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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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2 minutes ago, Wee Sandy said:

Will we be able to get rid of Davidson  now?

He's not one of the two years contracts is he?

Yesterday I could not believe that Hughes did not sub him.

 I can't remember Davidson putting  two passes together, everything he touched seemed to go to a Brechin player!1

Not only an absolute joke but has a huge Billy Big Boots attitude..


1 minute ago, Enigma said:


Get him to f**k. Hope he goes to East Fife. Will be great to have him playing for them against us gifting us possession.

I would take Easton as manager but he'd need an experienced assistant I'd say.... Jimmy Nic?


Agree re Davo. Substandard player who rarely shows up. He wasn't even that good when he had the legs, but even those are going now. There's no place for him going forward. Managers love him though for some reason. 

Could maybe try to get Billy Stark in as assistant. Even Robertson as a player/assistant would be fine with me. 

Frankly, I'm glad the season is over now. It's been long suffering and now we know where we stand to move forward. We should be doing everything in our power to keep our contracted players, and the board should take a one season hit and stay full time. They're the one's who made the decisions to take us down, so they should be the ones handling the consequences.  

Keep Cuthbert, Callachan, Matthews, Stewart, Vaughan and Bene. Get a few loan deals in, along with a good core of younger players/cast offs from top flight clubs. We simply must go back up at the first time of asking.

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As far as I can tell, this is our situation on the playing front:

In contract: Kevin Cuthbert, Jason Thomson, Ross Callachan, Kyle Benedictus. Mark Stewart, Lewis Vaughan, Bobby Barr, Ross Matthews, Iain Davidson

Out of contract: Kevin McHattie, Jean-Yves M'Voto, Chris Johnston, Scott Robertson, Scott Roberts, Rudi Skacel, Connor Brennan, Johnny Court, Pavel Penksa, presumably the entirety of the development squad

Loanees returning to parent clubs: Declan McManus, Jordan Thompson, Ryan Hardie

Unknown: Craig Barr - signed a one year deal with 'option' for another. 

Absolutely delighted to see more than a few of these guys f**k off. Only ones I feel sorry for are Court and the development team, who presumably will be let go unless the new manager feels they're good enough to supplement the first team.

Out of our under contract pile, I'd be pretty surprised to see a few of them lining up for us next season. Most will have some interest and the likes of Vaughan, Matthews and perhaps Callachan could even attract some form of pittance fee, if our board can even be arsed asking for one. Cuthbert is another that is clearly too good for that level, who will likely be on his way. Thomson I've always liked but has had such a poor season to the extent I'm not even sure I'm fussed about him, Davidson is, well, Davidson. 

The problem is there's almost no chance whatsoever our ever insightful and intelligent board have bothered to put relegation clauses into contracts so even anyone we'd like to keep, e.g. Bene and Bobby Barr, if there's any interest from even average clubs like Queen of the South or Livingston it might make sense just to let them go for nothing and try to use their wage to sign a couple of players. It wouldn't be a surprise to see uss lining up with only one or two faces from this season's squad. The new manager has one hell of a job. 

What an absolute clusterfuck of a cub we are. Cheers, Eric.

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The really sad thing about the people losing their jobs is they will be sacked by the guy who is responsible for this mess. Especially as he knows  full well that he himself  is untouchable end of the day the BOD can sack him as he is only a paid employee but they wont as they are spineless incompetent p***ks.

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38 minutes ago, Beastie Russell said:

His through ball set up the 3rd goal, but don't let that get in the way of your rant

So his performance all seaaon is acceptable because of one half decent pass that led to a meaningless goal. Can't fucking believe there are still people defending Davidson. He is an absolute p***k of a man as well as being absolute pish on the park. Get him to f**k. 

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O.K I think I have calmed down now. Whereas I am no fan of Mr Drysdale , I have already said he should walk, he is not alone in making the decisions that murdered us this season. The chairman and others need to have a long look at themselves as well. As a 1st div club do we need a full time C.E.O?

On the management front I would love Graig Easton but I fear it may be too soon for him. I would rather he continued to do the great job he is doing with the development lads and bring through some good players. It looks like time for a safe pair of hands and boring or not we would get that with McGlynn.

