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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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If you guys are doing any fundraising, give us a shout. Can't have Rovers going to the wall.


can you arrange a sponsored "set fire to Sammy & his tank"??biggrin.gif

If your serious though the next item on the fundraising agenda is Decembeard, if you fancy growing some

whiskers for the wee team?

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Spot on

Surely the Trust would be better spent speaking to their boardmember to fidn out important thing like leve of debt on at least a quaterly basis, so none of this would be a shock to anyone.

Its really beyod a joke the state of RRFC, and the stewardship that has happend to the club in the last 28 years, I actually have a copy of the FFP from our centenary which outlines the financial problems we had then and that prodcuing youth players was the only way out.

28 years later we are in the same boat, so is RRFC really a viable business ? and if its not is it time to say 'that's all folks '

Over the last 17 years, our stewardship could be considered reckless at best. We've had a decent wee club who've been lumbered with unrealistic expectations. I don't think anyone needs to be told about how our glory years were financially our worst in the long term.

However, the last five years we've been guilty of just thinking our club will be fine. The blame partially lies with many supports, who have assumed that as we ascended up the tables our club have been doing well enough, and that we just needed a wee break financially such as a cup run which we got. Last season was unexpected, but then I think we're suffering the hangover now.

We really need for the board to start being brutally truthful. Like them or not, we need for them to come out and tell it as it is. We can't keep letting this go on, we get the occasional report off the FFP that there is a problem at the club and then we get no clarity. On both here and fantalk, people have come up with a few fundraising ideas, yet we've heard nothing from the board over their long term strategy. I think in the last 28 years we've had no long term strategy, other than as you say, youth players and cup ties. We need to start looking at where we can go. Frankly, as each press report comes out I'm becoming less and less impressed with the board. Yes, Caira and Hutton have been digging deep to keep the club afloat, but why aren't haven't they been saying this before now rather than when we're getting lower gates than we've budgeted for.

As it stands, each news report is crushing. All I hope for is that in a couple of years I still have a club to support. I've only gone to Raith games since 2005, when Anelka first came along. I've had some fantastic days and nights all over Scotland. I might be coming across all Bladerunner-esque, but I've seen us play non-league teams in the cup down in Castle Douglas in horrendous weather, I've seen us go up to Aberdeen with our captain in a car-crash, and with one recognised defender on the pitch who was fully fit as Stephen Simmons and Mark Ferry played in defence, and win. I've had some fantastic memories over the past 6 years, even if from time to time I come out wondering why. I'd be truly crushed if that was taken away from me. :(

So, in short, I hope the board stop being so stubborn. Come out and tell us as it is, I'd rather hear them come out and admit 'we should take action now', than when we're hurtling into administration. We don't have the resources of Dundee, and the ability to hold onto players like Harkins and Griffiths and trim the squad, as we have nothing left. If we're deducted points, and we're forced to release players, then we're going to be utterly fucked. :(

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28 years later we are in the same boat, so is RRFC really a viable business ? and if its not is it time to say 'that's all folks '

Sorry, but that's a shite attitude to take. Even if they have to go part time to survive would you stop supporting the club?

I've just watched an enjoyable Fife Cup Final finish 3-0 to the Rovers. Very impressed by Brian Graham whose 2nd goal of his hat-trick was worth the bargain £6 ticket price alone, a lovely curling effort on the turn into the top corner from 20 yards. An epic battle of which manager had the shiniest baldy heid in the dugouts also. Just the main stand open for both sets of fans and even then plenty of spaces unfortunately. It's a shame that more people in the town don't take more pride in what is a great wee club. Seems to reflect the lack of pride in the town generally which in my opinion has so much potential but just seems to be allowed to decline further and further. Kind of lost track of what I was trying to say now so I'll just sign off by congratulating the Rovers and their fans on winning some silverware and a good evening's entertainment.

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Again today, I apologise for playing broken records, but part time football is, unfortunately, the way forward if the club wants to break even. I'm not advocating a fully PT squad, but a return to the set up we had on promotion is more sensible than our current attempts. I was pretty annoyed with Hutton's comments in the FFP regarding PT football - he more or less compared us with Elgin, which I thought was very disingenuous. Add that into his 'what do the fans want?' quote, and it appears we're back to the time honoured guilt trip on the fans.

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Kind of lost track of what I was trying to say now so I'll just sign off by congratulating the Rovers and their fans on winning some silverware and a good evening's entertainment.

The important thing is, did you take a photo of a scoreboard or even the stands to confirm what was going on? They normally have a 15-year half-life for success-starved clubs like Raith.

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Sorry, but that's a shite attitude to take. Even if they have to go part time to survive would you stop supporting the club?

I've just watched an enjoyable Fife Cup Final finish 3-0 to the Rovers. Very impressed by Brian Graham whose 2nd goal of his hat-trick was worth the bargain £6 ticket price alone, a lovely curling effort on the turn into the top corner from 20 yards. An epic battle of which manager had the shiniest baldy heid in the dugouts also. Just the main stand open for both sets of fans and even then plenty of spaces unfortunately. It's a shame that more people in the town don't take more pride in what is a great wee club. Seems to reflect the lack of pride in the town generally which in my opinion has so much potential but just seems to be allowed to decline further and further. Kind of lost track of what I was trying to say now so I'll just sign off by congratulating the Rovers and their fans on winning some silverware and a good evening's entertainment.

