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:lol: yes we did, and the vote was won overwhelmingly. It was 2 hours 15 minutes into the meeting tbf, so maybe all the pro-smoking lobby were outside having a quick fag :rolleyes: ...?

On the night 2 people stood up and spoke For my motion, who said they were smokers!! They said they would be very happy not to see a wall full of cigarettes tempting them every time they went into a EUSA Shop. The only arguments against the restrictions were these ridiculous "nanny state" claims, and stupid comparisons with alcohol.

And it isn't a case of students banning everything. On the night there were many of them. "No Platform Policy" (erroneously aka "Ban the BNP") was slaughtered [not least thanks to my rousing 1st opposition, and subsequent strong opposition summation - having brandished the constitution to prove my right to deliver it]... "Boycott Israel" was hammered, "Bring Back Bibles to University Accomodation" also fell, the proposal to "Ban Staff and Reps from using UK Internal Flights" didn't reach quorate. So all lost heavily!!

Students voted against all the other ban/boycott/restriction motions, but overwhelmingly backed mine - they are not stupid, they know what is right and wrong, and they voted accordingly in massive numbers.


Why was it stupid? Alcohol has killed people too - ban it.

Yawn. You really are a boring c**t. The kind of pro-active wannabe who thinks they can change the world and do good, you possibly have a pretty high opinion of youself, you are the kind of 'studenty w****r' even other students despise. I think the reason all this crap was passed is the average student doesn't give two hoots about student politics and if the silent majority had a say in anything your type would never get elected or any of your pathetic self-serving programmes passed.

Bit harsh but student elections are very much 'whoever wins we lose'.

If you fail 2 exams in your first semester do you get chucked out? :unsure:

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You can enjoy alcohol in moderation. Smoking cannot, according to boffins, be safe even in moderation.

Well I'd entirely disagree. I've held elected positions here for most of my 5 years (and have now risen to a position of some 'import'... despite not having a party - nor wishing to climb the greasy pole out in the real world). I've never done anything that I believed was against the will of the majority. In fact in most meeting you'll find me being barracked for arguing what "the majority of members" would want :rolleyes: !! That and my continuous attempts to prevent circumvention of the rules ;) ... Other unis may be different, of course.

Our elections are carried out online, huge numbers of people stand and run campaigns. Those who can't be bothered to vote, or can't be bothered to think about how they are voting, get what they deserve...


what a boring b*****d i am

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I don't have a political party, I've never been elected on any issues other than academic/union/student matters, and that is the first time I've ever brought a motion. Since your knowledge of me, and what I do or do not stand for, and what other people do or do not think of me, amounts roughly to the square roof of f*ck all: it might be pertinent for you to restrict your observations to facts, not baseless p*sh...

All I am going to say is that on a thread where the vast majority of posters are students you don't seem to have much support at all. Just what percent of all students at your uni actually voted for you?

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In the most recent poll (these are STV remember) I gained 49% of the first-preference votes... I don't have a turn-out figure for that, but in last year when the turn-out was just short of 30% I was elected with about 30-35% of the vote (again remember it's STV). Which equates to what about 4,000 voters first preferences and probably in excess of 5,000 voters overall? It's STV so not very easy to say.

So under a fifth of Edinburgh University students then.

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In the most recent poll (these are STV remember) I gained 49% of the first-preference votes... I don't have a turn-out figure for that, but in last year when the turn-out was just short of 30% I was elected with about 30-35% of the vote (again remember it's STV). Which equates to what about 4,000 voters first preferences and probably in excess of 5,000 voters overall? It's STV so not very easy to say.

But of course they are just idiots, and as you say the views of P&Bers reflect my actual reality.


EDIT: Btw... if we're talking about the Smoking thing - it was approved by an overwhelming majority of 800 people at the AGM; subsequently passed unopposed at the Committee of Management; and unchallenged at the SRC. No-one collected the 50 signatures required to amend it at AGM. No-one proposed direct negative.

You seem to be struggling for support, so I will back you on the under the counter motion.

Smoking, being addictive as it is, shouldn't really be out on display I reckon. 1 - advertising it is illegal anyway. 2 - tempting those who have quit.

Also, the first step to not being boring is to stop making so many posts on P&B, it took me forever to realise this. About 90% of my posts in the six months have been in this thread, and as a result my life is much more bearable.

Edited by Mushroom
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I think Stirling has gone from being one of the more "radical" Universities (so I hear), to one of the most apathetic when it comes to protests and stuff. There is still a hardcore of folk who jump on stuff like Nestle, and the Queen, but it's not like there are sit-ins and mass placard waving.

Its incredibly apathetic. I've never understood this "radical student" thing at all. It never happened at Stirling. Sure a very small number of people cared, and they were the radical arseholes who voted for stuff, but the majority of people just don't care. Apparently, turn out at Stirling elections is nothing short of embarrassing.

Nobody cares. I don't agree that the majority of students are twats btw, thats quite judgemental, but a number are. Sadly, they all vote.

