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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Regular fans often mention apathy as a reason for our poor crowds. This is a bit of a red herring. Lack of interest affects all clubs to some degree. It's up to the club to put a team on the park to get people interested. Why would people be interested in a club that's just going through the motions with mid-table finish after mid-table finish?

On the financial side, I'd imagine the benchmark the occasional fans use is 'other forms of entertainment'. If they think £20 (or £18 for that matter) for 90 minutes of football is poor value then they won't attend. They possibly won't attend even if the team are playing well and winning, as seen by our crowds last year when we were playing well.

I think we're roughly on the same page here. We definitely have a stay away element of support, only turning out for the so called bigger games. Whether that's down to apathy, a lack of interest or whatever, it is what is. I don't think the club can reasonably do much more realistically to put bums on seats. With Rangers, Hearts, Hibs and now Dundee Utd in the league (add a strong Falkirk team into the mix), it's hard to see how we can be expected to do anything other than compete and push at higher end mid-table (ie 4th place). I wouldn't say it's going through the motions - 4th place last year in a league of 10 can be consider "mid table" and that was viewed as a success. Anyone expecting more is being unrealistic.

I see your point about benchmarking against other forms of entertainment but just don't agree with it. I can't imagine a scenario where someone has £20 to spend and has to choose between football, ice hockey, rugby, ticket for a couple of shows at the festival and decides to do one over the others as it offers more entertainment value? Ultimately they'll chose something that they would want to do the most. If someone really wanted to go to a game of football then they will and if not they won't. The price being £18 or £20 is neither here nor there - the overall cost of football in general is however, relatively expensive. But, that has nothing to do though, with a price increase for some games.
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10 hours ago, RavyDavy said:

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that my tongue in cheek attempt at humour has proven a little too high brow for you. Thanks for coming though, appreciate it.

Oh yeah, that's bang on RavyDavy. Yep that's correct, all the way.

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He did enough in League 1. 

27 for Ayr, then double figures for us, think it was about 12 or 13 in the league last season.

He is a skillful player and contributes on many levels, as well as scoring goals and providing invaluable service to the likes of Fais last season.

With Cardle, Williamson, Higginbotham, Reilly and others we'll see service to the front guys and he'll take his chances.

Not the full answer to our goal threat but a integral part of the Pars team. Anyone writing him off hasn't studied what he does or maybe know nowt about the game.

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50 minutes ago, Raithie said:

Hasn't this character already been given a ticking off for trolling threads?

Who's trolling? ....I'm giving fitbaw opinions and having a bit craic. So stop stirring the keech. 

Put me on block or ignore me, unless of course you'll run away to admin. Grow up.

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Rather a strange and infantile pair of questions.

No, genuinely... I'm struggling with it. You're either a roaster or simple. Currently I'm not sure whether I should dislike you or feel sorry for you.

Who's trolling? ....I'm giving fitbaw opinions and having a bit craic. So stop stirring the keech. 

Put me on block or ignore me, unless of course you'll run away to admin. Grow up.

Can you let me know when you post a valid opinion of any kind please? You're not really a position to be that specific.

As for "craic" - you're definitely stretching boundaries there chap.

Look, would you not rather be greeting about how El Bucktoothy has been disrespectful, etc over on your own threads rather than plaguing ours with your irrelevant wittering. Craic it is not...

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10 minutes ago, RavyDavy said:

No, genuinely... I'm struggling with it. You're either a roaster or simple. Currently I'm not sure whether I should dislike you or feel sorry for you.



Can you let me know when you post a valid opinion of any kind please? You're not really a position to be that specific.

As for "craic" - you're definitely stretching boundaries there chap.

Look, would you not rather be greeting about how El Bucktoothy has been disrespectful, etc over on your own threads rather than plaguing ours with your irrelevant wittering. Craic it is not...

Check my activity on my profile, mainly football opinions (strangely enough) and a couple of comments when I've been given unmitigated dung.

You're the one posting ridiculous questions and unsubstantiated insinuations. Articulate a valid point and I'll take you more seriously.

At the moment all you're coming up with is insults and questioning my mental health. You're clearly annoyed. Chill out, I'm fine.

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22 hours ago, foreverarover said:

Ok folks lets continue this discussion tomorrow, after the meet the board meeting announce a healthy profit again.


Right lads, get the thread back on track...

A poor set of financials given what was a successful season. 

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