Spot on, there are far too many people who claim to be interested but are far too quick to make their excuses when it comes to actually putting their hand in their pocket.

There are those that say they won't go because £17 is too expensive, and, fair enough, some people genuinely can't afford that, but given the costs the club faces that is the price they have to charge. You could reduce the price to £10 and most of them still wouldn't turn up (at least regularly anyway) because there would just be some other excuse. We'd have to more or less double our attendance to make it worth it and it's just not going to happen.

Tonight was another chance to try and get some money into the club, and only a couple of hundred people could be bothered to go down. The team are trying to play good football, the club itself is trying to be more transparent (hence the open meeting) but people just can't be bothered. But those people will sit behind a computer and slate the team, the club or whatever they can.

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Most people appreciate why the costs are as such, even if they don't like them. Sadly, whilst they are necessary, it would be foolish to ignore the fact they do put people off.

The criticism of the club is perfectly valid. What attempts have they made to increase our attendances, rather than bumping their gums and laying the guilt trip on the fans? I see on FanTalk that supporters have, in a commendable move, begun putting up posters to advertise matches; basic stuff, yet not something that the club ever tried.

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The important thing is, did you take a photo of a scoreboard or even the stands to confirm what was going on? They normally have a 15-year half-life for success-starved clubs like Raith.

As if they had scoreboards in 1922...haha..!

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The important thing is, did you take a photo of a scoreboard or even the stands to confirm what was going on? They normally have a 15-year half-life for success-starved clubs like Raith.


There you go. Was that the reaction you were looking for. Do you feel emboldened? Feel that you are somebody now? Excellent. Glad to have been of service. I should really be NHS funded.

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Haven't seen the FFP but as others have said the 7 minutes thing was said by TH.

Not really sure what people are expecting here. The open meeting was the Board telling it like it is. So anyone telling them to come clean and give it to us straight obviously wasn't at the meeting or hasn't bothered to read the notes of the meeting which are on the Trust website.

First Division football simply isn't financially sustainable give the current economic conditions. Crowds are dwindling and the money clubs get from the football authorities has been cut by 30%. Add in the loss of two Pars games and it's no wonder the club is staring at losses. People can moan all they like about the supporters groups but at least they are getting off their arses and raising money for the club. Something they do year in year out.

It's ok saying they should be boosting crowds and marketing the club better and to a certain extent I agree but that's a hit like pushing water up hill. I know people who have given up on the Rovers and only show for big games. There's a recession on and money is tight, something's got to give and for many it's the Rovers. By no means unique to us. Look around and crowds are dwindling all over, even at our supposed Giants in Glasgow. It's chicken and egg. They could fit the price but would more people come and then start coming regularly? John Boyle tried it at Motherwell and in the long term it was a failure. If we reduced it to £12 or £10 then by Christmas we'd still be back to the diehards just paying less money.

On the agreement thing yes it's just words but the stuff on ownership is worth being there. If it had been written down at the time then it might just have stopped the whole Anelka farce. And it's not cost anyone anything to write it down so it's worth a punt and to be fair to the trust they did invest money recently so it's not as if they were writing this and doing nothing else. It's easy to bitch and moan about

everything from the sidelines but harder to try doing something positive. And the trust, fifes finest, the 200 club etc etc are at least doing something

But the bottom line is we like many others in this division aren't sustainable in our current form. Wages is where the cuts will come which will mean falling down the divisions. Are folk prepared to accept that so we balance the books? I would be if it means we have a long term future.

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The important thing is, did you take a photo of a scoreboard or even the stands to confirm what was going on? They normally have a 15-year half-life for success-starved clubs like Raith.

If that post was being gauged on Box Office worthyness, it'd be the equivalent of, 'Nightmare on Elm Street 18: Freddy Can't Be Arsed Chibbing Sleepy Teenagers'.

A Wes Craven film where Freddy sits on a comfy couch not invading folks dreams for an hour and a half.

What I'm trying to say is that you are rubbish.

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We made such a big loss due to our squad overperforming last year and the club paying out unexpected win bonuses! Your club went bust whilst not even paying basic wages so f**k off with the moral high ground crap. ;)

What a load of shite. :lol: The point was though that the moral high ground from dickheads spouting that pish about Livi doesn't look so moralistic now.

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If you guys are doing any fundraising, give us a shout. Can't have Rovers going to the wall.

Funny you say that mate we are looking into a fundraising event involving supporters of all the Fife teams. Still trying to sort out dates and stuff but will keep you posted.

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The important thing is, did you take a photo of a scoreboard or even the stands to confirm what was going on? They normally have a 15-year half-life for success-starved clubs like Raith.

sure being a supporter of a super power such as Morton u can look after us little teams to give u a sense of achievement

How about we ask people to play pin the tail on the donkey say £5 a go. You can be the donkey and instead of a pin we use a nailgun?

Yup before you ask Andy il take your credit card payment ;-)

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