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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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5 minutes ago, Against The Machine said:

I've seen a couple more clips from today now. I want to declare first of all that I've got a real propensity towards support for John McGlynn, certainly under normal circumstances. He's the best Rovers manager in my time watching them, by an order of magnitudes, and he's played a huge part in turning the club around twice when it's been mired in the dirt. 

With that in mind, I do still think it's probably best he goes at the end of the season, but are other people looking at that interview from today (the footage, not the quotes in isolation) and seeing sincerity and contrition, or not? 

That's not a leading or a loaded question, not deliberately so anyway, but when I watch that I feel like I'm seeing the tone I needed to hear and some (but certainly not all) of the right things too. Is my judgement clouded, or is that any neutrals' view too? 

Also, I hadn't realised Benedictus was out with him today. Increasingly angry that the board have sent those two out again to face the music. Particularly Bene, who's got no say in anything. Unless they're all planning on resigning (and Sim will be around in any case) it's nothing but abject cowardice refusing to comment while the manager is doing a full sit down with a press room.

You're boring now. I think if anyone needs to go at the end of the season (or at any time between now and then), it's you.

You're absolutely desperate to be outraged now. Give it a fucking rest.

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7 minutes ago, left half said:

A weak response from the manager on BBC Scotland news. He looked like he didn't want to be there.

And what did you want? Did you want him to sacrifice himself in disgrace in front of everyone? He looked uncomfortable as hell but who wouldn't? He came across as sincere, honest and remorseful. 

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3 minutes ago, RavyDavy said:

You're boring now. I think if anyone needs to go at the end of the season (or at any time between now and then), it's you.

You're absolutely desperate to be outraged now. Give it a fucking rest.

Oh shut up you boring tart.

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2 hours ago, Against The Machine said:

I feel heart sorry for Lang. He's been at this level before and didn't 'make it' but he's proven this season that he can be a standout (on his day) in the Championship, so to have that whole progression stopped for the best part of a year is a sickener. 

I don't know how many games he and Berra got together as a two, but up at Arbroath they were imperious. Undoubtedly the best defensive pairing I've seen this season. 

I'm sure he'll come back stronger, he seems like that kind of guy. It's yet another factor in this absolute Enron-share-price of a season, though, that'll mean we'll be very lucky to finish fourth. 

What f**k do you give where Raith Rovers finish in the league ?

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10 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

Aye but Clyde is a home for absolute dangers. From a neutral's perspective, I don't think that goes nearly far enough. A bit shite that the BOD are hiding away while he's getting a public (and deserved) flaying. 

So those in charge at Raith are clearly guilty of poor ethics by offering DG a job and paying his wages (no argument there), but perhaps using that logic isn't every fan who has paid in to to see a game he has played in during the time since he and DR committed the offence is equally guilty and as such shouldn't they all apologise too?

I have some sympathy for McGlynn as he is a decent guy albeit one who made a mistake with a truly abominable choice, the directors who still backed this choice despite forewarning of what was likely to happen and for that IMO they are more guilty as they were appraised a month before of exactly what public opinion was and that folks in general were thinking him an unfit person even if they did not.  I'm not in the least surprised none of them are willing to step in front of a camera, heads should definitely still roll but I'm becoming less and less convinced than I was that McGlynn's should definitely be one of them.

Clearly the Rovers are the guiltiest party in the whole affair. After all if they had not signed DG he's still be a relative nobody at Clyde on £1000/week flying under the radar even as the top scorer in the land, Rovers signing him put the spotlight on him (and the Rovers) in a move that kick started this media circus, seeing his name and picture all over BBC/STV & Sky news on a daily basis must be upsetting for the the victim.  So maybe for that the club should apologise to Ms Clair, maybe it already has apologised to her just not publicly, as someone else said she maybe doesn't want her name on the Tv news alongside that of the man who raped her.

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5 minutes ago, RavyDavy said:

You're boring now. I think if anyone needs to go at the end of the season (or at any time between now and then), it's you.

You're absolutely desperate to be outraged now. Give it a fucking rest.

Sorry, to be clear, the questions in that post were posed to people who aren't dribbling morons. 

Apologies for any confusion. 

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Just now, Against The Machine said:

Sorry, to be clear, the questions in that post were posed to people who aren't dribbling morons. 

