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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Murrays big test started after losing the unbeaten record to Dundee 3 months ago.

He and the team have failed that test miserably. I fail to see how on earth we get things on track. There is a woeful attitude problem throughout the squad.

When you see Spence, Fox, Cardle et al slog their way through another game, and then see one of our most skillful and talented players get nowhere near the side.....baffling.

Times up for me. That interview sums it all up.

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While we're at it, The Board get an easy ride at Stark's Park these days. A while ago on Fantalk there was talk of a 'vision' for Raith Rovers. Well, it's about time we heard what this vision is. At the moment it seems to be to float about at the bottom of the league and flirt with relegation until our luck runs out and we are relegated. What is the grand plan?

If you look at our history, this is where we spend most of our time, flirting at the bottom of the 1st/championship. Until, we turn our finances round, that's where we will stay.

Whilst ambition is critical, we can't afford to 'live the dream'.

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I know we can't live the dream, but Livi, queens, Dumbarton and Alloa are all above us.... Teams that haven't exactly pushed the boat out.

The losses of McGurn, Watson and more recently Elliot have really ruined our earlier season form .

The sooner Watson is back the better. Hopefully Elliot is back for the Falkirk game as well.

Spence can just leave, those Berwick reserves must have been absolutely pish if he scored 2 goals against them. He would get marked out the game by a five year old.

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Can't agree about the criticism towards the Board. They have performed well over the last few years - cutting costs when we needed to, living within our means and actually making a profit last year. We are one of the better run clubs at this level. Then there is the stance the Chairman took on the Rangers which showed a bit of integrity. They have also given the manager the resources to assemble a reasonably decent squad, even if it is under performing at the moment. Murray might have been the cheap option but there was also a logic to the decision as it provided continuity and sometimes young, unproven player managers can work out (did anyone say Jimmy Nicholl?)

Splashing cash we don't have for better players or a better manager (who exactly?) simply isn't an option unless we want to end up like a Hearts or a Dunfermline with fans scrapping together money to stop their club going bust.

The last few weeks in the league have been dreadful and confidence in Murray is ebbing away but now isn't the time to be making snap judgements about his future. Yes we're 5 points off the relegation play-off but we're also only 5 points away from the promotion play off, or 2 points if we win our game in hand. If we steady the ship and recapture our early season form then we could have a season were we secure a play-off, reach the Ramsdens final and reach the quarter final (or beyond) of the Scottish Cup.

All a big if obviously, we could also be relegated. And if that happens then Murray should obviously be punted. But les not press the panic button just yet

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If you look at our history, this is where we spend most of our time, flirting at the bottom of the 1st/championship. Until, we turn our finances round, that's where we will stay.

Whilst ambition is critical, we can't afford to 'live the dream'.

Fine. They should stick that down as their Mission Statement.

Seriously, there's been nothing from the board about the direction they see us taking.

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Can't agree about the criticism towards the Board. They have performed well over the last few years - cutting costs when we needed to, living within our means and actually making a profit last year. We are one of the better run clubs at this level. Then there is the stance the Chairman took on the Rangers which showed a bit of integrity. They have also given the manager the resources to assemble a reasonably decent squad, even if it is under performing at the moment. Murray might have been the cheap option but there was also a logic to the decision as it provided continuity and sometimes young, unproven player managers can work out (did anyone say Jimmy Nicholl?)

Splashing cash we don't have for better players or a better manager (who exactly?) simply isn't an option unless we want to end up like a Hearts or a Dunfermline with fans scrapping together money to stop their club going bust.

The last few weeks in the league have been dreadful and confidence in Murray is ebbing away but now isn't the time to be making snap judgements about his future. Yes we're 5 points off the relegation play-off but we're also only 5 points away from the promotion play off, or 2 points if we win our game in hand. If we steady the ship and recapture our early season form then we could have a season were we secure a play-off, reach the Ramsdens final and reach the quarter final (or beyond) of the Scottish Cup.

All a big if obviously, we could also be relegated. And if that happens then Murray should obviously be punted. But les not press the panic button just yet

Please explain how asking what the grand plan is can be seen as criticism? That's a fairly tame question. I'll try and find the post on Fantalk, but Eric Drysdale was on there ages ago advising that The Board would be having a 'strategy day' and that fans would soon have word on the clubs strategic vision for the future. Did something more important come up?

Where did you read that the board should be splashing cash on new players that we can't afford?

...apologies, I seem to be raging. I think this may be post traumatic stress from yesterday. I should have booed.

Found the post on Fantalk. Almost exactly 2 years ago in February 2012, Eric posted the following:


The board has an all day meeting later this month to decide future strategy. This has of course been discussed at our weekly board meetings already, but we shall pull it together on our Strategy Day.

I think you'll find that the figure of £250k quoted in the article relates to the anticipated fall in gate receipts from last season.

What costs have risen?





