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There was definitely a big marquee being put up for Fresher's Week, but I don't know if it was for engineering.

I've just spent two hours putting my dissertation notes into some sort of distinctive plan, 23 pages and counting. I stil have more that needs to be typed up. Fun, very fun right now.

Edited by vikingTON
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They cancelled it alongside music and sociology. Engineering is hopefully next.

Allegedly Strathclyde's music professors did f**k all!

Got to love the snobbery towards music these days though. How times have changed*! laugh.gif

*Nothing has changed at the RCS, apart from the name.

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What block you in Bullywee? I'm having the same experience. I know one of my flatmates from last year as he was a flatmate in halls. The other two rarely make an appearance. One of them is French and he's just here for the year so I was expecting that he would be right up for doing stuff, but he very rarely leaves his room unless it's for lectures or to do whatever sport he does. The other boy is Chinese and makes a mess in the kitchen then fucks off to his room for the entire day, then doesn't like being told that he should clean up his own mess. Neither of them talk to each other or want to do anything. Everytime you knock on their doors they're not up for anything. I do eveything int he kitchen just to ensure I can get a conversation out of them :lol:

Thankfully I have a mate in the other block who has a balcony, so a wee trip over there every so often is glorious.

4, or at least i think it's 4. the one with all the balconies.

i think i met another flatmate the other day, but unfortunately i was in a rush and his name was one of these really hard to pronounce ones that i've never heard before. there's also a chance he was just a guest.

this is the first year in a while where i haven't known anyone in one of the balcony flats, a couple of years ago one friend stayed in the top one and the view was amazing. you could also climb on to the roof from there apparently.

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Finding a dissertation supervisor with a fucking clue is proving to be easier said than done in Stirling. Sent Frank Martin an email outlining my ideas like 2 weeks ago. Never replied. Sent him a more detailed one today. Wrote back 'Sounds OK.' Crackin bit ae feedback. Got a meeting with Dr Wilson tomorrow though. My topic isn't really in her field of interest but at least she is willing to help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got all my Class Tests out of the way over the past week. 2 of them were fine, should get decent marks for those. 1 of them was an absolute shiter just my luck that this year is the year they choose to change the format and content of the test.

Enjoying this year more than 1st year probably because I punted Computing Science. So far the work hasn't been too challenging and aside from one of the Stats courses I should do pretty well.

Is any of these LoveFilm characters hanging about any other Unis? Every time I wander on to Byers Road they are there with their ipads asking what films I watch and what games I play. Most annoying PRs, or whatever they call themselves, I've come across.

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This year has been a bit of a chore so far. Nothing difficult but all rather uninspiring.

Human Rights course is interesting, but the way it's being run is a total shambles. The course textbook is only just going to be available next week (7th week of term). The politics course has less than no structure. Criminal law is a bit dull and Jurisprudence isn't exactly inspiring either.

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Got all my Class Tests out of the way over the past week. 2 of them were fine, should get decent marks for those. 1 of them was an absolute shiter just my luck that this year is the year they choose to change the format and content of the test.

Enjoying this year more than 1st year probably because I punted Computing Science. So far the work hasn't been too challenging and aside from one of the Stats courses I should do pretty well.

Is any of these LoveFilm characters hanging about any other Unis? Every time I wander on to Byers Road they are there with their ipads asking what films I watch and what games I play. Most annoying PRs, or whatever they call themselves, I've come across.

Hmm, they are one of the many annoying cabals around the university campus. I did wonder who they were for a spell, but not nearly enough to pay even the slightest bit of attention. People who want to speak to you in the street never have anything worthwhile to say.

I've hardly spent any money on books this term, and I'm already over half way through the term ohmy.gif

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Is any of these LoveFilm characters hanging about any other Unis? Every time I wander on to Byers Road they are there with their ipads asking what films I watch and what games I play. Most annoying PRs, or whatever they call themselves, I've come across.

I noticed them the other day. He popped up just as I was congratulating myself for avoiding the charity workers. I turned round the corner towards the Uni and some skinny bloke in a pinstripe suit accosted me and asked what kind of films I liked.

As I had my 'I already donate to *enter charity here*' line prepared in my head I sputtered out 'I already donate to LoveFilm' and walked off awkwardly.

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Got a presentation to do for Friday and a report for Monday, both part of an assignment where we have to design a building, based on a brief given to us.

Our's isn't going well though. We're all mates but one of the guys is being a total dickhead and just not doing the work. Classes started at 10 this morning(Wednesday) and normally finish at 12 but the second hour was cancelled so at 11 we decided to meet up and try and get some more of it done and try and finish the presentation at least. Three of us do at least, the other guy strolls in at like 12:30, having still not done the work he was supposed to do for last Friday. Then one of the guys leaves at 1 to go play tennis and says that he'll be back at 4.30 and we can continue the work then(it's not too bad as he's done the most work out of the whole group). The guy who arrived at 12.30 then leaves at 2(having done nothing in the hour+ he was there) to go to his former work to hand in his uniform and get a p45 form(or something), he says he'll be an hour. He then gets checked in on facebook that he was "shopping" with two of his friends(I recognized the names) and he then comes back at like 5.30. I called him on being late at 12.30 and he said "eat a dick" and then when he strolled in at 5.30, I really tore into him and he honestly looked like he was gonna cry. He better fucking put the work in on the report or I'm gonna lose it.

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Got a presentation to do for Friday and a report for Monday, both part of an assignment where we have to design a building, based on a brief given to us.

Our's isn't going well though. We're all mates but one of the guys is being a total dickhead and just not doing the work. Classes started at 10 this morning(Wednesday) and normally finish at 12 but the second hour was cancelled so at 11 we decided to meet up and try and get some more of it done and try and finish the presentation at least. Three of us do at least, the other guy strolls in at like 12:30, having still not done the work he was supposed to do for last Friday. Then one of the guys leaves at 1 to go play tennis and says that he'll be back at 4.30 and we can continue the work then(it's not too bad as he's done the most work out of the whole group). The guy who arrived at 12.30 then leaves at 2(having done nothing in the hour+ he was there) to go to his former work to hand in his uniform and get a p45 form(or something), he says he'll be an hour. He then gets checked in on facebook that he was "shopping" with two of his friends(I recognized the names) and he then comes back at like 5.30. I called him on being late at 12.30 and he said "eat a dick" and then when he strolled in at 5.30, I really tore into him and he honestly looked like he was gonna cry. He better fucking put the work in on the report or I'm gonna lose it.


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I'm hoping that doesn't happen with the group I'm in for the project we're about to start. I was in a three with a couple of my pals but we've been given a fourth guy who is an absolute tosser. Every tutorial group I'm seems to have one guy (usually foreign or English) who attends no lectures but thinks they know the whole course from stuff they did at their boarding school when they were 13. This is the guy we've been given. He was a w**k in the first tutorial, telling me I was wrong on all the basic stuff and refusing to accept my explanations (complete with my notes). He better not be such a c**t on this.

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Got all my Class Tests out of the way over the past week. 2 of them were fine, should get decent marks for those. 1 of them was an absolute shiter just my luck that this year is the year they choose to change the format and content of the test.

Enjoying this year more than 1st year probably because I punted Computing Science. So far the work hasn't been too challenging and aside from one of the Stats courses I should do pretty well.

Who is your tutor for your stats tutorials? One of the girls in my office is taking a 2nd year group?

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