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Everything posted by Kempes

  1. On first read, I thought this read that Dundee United signed Frank Carson last season. Tbs, he would have been an improvement.
  2. I don’t believe Robbo would let Carson go and bring in Hemming as his replacement. Maybe Jamie Langfield could enlighten us. Jamie are you out there, we need some reassurance!
  3. Be sad to see Baccus go, but good luck to him. He has been a real asset to the club, on and off the pitch, in his short time in Paisley. Whilst we had problems dealing with the previous regime at Bolton, their fans had nothing to do with that. Good club, good fans, good stadium…we might even arrange a friendly down there. We move on though, next…
  4. Just don’t let on that Olusanya is our best player. So much potential.
  5. The thread will now be shutdown temporarily, to allow members who have referred to Charlie D as a bomb scare to edit their posts…
  6. Saints and Killie being linked with Olufunwa, young centre-back or right-sided defender at Liverpool.
  7. They obviously want to get all their ‘dhucks’ in a row before they unveil their management team.
  8. With Cancola gone, who will tell your players how to take throw-ins?
  9. No doubt there would have been some clubs in the Championship watching to see how he got on today. Played well, I hear, so maybe there will be more interest.
  10. A true legend of the Scottish game. They don’t make centre halfs like him any more. True gent off the pitch too, so particularly sad that he had poor health in his latter years. Here’s hoping that the football associations learn some lessons as we have lost too many good guys too soon. RIP big Gord
  11. And here was me thinking this was a thread about who will be the next Celtic manager…
  12. New owner pending…hope it’s positive news for the Accies.
  13. Excellent news. I was getting so fed up with our Managers leaving just as I had renewed my season ticket. Makes a very nice change. Just need to draw a line under this nonsense about Kibble, so we can all pull in the same direction. COYS!
  14. I’m glad you let Killie throw their dosh at Deas, County need to keep their money for Brophy.
  15. Doolan was able to select the same players, in a system that was working, for several consecutive games. For various reasons, he didn't really have many options in terms of substitutions. The strategy worked whilst they were scoring first, playing with confidence and keeping clean sheets. The test was always going to be when they conceded. Doolan really had to rely on the same, tired players, giving everything they had whilst remaining calm in the heat of battle. County had decent options to refresh their team, whilst Doolan's lads just ran out of steam. I'm sure most folk were amazed that Malky left Simon Murray on the bench for so long, so don't be too harsh on Doolan.
  16. Predictable response, but way off the mark. We have a good academy setup but it could be better. That’s all I am saying…
  17. I’m pretty sure that the Covid shutdown had a negative impact on our older age groups, but poor communication, misguided advice, and tokenistic educational input all played a part.
  18. I’d also heard some disappointing feedback from a parent of a young guy who was at the academy. I would not want to name names, but the young man chose to leave and now plays elsewhere whilst he is at university. He was in the academy for some time, with ‘LJ’ and Ethan, but had had enough. Suppose there will always be some negative feedback from young players and their parents, even in the best academies.
  19. Congratulations to Jimbo on winning the Scottish Football Writers media award. Top man, well deserved and young Lewis is also doing a good job. What a club!
  20. I take it ‘almost’ every goal refers to those scored by ten of the SPL clubs but not the Old Firm.
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