Insurance - stadium

Insurance - vehicle fleet

Medical costs


Bank charges


Professional fees


Pitch maintenance

Stadium maintenance

Now, to be clear, I am not criticising The Board - well certainly not Eric Drysdale, as he is the only point of contact for ordinary fans with The Board, through his Fantalk account. However, it would be useful to know what our future strategy is. If, as Whistle Blower notes, it's to hang around the bottom of the Championship until we are inevitably relegated, then so be it. Just let the fans know. Otherwise, the 2012 RRFC Strategy Day, can be filed alongside the SFA Think Tank findings.

Edited by Scary Bear
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I heard someone yesterday bemoaning the fact that Turnbull Hutton hadn't pumped money in to let Murray but new players. Might just have been one zoomer but I suspect he's not alone. Agree about openness from the board. Communication could be a lot better, but to me their strategy is pretty clear. Work to reduce costs and maximise income to put the best team on the park as possible. At the moment income allows us a squad that's probably mid to upper table in the Championship.

I think we've probably cut costs to a minimum so the only way we'll assemble a squad capable of winning the league is by increasing income - hard to see how we do that with current crowd trends, we were playing some excellent stuff earlier in season and crowds were still shite so they arent going to rise while we're playing shite. The impact of the recession is still being felt around KDY so hard to see how they can increase commercial income. So for the moment we're stuck with the squad we've got and at the level we've got.

On the plus side were financially prudent and run by local Rovers guys. On the downside it means we probably have to tread water in league and hope for a few cup runs here and there for our excitement (although the mid 90s aside that's been the lot of most Rovers supporters over the last four decades).

I don't see a strategy that takes us to the Premiership easily unless its spending cash which we don't have. We have to bide our time and hope for a good squad of guys and a good manager to do it within our current financial restraints. It might happen, it might not.

To me the Board have given Murray the players to compete for a play off. We've had a few unlucky injuries but even so that squad should be up challenging for third or fourth. The fact we're not is down to Murray and the players not the board. You can argue that they appointed Murray but on paper he was a sensible choice and could still fulfil his potential. Managerial appointments are always a pig in a poke.

Having said all that yesterday was fucking dreadful.

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Regarding income/squad, the board stated at the AGM that the percentage of income spent on the squad has come down from 72% to 58% in three years.

If the bums on seats were to increase, that 58% would buy more bang for your buck.

The reality of the situation is the board are stopping us going bust.

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1400 at the game yesterday is poor - where are the 2000 that were at Easter Road or the folk moaning they can't get a cup final ticket?

Maybe they can't be arsed with a team who haven't won a league game in 7 attempts. Based on that performance yesterday, they made the right decision.

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Personally, I don't think there's much point blaming the board. Despite having, what is probably, a shoestring budget, they've allowed Murray to build up a fairly small but decent quality squad of his choosing.

The problem is in the way that this team is performing on the park. The buck, for that, stops with Grant Murray.

I'm not calling for his head. Financially that probably isn't even an option. However, something needs to change to stop the rot that has set in.

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1400 at the game yesterday is poor - where are the 2000 that were at Easter Road or the folk moaning they can't get a cup final ticket?

If the players can't be arsed showing up for league games they've no reason to expect supporters will too.

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I think we've probably cut costs to a minimum so the only way we'll assemble a squad capable of winning the league is by increasing income - hard to see how we do that with current crowd trends, we were playing some excellent stuff earlier in season and crowds were still shite so they arent going to rise while we're playing shite. The impact of the recession is still being felt around KDY so hard to see how they can increase commercial income.


I must have missed the excellent stuff we were playing earlier in the season.yes we were getting results but certainly we're not playing excellent stuff outwith a couple of games

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Can we knock the keeper thing on the head, Lee Robinson is a top class keeper at this level while Young Ross is a novice, with the run in now fast approaching we cannot afford to put a rookie in goals no matter how good last weeks performance was, he will, bearing in mind his age make mistakes and costly ones at that which in the long run will be bad for his career. If handled in the right way Ross will blossom in to a first class keeper for this club and his development will take place slowly and surely. We must stay in this league and even better go for a play off place (which as of yet is not beyond us). The injury to the witch was a big blow to us, as i personaly think he was the best in the league, Lee Robinson is not far behind the witch but.. HE IS NO ANDY MCNEIL. The signing of Robinson is a major positive for us as a club and we should welcome him between the sticks and with the imminent return of Watson i beleive that this will will make a big difference to our stretched defence.

We know what we are capable of and we can also see that we are under performing just now, this is a time for us to back our manager not sack him.

I also believe that the forwards need some "encouragement" to perform...i can see the work rate of Bairdy helping with this, I`m prepared to give it time before i start shouting for decapitation.

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Hey, I stay in the same village as the guy, what am I meant to do??

Quite right pal, you know, when you've got one restraining order you might as well have loads, what the f**k can they do.

It's a bit like in America when you get sentenced to one thousand years in prison, you know they 'aint getting it out of you.

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