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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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For the signing section to truly succeed, the club are going to have to bite the bullet and redevelop the Southern end of the Railway Stand. 

I can completely understand why that isn't at the very top of the priority list, but it's the only way forward, for all the reasons listed above and more. You need an area that's not already occupied, that isn't getting in the way of other, less raucous supporters, and is configured for a more fluid, active group. 

The other thing that I think we're missing, and it's arguably a more difficult gap to bridge, is 'leadership' within the nascent singing section/Ultras group. With other clubs, you've got recognisable individuals who carry a bit of profile. It doesn't prevent disorder, by any means, but it helps create an open dialogue and lends itself more readily to 'self-policing' in the true sense (as opposed to the way most people actually think of it, which is an unrelated other Rovers supporter giving someone else a bollocking/slap in the jaw). 

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The Falkirk Supporters Society is sharing the email template that HIT THE CHANNEL created regarding the artificial pitch vote and has posted it to members and on socials. 

Would be could to get a bit of cross-club support on this one so would appreciate if any Raith fans were happy to share - 


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13 minutes ago, Raith Against The Machine said:

The other thing that I think we're missing, and it's arguably a more difficult gap to bridge, is 'leadership' within the nascent singing section/Ultras group. With other clubs, you've got recognisable individuals who carry a bit of profile. It doesn't prevent disorder, by any means, but it helps create an open dialogue and lends itself more readily to 'self-policing' in the true sense (as opposed to the way most people actually think of it, which is an unrelated other Rovers supporter giving someone else a bollocking/slap in the jaw). 

I've always wondered when the club say they've been speaking to the group(s) about a singing section who exactly they've been speaking with. There's no cohesive organised identifiable group or person that seems to be involved. It seems just a free for all.

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2 hours ago, da_no_1 said:

Make your mind up.....

Blocked but yet commenting continually. The creep could do with going back to education of some sort and learning basic English 🤔

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3 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

I can't imagine the club would put out a teaser for bad news. 

Its normally sunny at Starks when it's good news, I'm just a bit worried they've chosen to have rain

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26 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

The Falkirk Supporters Society is sharing the email template that HIT THE CHANNEL created regarding the artificial pitch vote and has posted it to members and on socials. 

Would be could to get a bit of cross-club support on this one so would appreciate if any Raith fans were happy to share - 


Thanks for sharing and great work Bairney and team! 

If those involved in official supporters clubs linked to the club could share among their members and encourage members to email that would be great! 

Responding to a comment about ‘wasting time’; obviously this is not an easy win. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying - and there are multiple examples where public and political pressure can influence private members associations. 

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7 hours ago, stevoraith said:

It’s been a couple of days and I’m still not over the disappointment of Sunday, but it’s not at the result or the performance of the players, it’s at a section of our own support. 

I’ve seen a couple of mentions earlier in the thread about the young team and I feel the need to have a bit of a moan about the problems they cause with selfishness. 

My first Rovers game was in the mid 80s and I started going regularly in the early 90s. Travelled home and away through my late teens and early twenties until pals moved away and work and family came along. 

My daughter is now in her early teens and I’ve been taking her to the odd game for 5 or 6 years. This year she’s really bought into the feeling around the club and we ended up buying half season tickets and we’ve been to more away games this year than we managed home games the last couple of years. 

She is quite an anxious person so I always plan where we sit carefully. We have to be close to the end of a row so she can get out to the toilet easily and find her way back etc. 

I bought tickets for Sunday second row from the back on the end of a row for that exact reason. 

Unfortunately that was the exact area that the young team decided they were going to stand in, regardless of the fact they didn’t have tickets there. 

By the time we got through the massive queue for security and stood in a long queue to get a pie we didn’t head to our seats until about ten minutes before kick off. 

By that time the stair well was completely full of young lads who had decided to stand on the stairs to watch the game. 

I made the mistake of thinking I might be able to still get to my seat so pushed through them. 

When I got to the top all of the rows had about twice as many people as seats.  In the row I should have been in they were standing on the seats with some folk standing on the ground in front of the seat. 

I then got told “just go and sit somewhere else” by a 14 year old. 

How the suffering f*ck are you supposed to find two seats together in a sold out stand with ten minutes to go before kick-off? And why should I have to when I’ve deliberately picked good seats?

I went down the front, found a couple of empty seats, only for the owners to rock up about 30s later so we were on the hunt again. 

I squeezed in another row, next to another couple of guys who had been displaced from their seats up the back but as we were only 4 or 5 rows from the front, right in the corner and everyone was standing I could see very little and my daughter could see absolutely sod all. 

I was raging and she was in tears. 

As the half wore on I could see there were plenty free seats in the north east section (probably where a lot of the fannies up the back were supposed to be sitting) so at half time we moved over there which was better but the view was still shit and not what I’d chosen and by then the mood had been dampened. 

I know I wasn’t the only one that had to move because of them, I saw another guy with two daughters a lot younger than mine having to also go right down the front where they wouldn’t have been able to see. 


I’d really like to know if I’m alone in my thoughts that they cause almost as many negatives as positives at away games in particular. 

It’s made us think twice about travelling to more away games- I’ve seen them cause bother by standing in the wrong place at other grounds (Tannadice springs to mind) but we were lucky that it didn’t affect us. 


Can anyone think of what clubs can do to just make them sit in their allocated seat?

Are there any of them on here who can understand what problems they cause for others? Any parents who can have a word?

Does anyone else agree with me that they are a pain in the hoop?


I didn’t expect us to win the tie on Sunday, I just wanted to go up and show my appreciation to the team and have a good day out and I feel I had that ruined by selfish laddies. 

Sorry to hear this Stevo. I was there with my son and daughter (both under 12 and season ticket holders) and we experienced similar issues, although we did make it to our allotted seats.

The guys blocking the entire stair were barging into my daughter and encroaching into her space. I confronted them about it and asked where their seats were but got a shrug, smirk and a “I dunno” response from them. In the second half, because they were pished and standing two deep in the row behind, one of them fell forward and bashed the head of my son, who was trying to stand and balance on a seat to see some of the match.

I couldn’t see any spare seats from where I was so we just stuck it out. I’ve thought in the aftermath that I should have just left as it was not enjoyable for any of us, but why should we have to miss out on supporting our team in a big game at the end of a fabulous season?

I know there’s no easy solution but I’m fed up, frankly, of the club bending over backwards to accommodate these idiots, when all it seems to be doing is alienating a fair chunk of the support who have been going for years and who are trying to encourage their own kids to be fans in the future. 

It’s certainly made me question going to away games next season.

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