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What are you on about? It's an interesting question posed by a friend.

Im pulling your leg, son. ;)

To answer your question, if I walked in on my burd being spooned by some guy I wouldn't be best pleased, and vis versa I suppose.

Edit: so its not cheating, but its no very clever is it?

Edited by jamamafegan4
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Short cuddle = OK

Prolonged cuddle/spooning = Not advisable

Sexual intercourse = Definite no


That made me laugh probably more than it should have.

Edited by mattydfc
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Thinking of getting an extension built to the rear of the house. Looking at brick built, single storey, approx a box which is 20 square metres. Need a ballpark figure for getting someone to build it before getting quotes. Any very rough guides? Had a few folk say £1000/sq m.

No idea, but don't forget to get Planning permission. Last thing you want is to pay them costs and be made to take it down!

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Is spooning considered cheating? Mate was wondering, like.

depends how cold it is,if you can pass it off as necessary for warmth then it'd just about be fine. It's a very intimate thing though, and I reckon my wife would rather i got some bint to wrap her jowels round ma boaby than have me cuddle up to another woman all night.

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Does anyone know where I can get an A0 poster printed in Glasgow? It needs to be done to a fairly good standard, because I'm presenting it at a conference.

I'd ideally need to have it by Thursday.

I was just going to get it printed at the Uni, but it's going to be £70 there :o .

My uni dept only charged me £20 for an A0 poster, including lamination. Not sure if that was subsidised though as it was for part of a course presentation. I print these off at work on the plotter and I'm pretty sure it doesn't cost nearly that per sheet. Uni's in general seem to rip students off for printing. We used to have to buy credit for the printer and it was about 10p a page I think.

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My uni dept only charged me £20 for an A0 poster, including lamination. Not sure if that was subsidised though as it was for part of a course presentation. I print these off at work on the plotter and I'm pretty sure it doesn't cost nearly that per sheet. Uni's in general seem to rip students off for printing. We used to have to buy credit for the printer and it was about 10p a page I think.

Our department pay for our posters. Up yees all. 8)

On another note, see naming your variables "A", "B", and "C", it sounds like a wonderful efficient idea, but 12 months on, when you look at the data files for the first time in a year, it doesn't seem nearly so clever. <_<

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Chance of me being able to play a four chord song on guitar by next saturday if I put in about an hour and a half a night? Bearing in mind the first time i ever picked one up was last night?

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Chance of me being able to play a four chord song on guitar by next saturday if I put in about an hour and a half a night? Bearing in mind the first time i ever picked one up was last night?

An hour and a half a night should see you make a fair bit of progress, but bear in mind your fingers of your left hand (assuming that you're right handed) are going to hurt like hell. If you can get through that until the callouses form, you'll do alright.

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Chance of me being able to play a four chord song on guitar by next saturday if I put in about an hour and a half a night? Bearing in mind the first time i ever picked one up was last night?

Give this one a try, it's a cover by Jackson Browne, the cords also fit other songs .


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I've burried my head in the sand for to long and I have to face up to change. I have two portable TV's (the proper old fashioned box type) and I saw on the news tonight that the analogue signal is about to be switched off. All I need to know is am I right in thinking that I need to buy two digital set top boxes for these TVs? How much will it cost?

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I've burried my head in the sand for to long and I have to face up to change. I have two portable TV's (the proper old fashioned box type) and I saw on the news tonight that the analogue signal is about to be switched off. All I need to know is am I right in thinking that I need to buy two digital set top boxes for these TVs? How much will it cost?

I was in Tesco earlier and there were basic models on sale for £17.00

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Im not no. Its not the same version I dont think its only four chords repeating themselves that I got of ultimate guitar. Ill be sure to let you all know how it goes down next week.

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