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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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As covered, a pretty uninspiring interview. Quite right he says he will consider his position, seems strange the chairman has been given such an easy ride compared to the CEO. They should both go after this season.

I agree there is a lot of stuff to be sorted regarding players and manager and now is not the time for turmoil in the boardroom. However, can these people really be trusted to oversee these decisions over the next few weeks that will define our future? If they appoint another dud manager and let half our contracted players walk away for free before they consider their future later in the summer then the damage is already done. 

On a positive note, fair play to the interviewer, thought he handled it well. Asked most of the questions we all wanted answered which must be easier said than done when you work so closely with these people.

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6 minutes ago, Leggy Blonde said:

"...the only interest (in Vaughan) came from Dumbarton.. and at that time, we weren't intending on getting relegated.."

That's just not true. There was interest from Brechin. The decision to send him to Dumbarton was a financial one and Drysdale has his fingers all over that one.

On the point of the interview panel, certain board members were excluded from the interview process by Drysdale.

Why does this man exert so much power at Stark's?

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That's just not true. There was interest from Brechin. The decision to send him to Dumbarton was a financial one and Drysdale has his fingers all over that one.
On the point of the interview panel, certain board members were excluded from the interview process by Drysdale.
Why does this man exert so much power at Stark's?

How do you know there was interest from Brechin?

Also, how do you know certain board members were excluded from the interview process?

I'm not having a go, I'm just curious..
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I spoke to a director.

ETA He told me that there was interest from Brechin and that he was not selected to be on the interview panel. Those who did the selecting selected themselves.

Edited by Beachbum
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That's just not true. There was interest from Brechin. The decision to send him to Dumbarton was a financial one and Drysdale has his fingers all over that one.
On the point of the interview panel, certain board members were excluded from the interview process by Drysdale.
Why does this man exert so much power at Stark's?

With all respect even if Brechin were interested, would they have been able to afford his wages? I know Dumbarton aren't cash rich but they surely have a greater budget than Brechin. Would he have wanted to go to a lower division and halt his development?
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Very candid stuff to be fair, can't have been easy to do that less than a day after being relegated.

I thought there was going to be tears at the start!

The interviewer did well IMO, asked some tough questions.

Only bit I'd question was the assertion that it was not possible to terminate the loan of Lewis Vaughan at Dumbarton.

Any internal loan can be terminated by the parent club at any time is my understanding.

"Loans" from other associations aren't actually loans, they are temporary transfers, so they can't be recalled, but internally within an association a loan can be terminated at any time as far as I am aware.

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If we're talking money, how much does the difference between what Dumbarton and Brechin could afford to pay compare with the cost of relegation? On his development, the only person who hindered that was Gary Locke.

However, the point made was that the only interest came from Dumbarton and it was not, according to said director.

It's a bit like the David Bates transfer - who do you believe, Drysdale or Locke.

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19 minutes ago, R.R.FC said:

As covered, a pretty uninspiring interview. Quite right he says he will consider his position, seems strange the chairman has been given such an easy ride compared to the CEO. They should both go after this season.

On a positive note, fair play to the interviewer, thought he handled it well. Asked most of the questions we all wanted answered which must be easier said than done when you work so closely with these people.

I understood that more as "I'll consider my position [and quit when I want. I've already considered it] but now isn't the time". Re. the interview: agreed - I thought he did well. Would liked him to have pushed more on the CEO's part in all the decisions.

I thought the Chairman's comments were a bit strange re. "footballing people". He said they'll consult different footballing people as it's a different person we're interested in. Does that mean they just asked Gary Locke's mates if he was any good and they all said "yes".

Sounds like he plans on having Vaughan around next season, (although guess won't stand in his way if he wants to leave...).

Good that we're planning on keeping the Development Squad ring-fenced. But again, strange comments re. down to the new managed whether or not he wants to utilise them.

Also sounds like they'll maybe close the North Stand. Guess don't need segregation for any game other than East Fife!

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9 minutes ago, Div said:

Very candid stuff to be fair, can't have been easy to do that less than a day after being relegated.

I thought there was going to be tears at the start!

The interviewer did well IMO, asked some tough questions.

Only bit I'd question was the assertion that it was not possible to terminate the loan of Lewis Vaughan at Dumbarton.

Any internal loan can be terminated by the parent club at any time is my understanding.

"Loans" from other associations aren't actually loans, they are temporary transfers, so they can't be recalled, but internally within an association a loan can be terminated at any time as far as I am aware.

He did say "as far as they understood, within the club, they couldn't recall him". As our CEO is the one who would probably do any recall, and is on the SPFL board, then they don't have much option other than to believe him - even if he's wrong!

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4 minutes ago, invocr said:

Also sounds like they'll maybe close the North Stand. Guess don't need segregation for any game other than East Fife!

W could almost have squeezed every game into the main stand this season, nevermind next :( 

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9 minutes ago, Div said:

Very candid stuff to be fair, can't have been easy to do that less than a day after being relegated.

I thought there was going to be tears at the start!

The interviewer did well IMO, asked some tough questions.

Only bit I'd question was the assertion that it was not possible to terminate the loan of Lewis Vaughan at Dumbarton.

Any internal loan can be terminated by the parent club at any time is my understanding.

"Loans" from other associations aren't actually loans, they are temporary transfers, so they can't be recalled, but internally within an association a loan can be terminated at any time as far as I am aware.


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4 minutes ago, invocr said:

He did say "as far as they understood, within the club, they couldn't recall him". As our CEO is the one who would probably do any recall, and is on the SPFL board, then they don't have much option other than to believe him - even if he's wrong!

A bit like the goalkeeping farce as well where they could have applied to get a further loan in such an emergency situation, then said they couldn't.

Someone needs their arse kicked at Raith Rovers.

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10 minutes ago, Div said:

Very candid stuff to be fair, can't have been easy to do that less than a day after being relegated.

I thought there was going to be tears at the start!

The interviewer did well IMO, asked some tough questions.

Only bit I'd question was the assertion that it was not possible to terminate the loan of Lewis Vaughan at Dumbarton.

Any internal loan can be terminated by the parent club at any time is my understanding.

"Loans" from other associations aren't actually loans, they are temporary transfers, so they can't be recalled, but internally within an association a loan can be terminated at any time as far as I am aware.

@Skyline Drifter

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Just now, Div said:

A bit like the goalkeeping farce as well where they could have applied to get a further loan in such an emergency situation, then said they couldn't.

Someone needs their arse kicked at Raith Rovers.

Preferably out the door.

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6 minutes ago, Div said:

Only bid I'd question was the assertion that it was not possible to terminate the loan of Lewis Vaughan at Dumbarton.

Any internal loan can be terminated by the parent club at any time is my understanding.

"Loans" from other associations aren't actually loans, they are temporary transfers, so they can't be recalled, but internally within an association a loan can be terminated at any time as far as I am aware.

I have covered this on here before but to an extent you are right. Any domestic loan can be cancelled at any time BUT:

1 - It needs all three parties to agree to cancel it, parent club, borrowing club AND player. Parent club cant just cancel it on their own; and

2 - Whilst it could be cancelled, if done after 31st January, the player would not then be eligible to play for the parent club at first team level either.

So it COULD have been cancelled but it would have needed Vaughan and Dumbarton to agree to it and would have condemned Vaughan to playing Development League or not at all for the rest of the season.

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