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The forms for accomodation at Dundee are coming out soon, anyone able to give me an idea about what the best/cheapest halls are?

I have just finished first year, having stayed at Tay Mills. That is the cheapest and worst accommodation. Don't choose it unless you would prefer not to have windows. It's a hassle if you're on the top floor aswell, as there is no lift and 90 steps. Can get quite annoying.

West Park is another I wouldn't go for. Nice place, but 20 min walk to the main campus which is a hassle, especially during Freshers' when you're wanting to get to the Union.

So, in short, try Belmont Flats/Villa or Heathfield. They are in a great position for everything.

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Seems like quite a lot of Stirling's results are already through, but I've not had anything back yet.

Had nothing back. Seems like everyone I know has had their results back but I haven't, maybe different subjects are slower than others.

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I finally made it on, and I got a First :D .

Straight As again this year :o

f**k off dry.gif

All following results on this page are going to be judged negatively towards this.

Anyway, I finally got on and saw that my business results were up (after they had emailed us saying they would be up by the end of Monday). It's the type of complete misinformation you come to accept from Glasgow Uni.

Anyway, my results are pretty much the opposite of what I expected. I went in with B1 40% coursework into the second year business exam, did really well in the exam and came out with a B3.

This is almost the complete opposite of what happened last term where I got D3 coursework, bombed the exam, and came out with a B3.

Do they just make this shit up?

My first year business is even more surprising, I didn't go to anything on the course, had no idea what I was doing in the exam, wrote a big pile of complete bollocks and walked out with a B1 (up from B2 coursework).

Politics is the same as Ad Lib, good coursework/tutorial contribution but came out with a B2 overall, down from an A5 or something I had before the exam. Again, I actually hoped for better.

Still 6Bs out of 6 over the year, and 10 out of 12 overall. I am a perennially average student.

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One of my exams was absolutely hopeless. I answered about 70% of it, some of it without even a pretence of knowing what I was talking about, and I still got an A4 for it.

And they say they don't scale our grades up if everyone does badly. :rolleyes:

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Accounting is a piece of piss. I attended the introductory lecture, 1 seminar and revised 1 and a half past papers, using the answer sheet as study material, and I came out of the exam thinking I've passed easily.

Ended up with a 2F. First year is a piss take.

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Does anyone at Stirling know roughly when the resits will be?

I've got a terrible feeling that they coincide with me going on holiday, and while I don't know if I'll be doing any yet, at least one of my mates also going has one.

Think it depends on the department. I know a few folk who have had results back but I've had nothing so far.

Had an e-mail tonight though saying that mine will be available on Monday along with final degree classifications. Other departments may be doing the same.

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I got a 2:2 overall, after my dissertation got considerably less than I was expecting (10% more on that would have given me a 2:1)... not my fault they closed my fecking lab in November and it's only just re-opened!

No idea how they judge it, as it was considerably better than my last one and only got 3% more! <_<

I suppose I have to take some of the blame as if I'd not gone to New Zealand before my 3rd year January exams then I would have made a 2:1 easily.

In the end it doesn't really matter as I'm accredited by REHIS regardless of the classification of the degree...

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Got results back for two of my three modules, and got a 1B in each. Pleased with that so far, hopefully I'll be able to last the last two semesters (f**k off, Ad Lib. No-one cares) by getting straight ones again.

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Only got my Stats result back so far. Got a B3 and I'm really pleased with that. Think I may only have the one resit in August now. Seriously need to pull my finger out though didn't do enough at all in first year.

It's first year, how little did you do?

You can get away with doing f**k all in first year, you should be fine.

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