Players? I am in agreement with most on here about holding on to most of the contracted players. If we do intend to mix part/full time squad to bounce back up then we should try to keep guys like Vaughan. He could be our future.

Remember a few years ago we fans forced the hands of the board to change the manager by not renewing our season tickets? Perhaps if Eric does not go the same would work. To put all this into perspective I have been a fan for over 50 years and have never felt so let down by our leaders. We need change at all levels. NOW.

Edited by rrfsee
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I've tried staying silent. And yea I know " it's him". The idea that John McGlynn might be considered fills me with dread. We need a Young manager, see what I did there. A Young, Easton and Stark management team would be awesome. Players of definitely keep and hope to sign are Cuthbert, Bene, the 2 Barrs, Vaughan, Court, Berry, Stevenson and would love us to sign Hardie. Not a chance now as we're relegated. The rest can leave
ETA Matthews too

Can't see all three of young , stark and Easton. Too expensive.
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44 minutes ago, Beastie Russell said:

No, what I'm saying is the poster I quoted said every pass went to a Brechin player, that wasn't the case as he set up a goal.

he should have been off before Matthews yesterday, saw on FB that he has applied to be a fireman, so obviously planning for P/T

Well if that's true, Tuesday is probably going to be pretty fucking grim. 

We should be trying to run as close to FT as possible, though I've certainly no objections to us doing as we did under McGlynn when we were promoted. But if a player who actually is under contract is applying for jobs outside football, it is very worrying. 

Staying FT will involve a massive hit and I don't think we've anyone willing to take that hit. We've probably burned our bridges with extrrnal investment also due to the fucking Skacel debacle. What an utter waste that was, and frankly embarrassing after a public begging canpaign. 

Edited by Michael W
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1 hour ago, Frank conner said:

The really sad thing about the people losing their jobs is they will be sacked by the guy who is responsible for this mess. Especially as he knows  full well that he himself  is untouchable end of the day the BOD can sack him as he is only a paid employee but they wont as they are spineless incompetent p***ks.

and he's got a cooncillors wage to keep him going

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1 minute ago, Raithie said:

No doubt there will be cuts which begs the question if we'll even be able to afford to run the development squad meaning Easton's role could be on the line.

If Cowdenbeath can do it I am sure we can. We need to that should be the future of this club.

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1 hour ago, Beastie Russell said:

No, what I'm saying is the poster I quoted said every pass went to a Brechin player, that wasn't the case as he set up a goal.

he should have been off before Matthews yesterday, saw on FB that he has applied to be a fireman, so obviously planning for P/T

I said it "seemed" to go to a Brechin player!! One good pass in a match hardly acquits his dreadful performance overall.


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we have heard all year about digging deep for the development squad....I think its likely to be hit, that may mean first team opportunities for some (arguably too late), but the uncertainty will gave them exiring options. All the good positive work done for nothing. 

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Davidson is a scapegoat. He has never been liked by the fans. I'm a fan of him. A lot of personal insults flying around regarding davo. No one want to mention how awful Craig's Barr was yesterday... Or how over two legs m voto cost us three out the 4 goals. Hardie was none existent for large spells of that game yesterday. But we want to pick on the local lad. Yes he doesn't help himself out with gesturing to fans.. I don't agree with that but while certain players get away game after games hiding in games all davo needs to do is fart in the wrong direction and he gets dogs abuse. Just my opinion and I'm awaiting the pelters I'll get having voices it.

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Davo knows the fans don't like him and it shows with him doing stupid things like that yesterday. For all that he hasn't ever been a brilliant player he has always given his all for the club.

Iv moaned about drysdale before so won't bother aiming this straight at him but there needs to be changes within the board. For a few years it looked like it was all clicking off and on the pitch for us but if we can't post a profit the past few seasons then there's something wrong there.

One good aspect of this season is the likes of Matthews coming on to a game and looking like a first team player. Court has done enough to suggest he could be a useful striker next season aswell. If we can keep the likes of Vaughan and callachan then that's a good core of our own young players. Add cuthbert and the rest that are signed up and the only thing stopping us bouncing back is another pish appointment from the board.

Thank f**k yogi is gone. Seems like he is just an arsehole. His idiotic interview after the saints game summed him up. Lots of people who aren't rovers fans applauding his honesty while the likes of cuthbert who is by all accounts a model pro lays into him yesterday.

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