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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Opening a gate or door etc to manually check tickets, with hundreds of people waiting outside, would have been completely and utterly mental. A literal recipe for disaster. 

If that happened, and some kind of rush/crush or even minor slips/trips occurred, you can guarantee that the same people would be on here having a go at the club for that.

Edited by CALDERON
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24 minutes ago, CALDERON said:

Opening a gate or door etc to manually check tickets, with hundreds of people waiting outside, would have been completely and utterly mental. A literal recipe for disaster. 

If that happened, and some kind of rush/crush or even minor slips/trips occurred, you can guarantee that the same people would be on here having a go at the club for that.

Isn't that EXACTLY how fans exit the ground safely. 

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35 minutes ago, graeme_p said:

Because it was not deemed unsafe until 15 minutes into the match. Up until then it was considered safe. 

The power didn’t come back on in the stand. It wasn’t safe. I’m not quite sure on how the decision making in terms of starting the match in the first place went but that stand wasn’t safe at the point of kick off, to have let more fans in would have been crazy.

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58 minutes ago, graeme_p said:

Isn't that EXACTLY how fans exit the ground safely. 

Well, no.  Fans aren't manually checked one by one when leaving the ground, the game hasn't already started and they generally aren't agitated and eager to get out. They are leaving to completely wide open space, there is no need to regulate who leaves and when.


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I feel the Rovers are getting a right kicking from some quarters and IMO unfairly, this was totally out of the control of the club and the right decision was made as the ground was unsafe you could imagine the outcry god forbid a youngster fell and broke there neck due to an unlit concourse/stairwell. The only thing the club could have done better was communicate to the fans that were stuck outside the ground but lessons will be learnt from this

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1 hour ago, basher brash said:

I feel the Rovers are getting a right kicking from some quarters and IMO unfairly, this was totally out of the control of the club and the right decision was made as the ground was unsafe you could imagine the outcry god forbid a youngster fell and broke there neck due to an unlit concourse/stairwell. The only thing the club could have done better was communicate to the fans that were stuck outside the ground but lessons will be learnt from this

I'd add to that, with hindsight, the game shouldn't have been started. I have no idea who is responsible for that (the club, referee, match commander or some combination of the three). Starting the game with a significant number of fans outside and no way of letting them in, risked escalating problems outside the ground. 

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I’ve got a slightly left field few on some of the guys that were locked out and missed the start…

I got into the stand about ten minutes before kick off. Just as I took my seat, the lights went out.

If there were another 500 fans still outside ten minutes before kick off then they were missing the start of the game anyway, power cut or not.

You can’t rock up at a big game a few minutes before kick off, knowing there’s going to be a large crowd and knowing it takes longer to scan a barcode than it would to just tear a ticket stub and moan that you can’t get in before the game has started.

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I'd add to that, with hindsight, the game shouldn't have been started. I have no idea who is responsible for that (the club, referee, match commander or some combination of the three). Starting the game with a significant number of fans outside and no way of letting them in, risked escalating problems outside the ground. 
I can imagine the club had a significant amount of pressure on them what with it being on TV and with an increased crowd.

It's clear that there wasn't anything the club could have done differently other than communicate to fans outside about the issue better.

Got to agree with the others that there's definitely a group of our own fans queuing up to slaughter the club at any given moment.
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Ultimately no one was hurt/injured during the debacle and all that happened was people were inconvenienced. Not denying there's a lot of if's/but's and maybe's on what could have happened but hopefully it's a learning experience for all involved should such an issue occur again in the future. Begs the question what the protocol would be if the wifi goes down going forward - not just for us but for a lot of teams that are using similar ticket scanning systems. 

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I can't see what the club could have done about the power surge/failure, it's one of those things, the match commander ultimately decides if the game goes ahead or not and he/she should have questions to answer, the club  have swiftly issued a response about the situation but there are a couple of points they should address;-

1. Better communication with those outside if a similar situation happens again with the entry system

2. Why was the exit route blocked with gordon brown's entourage, he should be dropped off and the cars made to leave and not come back until the crowds have dispersed  

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47 minutes ago, true fan said:

If a club cannot host a game properly, the solution is simple - points deduction

Helps focus the mind 

Focus the mind into fixing the national grid, seeing as the electrical fault was outwith the club's control?

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1 hour ago, Wildrover said:

I can't see what the club could have done about the power surge/failure, it's one of those things, the match commander ultimately decides if the game goes ahead or not and he/she should have questions to answer, the club  have swiftly issued a response about the situation but there are a couple of points they should address;-

1. Better communication with those outside if a similar situation happens again with the entry system

2. Why was the exit route blocked with gordon brown's entourage, he should be dropped off and the cars made to leave and not come back until the crowds have dispersed  


The match commander/safety officer seem to be getting an easy ride over this whilst the club are getting both barrels from some.

There should be no vehicles blocking or reducing the exit routes either

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47 minutes ago, true fan said:

If a club cannot host a game properly, the solution is simple - points deduction

Helps focus the mind 

You mean like when Celtic weren't deducted points when a gale in the run up to kick off made part of some cladding on a stand unsafe?

Or do you mean like the Pars just now who have no working floodlighting?


Simple truth here apparently seems to be that it was a cause and effect outwith RRFC control. That (cause) being a power surge/spike that fried a piece of electrical equipment at the stadium (effect) rendering the power distribution system inoperable.  Even if the club had a back up power supply to run (in the event of a complete power cut) it would have made no difference to the outcome. Unless there was an electrical engineer on hand (at 7.30pm on a Friday night) fortunate to have the exact component required to replace the damaged equipment then the outcome was never going to change. 

Not quite sure what folks are expecting, it be a bit like us blaming the Pars for the game postponed that day it pished down and their drains couldn't cope. 

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