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Leith Green

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Everything posted by Leith Green

  1. I think they are called Liimo (?) but I agree, thought it was a good version.
  2. Apparently the guests are James McFadden and Ian McCall
  3. And one got a yellow for it, thus demonstrating that all managers will say whatever fits their narrative whenever a mic is pointed toward them.
  4. It felt like it to me.................although probably a justified payback for all the times he has swandived in and around the box over his career.
  5. Possibly, but perhaps Jackson also needs to reflect that - as a journalist for over 25 years - he shouldnt really be writing nonsense like this either - "And let’s be brutally honest, they infiltrated it in vast numbers. Back in the 70s and 80s almost every boys’ club had a dangerous, dubious character floating around somewhere, either on its periphery or, in some cases, at its helm." He is a slavering erse and always will be.
  6. I think its plain to see that Jack Ross doesnt do carbs. Hence I cant see him holding a potato - hot, or otherwise, this season. Dont thank me.
  7. 30 point penalty, recalculated places on PPG then call the league is what I am hearing
  8. Is anyone going to grass McInnes up for driving round Aberdeen putting banners up?
  9. Even if you are relatively "ok" the terms for this loan make it a wee bit of a no brainer. Its probably Rangers who havent applied, because they dont want to have to tell their idiot fans that they took "SNP" money.
  10. Were Saints players asking Celtic players for their shirts there?
  11. We need someone everyone respects to start talking about this blight on the game
  12. Roses are red Violets are blue Bennett is single So what else is new?
  13. I dont hate Goodwin - and in an ideal (lets call it amatuer) world, all players would stay on their feet even when thugs take their legs. But he is wrong about this issue. Did you hear the ex pros pissing themselves laughing at his suggestion that players shouldnt go down in the box earlier? Did you hear David Templeton on OtB earlier today? He pointed out that no professional will turn down the chance to win a penalty because, Duh, its their job to win matches and points. There is also a world of difference between going down when you feel the contact - like Murphy and Erwin did, and throwing yourself to the ground when there has been no contact at all - which is basically what you and Goodwin are suggesting Murphy did. Goodwin also commented on Murphys pen v Aberdeen saying he cheated, which was analysed by 3 people on Sportscene and every single one said it was a penalty. Perhaps they were also in the wrong, like me? And to reiterate, I like Goodwin, but dont agree with his stance here.
  14. He was a bawhair from scoring via a deflection against us last week.
  15. Fucks sake Ric get your head out your arse - the issue is that Murphy didnt cheat, nobody at the time said hee haw, no commentators mentioned it - the only person stating it is you radge of a manager has called him a cheat - which is utterly outrageous. That your wee pals havent jumped on this issue is not unsurprising as about half of them on the match thread thought it was a pen, soft but a pen.
  16. Goodwin has called Taylor and Murphy cheats. He was asked about his own players and shat it when offered the opportunity to land one on them too. If he was being as even handed as you suggest, he would have said to Kenny Mac "Yes, we got a really soft one in the Erwin incident, and also had Obika carded for diving" Instead, he doubled down on the ridiculous assertion that he tries to do the right thing and its everyone else is cheating. Perhaps Taylor and Murphy "felt contact" as - according to your dingull of a manager, thats fine? The problem for me is that he doesnt know that, but despite that lack of knowledge, calls them cheats. Great contribution
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