal which is perfect. The only thing which could be improved is the toilets. The new stand/cover looks great and you guys should be proud of it.
  7. What's happening around Division 4? Is it being continued for next season as it's own league outside of the system, or will it be fully incorporated as the basement division with promotion and relegation (subject to ground status)
  8. Poor Liam, feel for him a bit already. Hopefully he's not this season's Dr Alex/Hugo Gemma is not great.
  9. Suppose there's nothing stopping the SPFL from changing the rule in question from next season onwards. Rangers can't veto it.
  10. Random Guy is the voice of reason, that's how mental some of you are. Hope you're happy.
  11. Couldn't see a thread for it, but watching Belgium vs Netherlands on Premier. Didn't know VAR was used for the Nations League, is just for League A or is it all the games.
  12. Not EOS but https://www.facebook.com/Official.Lochee/posts/412014950932000?__cft__[0]=AZUo3J_x2or3K89lf7m0zcwGBrKXcYRg0XLrUh-ZI9K2wO2vKQqwfLXT-3tNtoGnU_X5bDz8hJvD4KkZiHYYWD42KlS9DotYzOKpq8LIy--HPtAY1mx3GjMXCokTFKA0K1U&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
  13. Chris Iwelumo is similar - albeit considerably smarter than Ferguson. I suppose Ally McCoist is the best example of it.
  14. No it isn't that's just the sides that come in at that round - some of which - such as Panathinaikos and Hadjuk Split would be unseeded. The closest list we have subject to other rounds is this
  15. Probably the 45 minutes Tim Akinola played for us, very much caused me to have a heads gone.
  16. 1. Not working overtime isn't holding the country to ransom 2. Maybe ScotRail shouldn't be so chronically understaffed that one union not working overtime stops 1/3rd of the rail services in the country
  17. I'm sorry but Al Lamont really shouldn't be commentator, fine on like the final game on Sportscene, but there's better comms at BBC Scotland for the live games and "feature" highlights.
  18. Unfortunately not - or face a UEFA fine. It's the same music as the Europa League.
  19. Only pitch invasion I've been involved in was at Ross County earlier in the month, which really seemed to boil the piss of Malkkky Mackay so job done.
  20. Inverness have been utter dug meat - will enjoy them preventing Dundee promotion next season.
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