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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I've got no problem with Bairds decision to move to a bigger/better team with more promotion prospects, he's earned it and good luck to him, it just sticks in the craw a bit that they can shed £2 million worth of debt for a song and then offer better terms within a year than rivals who service their debt to the detriment of their team.

I'm not entirely sure why this personal opinion of mine is "fantalkish"

I was joking. It was more intended at the bitterness of our fans on Fantalk.

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It's a pre-contract so it wont be until June before he gets paid? Correct me if I'm wrong. Plus the club must have made some money with the early bird season tickets as well?

Not until his Ayr contract ends and his Rovers one starts

Good signing, when he left Dundee i kinda hoped we would of made a move for him tbh. If we can get a solid right back and striker, make sure the rest of the guys who have been offered terms stay on things arent looking too bad

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Also, really hope we make the most of Colin Wilson's 6 month contract and start giving him a run out. He looked really assured when he came on against Ayr. We really need someone with his height to be able to handle set pieces.

Agreed, these are the kind of players we need to start blooding for when they are needed ie injuries/suspensions etc tho i suspect it will be

Malone Hill Murray Donaldson

Tho id be happy to see Wilson start a few games pre-season and see how it goes

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I disagree. Dundee are undoubtedly a bigger club than Rovers with a bigger income and at the moment better prospects for promotion and I have no problem with Baird leaving to better himself but the fact that this is just over a year after they ran up huge debts does feel just a little unfair and to use the phrase of the moment - lacking in sporting integrity.

I don't think it's necessarily 'Fantalkish' to feel aggrieved at one of our rivals in the league having benefited from a ridiculous 6p in the pound administration last year which allowed them to shed their debts so now they are offering bigger wages to take our best player. That makes administration something that will give you a competitive advantage rather than a punishment which should be avoided at all costs.

Dundee are still losing money as it is and they still feel the need to have one last shot at going for the SPL, since it's the only way that they can try and stop the losses.

I honestly don't know what it is with that club. They never learn.

Edited by Just a bairn
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If this is anything to go by, it seems Davidson, Allan Walker and Dougie Hill are set to / already have knocked back the terms offered. Hmm. :unsure:

Malone isn’t a character I especially like but maybe he’ll be one of those players you love when he’s playing for you. Always thought he was capable regardless though, I liked Dyer but we’re about breaking even with that signing I reckon.

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If this is anything to go by, it seems Davidson, Allan Walker and Dougie Hill are set to / already have knocked back the terms offered. Hmm. :unsure:

Malone isn’t a character I especially like but maybe he’ll be one of those players you love when he’s playing for you. Always thought he was capable regardless though, I liked Dyer but we’re about breaking even with that signing I reckon.

Jason Thomson on that list. Get him signed McGlynn!!

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If this is anything to go by, it seems Davidson, Allan Walker and Dougie Hill are set to / already have knocked back the terms offered. Hmm. :unsure:

sad.gif I'm hoping, clutching at straws possibly, that is only due to them being out of contract and they are still considering offers. Jason Thomson also on the list. Get all of them back!

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If this is anything to go by, it seems Davidson, Allan Walker and Dougie Hill are set to / already have knocked back the terms offered. Hmm. :unsure:

Malone isn’t a character I especially like but maybe he’ll be one of those players you love when he’s playing for you. Always thought he was capable regardless though, I liked Dyer but we’re about breaking even with that signing I reckon.

Just means they haven't signed for anybody yet, doesn't mean they've knocked back our offers

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Working upon that assumption, the witch has signed up again given that he isn't on the list. If he does sign a new contract then he needs to be praised in the greatest light possible. He's a fantastic player and by all accounts does as much as he can for football in the community along with his teaching.

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Just means they haven't signed for anybody yet, doesn't mean they've knocked back our offers

Perhaps. Suggests they're actively trying to find another team though. Maybe it'll be a Marvin Andrews-style "maybe" for the duration of the summer in the hope they can get something elsewhere, and if they can't they come back and take our measly wage.

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I disagree. Dundee are undoubtedly a bigger club than Rovers with a bigger income and at the moment better prospects for promotion and I have no problem with Baird leaving to better himself but the fact that this is just over a year after they ran up huge debts does feel just a little unfair and to use the phrase of the moment - lacking in sporting integrity.

I don't think it's necessarily 'Fantalkish' to feel aggrieved at one of our rivals in the league having benefited from a ridiculous 6p in the pound administration last year which allowed them to shed their debts so now they are offering bigger wages to take our best player. That makes administration something that will give you a competitive advantage rather than a punishment which should be avoided at all costs.

I dont understand what you where disagreeing with, i actually agree with everything you have said there and and wasnt trying to say otherwise.

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I dont understand what you where disagreeing with, i actually agree with everything you have said there and and wasnt trying to say otherwise.

I'm not sure either :blink: . I think my brain has been fried from reading the Big Rangers Administration Thread for 3 hours every day for the last 2 weeks

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Perhaps. Suggests they're actively trying to find another team though. Maybe it'll be a Marvin Andrews-style "maybe" for the duration of the summer in the hope they can get something elsewhere, and if they can't they come back and take our measly wage.

I would guess that unless McGlynn has given the players a deadline for making a decision that we might be waiting a while for some of the existing squad to re-sign.

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