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2 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

Part of me would quite like to be selected for jury duty but the possibility of being forced to deliberate on someone's guilt with some gammony Daily Mail types doesn't appeal...

The gammony Daily Mail types have probably tried to get excused already. You've probably got a fair chance of being sandwiched between some fat wifie and a student wid.

To answer the other question I don't think you can appeal against the gross stupidity of a Jury, just if the Sheriff/Judge had misdirected them.  The other way would be if it came to light that the jury had been nobbled or looked up the accused on Google etc.

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2 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

Part of me would quite like to be selected for jury duty but the possibility of being forced to deliberate on someone's guilt with some gammony Daily Mail types doesn't appeal...

I was on jury duty about 12 years ago. I was surprised at how much sitting around in the jury room took place. Each day in a four day trial, we probably got two hours of testimony and then five hours of sitting in a room reading a book. Still better than working, though.

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4 hours ago, FifeSons said:

Seems harmless enough to me - the lady is fond of a particular type of doughnut. Not the sender's fault if people with dirty minds come up with a different interpretation.

(That said I didn't read the whole article so if he went on to say that she likes a finger bun shoved up her twat then he deserves everything he gets.)

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1 minute ago, GordonD said:

Seems harmless enough to me - the lady is fond of a particular type of doughnut. Not the sender's fault if people with dirty minds come up with a different interpretation.

(That said I didn't read the whole article so if he went on to say that she likes a finger bun shoved up her twat then he deserves everything he gets.)

He may as well have responded with ‘apologies, you’re clearly more on the jam today’.

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3 hours ago, tamthebam said:

You've probably got a fair chance of being sandwiched between some fat wifie and a student wid.

Certainly isn't the case in the one I'm on. People from literally both ends of the lifestyle spectrum. It's been a good week in that respect. 

2 hours ago, MSU said:

I was on jury duty about 12 years ago. I was surprised at how much sitting around in the jury room took place. Each day in a four day trial, we probably got two hours of testimony and then five hours of sitting in a room reading a book. Still better than working, though.

Pretty much this. Commenced at 10am and by half 11 had had 3 'adjourns' totalling about 45minutes.

Im no reading a book though, f**k that. 

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9 minutes ago, This time Perthshirebell said:

Encourage more women to kill themselves?  

I was wondering. The story could have been about how much happier women seem to be these days. We'll have to get to work on gaslighting techniques (just learnt what that means today).

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3 hours ago, ForzaDundee said:

Nobody told this to John Hawkins, 34, from Grimsby.

No-one communicated there would be such a distance between the car park and the camp site to him either, the wee soul. 

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I've just went past a guy taking his young lad to nursery. The wee lad is on his bike - the dad is also on a bike. This is one of the new schools in Dundee where about 4 got rolled into one. 

I understand the wee man getting to take his bike but how can the father stop and assist if anything is about to go wrong if he's on his bike as well? There's hundreds of motors as well as busses etc all trying to drop kids off and tooting and revving all over the place. 

The old boys an arsehole. 

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Alan Brazil has made 60 today, how in the f**k has that happened?

Dean Saunders was telling him that the Welsh side had stayed in the hotel in Tunisia where the terrorist attack took place, Brazil replied "Oh aye? Shooting practice?"


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Guest Moomintroll
Alan Brazil has made 60 today, how in the f**k has that happened?
Dean Saunders was telling him that the Welsh side had stayed in the hotel in Tunisia where the terrorist attack took place, Brazil replied "Oh aye? Shooting practice?"
If that fat, unhealthy alcoholic mess can make it past 60, anyone can. He is almost an inspiration.
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I just called the GIC and got my name on the waiting list!! It's gonna take 4 years for me to be who I want to be but I'm really happy that I've made progress now!!

Excuse my ignorance as I’m genuinely interested but what is the GIC? (Apologies if this is a very stupid question)
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Gender identity clinic! It's okay to ask dw I know a lot of people won't know much about it

Fantastic congrats.

I saw your posts on the other thread and clearly you had a difficult night but clearly it’s pushed you to a positive outcome.

I’m sure there will be more difficult moments but try and remember the journey from last night to this morning to get through it!
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Fantastic congrats.

I saw your posts on the other thread and clearly you had a difficult night but clearly it’s pushed you to a positive outcome.

I’m sure there will be more difficult moments but try and remember the journey from last night to this morning to get through it!
My bad night was actually related to this djdjdj but I'm v v v happy I've made progress now
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This new font is making me dizzy.

14 hours ago, ForzaDundee said:

Reading this article and just thinking thank f**k I got to live through and enjoy the likes of TITP before the world became insufferable. 


That fairly cheered me up. Crying in his tent for 24 hrs :lol:

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