I can see exactly the type of poster HibeeJibee is though. Probably been at uni for 6 years, and has probably gone back to living in one of those wee poky flats in halls. The sort of guy that thinks he's the big "I am" when he walks around being a halls assistant. Seriously, fellow students, when was the last time you thought "gosh, I need to go and see my halls assistant!". It never happens. So he struts about, leering at the fresher girls, while they laugh at him behind his back for his unwillingness to leave the safe confines of campus life. Thats why he's one of the "radical student types". He has nothing else.

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We are a charity and we shouldn't be promoting cigareete goods, nor running vending machines in our pubs & clubs that U-18s can use, nor selling cigars behind our bars.

Perhaps, according to that warped logic, you should shut down the bars which provides drink which under-18s may use?

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Also, the first step to not being boring is to stop making so many posts on P&B, it took me forever to realise this. About 90% of my posts in the six months have been in this thread, and as a result my life is much more bearable.

Sage advice from our reformed "king of cool".

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Its incredibly apathetic. I've never understood this "radical student" thing at all. It never happened at Stirling. Sure a very small number of people cared, and they were the radical arseholes who voted for stuff, but the majority of people just don't care. Apparently, turn out at Stirling elections is nothing short of embarrassing.

I was referring back to the early 70s, when the Queen visited the Uni and there were mass protests, which ended up with students basically being shunned by a lot of the town, being banned from buses, etc

If the Queen turned up now, I doubt anyone would bother opening their blinds, if they happened to be awake.

I voted in the last elections because a good friend of mine was standing for one of the positions. I imagine that "voting for pals" accounts for a massive amount of the voters in Stirling.

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Over 800 people turned out for the meeting, an unprecedented figure (and [probably] the highest in the UK this year). And 25% of our students vote in the annual student elections - unprecedented in the UK.


It matters as much as it should.

You can enjoy alcohol in moderation. Smoking cannot, according to boffins, be safe even in moderation.

Well I'd entirely disagree. I've held elected positions here for most of my 5 years (and have now risen to a position of some 'import'... despite not having a party - nor wishing to climb the greasy pole out in the real world). I've never done anything that I believed was against the will of the majority. In fact in most meeting you'll find me being barracked for arguing what "the majority of members" would want :rolleyes: !! That and my continuous attempts to prevent circumvention of the rules ;) ... Other unis may be different, of course.

Our elections are carried out online, huge numbers of people stand and run campaigns. Those who can't be bothered to vote, or can't be bothered to think about how they are voting, get what they deserve...


Boffins :lol: .

Well, yeah that's fair enough and you clearly think your participation in student politics is worthwhile but I respectfully disagree. I would suggest that you pursue a ridiculous range of policies in your final few months, it would show them you have not lost your sense of fun and that you don't take your position too seriously.

Also, the first step to not being boring is to stop making so many posts on P&B, it took me forever to realise this. About 90% of my posts in the six months have been in this thread, and as a result my life is much more bearable.

You're still boring.

no he wasn't. he probably would have won an election had there been one though.

The Nazis did gain a majority in the Reichstag and Hitler was appointed Chancellor.

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You're still boring.

You drink orange VK :P

I didn't say being boring was an all-consuming negative, tbf ;) . As for making lots of posts on P&B, this may be a fair point. Although I never consciously sit down to cruise P&B tbf (well, apart from possibly at night when I'm having a bite to eat before going to bed): as I tend to have it on when I'm watching the news/doing some reading/listening to music etc. I agree it's a bad hadib in being a bit of a distraction...

The penny suddenly dropped that I was spending so much time arguing with guys who were either keyboard gangsters and/or wind-up merchants purely in it for the reactions. Result - more drinking/sleeping/music time.

I'm still remarkably boring - but it was truly tagic before. :lol:

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:rolleyes: see this is one of the interesting things about a place like the P&B. AFAIA I've never met anyone on this site in person, yet Lord Xbass has now devised a neat little (condescending) construct about both my life, and my personality, from a collection of written posts on a website. Fantastic stuff. Top marks.

. . .

But no you're quire right Lord Xbass, I'm just a life-long student waster who works in halls to perve over 17 and 18 year-old girls and walk about thinking I'm a big man, with nothing else in my life ;) ... Thanks for filling me in on this. It took a philosophical luminary such as yourself to identify my plight for me :) !!


This strikes a chord.

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Btw I would agree with the sentiments that a lot of wardens can be a bit odd. (I can say this safely - Were it not for residential life staff (i.e. were it just freshers, on their own, in halls) plenty people would come off worse. IMO.

What a pompous post. I can only go by the content of your posts, but you seem to fit nicely into my earlier description. Who do you think you are, superman? With your constant pushing of your own views onto others, your misplaced belief that you somehow know better than everyone else, and your clucking over your fellow students like a creepy hen, its not forming a pretty picture at all. You tell them whether they can smoke or not, you dictate their eating and drinking habits , and now you somehow think that you, the creepy hen, are some sort of weird counsellor. So now you want to tell people what and not to think? Frankly, its alarming.

Edited for spelling.

Edited by Lord Xbass of Lichtie
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For what it's worth, I don't even know the names of my hall wardens. I'll give them a bit of banter when I come stumbling through the door at 4am, but aside from that I don't even see them. And if I had any pressing issues, they'd be very low down on the list of people I'd go to.

But that's not to say that it's the same for everyone.

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