Apologies for any confusion. 


Jesus, you really are a tedious c**t aren't you?

And I'm a moron why? Because I'm calling you out? Because I don't subscribe to your perma-offended mantra?

What has happened has been an absolute shit show, the club has screwed up big time but it's time to draw a line and begin to move on.

Put more simply for you, STFU.

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1 minute ago, Steakngravys Maw said:

Indeed. You're chugging along nicely on the twat wagon.

I'm the twat? 😂😂😂😂 

Good to see the mouth breathers back out tonight 🙄 

Me no like John McGlynn, John McGlynn bad. Me like (the dick formerly known as) Raith Against the Machine, he good 

f**k off

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10 minutes ago, Scottydog said:

So those in charge at Raith are clearly guilty of poor ethics by offering DG a job and paying his wages (no argument there), but perhaps using that logic isn't every fan who has paid in to to see a game he has played in during the time since he and DR committed the offence is equally guilty and as such shouldn't they all apologise too?

I have some sympathy for McGlynn as he is a decent guy albeit one who made a mistake with a truly abominable choice, the directors who still backed this choice despite forewarning of what was likely to happen and for that IMO they are more guilty as they were appraised a month before of exactly what public opinion was and that folks in general were thinking him an unfit person even if they did not.  I'm not in the least surprised none of them are willing to step in front of a camera, heads should definitely still roll but I'm becoming less and less convinced than I was that McGlynn's should definitely be one of them.

Clearly the Rovers are the guiltiest party in the whole affair. After all if they had not signed DG he's still be a relative nobody at Clyde on £1000/week flying under the radar even as the top scorer in the land, Rovers signing him put the spotlight on him (and the Rovers) in a move that kick started this media circus, seeing his name and picture all over BBC/STV & Sky news on a daily basis must be upsetting for the the victim.  So maybe for that the club should apologise to Ms Clair, maybe it already has apologised to her just not publicly, as someone else said she maybe doesn't want her name on the Tv news alongside that of the man who raped her.

There is no place for reasoned and balanced opinion such as this on here 😉

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4 minutes ago, RavyDavy said:

I'm the twat? 😂😂😂😂 

Good to see the mouth breathers back out tonight 🙄 

Me no like John McGlynn, John McGlynn bad. Me like (the dick formerly known as) Raith Against the Machine, he good 

f**k off

Nice one Frank 😂

Edited by Steakngravys Maw
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3 minutes ago, Steakngravys Maw said:

Nice one Frank 😂

Great comeback, top bantz and so original 👌🙄

You'll need a lie down now, must have been exhausting for you there. 

I can actually imagine you struggling to type that comment through tears of laughter at your own 'joke'.

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3 minutes ago, Frank conner said:

Seriously can't believe that so many people backed Mcglynn back in the day but now are more than happy to stab him in the back. 

Obviously the usual suspects the dirty dozen on P&B would certainly do it loyalty don't make me laugh. 

Stab him in the back? He signed a rapist mate, people are entitled to be angry. 

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1 hour ago, Paco said:

You’ve deliberately deleted the part where I said ‘more importantly… off the park’.

We’ve had a real crisis about what our values as a club are over the past week or so. On a personal basis, my values aren’t chucking someone under the bus for a major, major f**k-up after nine years of exemplary service. I’ve thought pretty deeply over whether McGlynn should go, but personally I think in the context of his previous service, and his comments today he’s earned an opportunity to build bridges. And that’s all it is - an opportunity, not a blank canvas. Others are perfectly entitled to disagree.

If this was a fantastic or indeed a dreadful football manager who’d been here for six months I’d want him gone, yeah. Not going to deny that. If that makes me a hypocrite in your eyes then so be it.

Because it's not more important what he's done off the park, this is all about his ability as a football manager. 

His comments today were absolutely shit, he's admitted he had a major hand in the signing which makes the mental gymnastics over the past few days to try place all the blame on the signing on Sim look a bit ridiculous. His talk of having a wife and daughter so he understands just make him look more ridiculous, because despite that, despite the public outcry by the Raith fans he still chased Goodwillie, a rapist. 

Raith will quite rightly get a shed load of stick, and hopefully miss out on sponsorship while they continue to laud a rape apologist. 

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