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6 hours ago, 101 said:

Is it just one building ablaze in Dundee, because it looks shocking.

It was the old Robertsons furniture shop. A massive building that spanned 4 floors. Without doubt, it's an insurance job and about fucking time it was done.

Edit : I usually park the van in full view of that picture if I go for a pint on a Saturday - which thankfully I never as it would raise some very bad questions if the photo was seen. :lol:

Edited by Mr. Alli
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Don't know if anyone heard about the double murder in greendykes in Edinburgh last week, but the wife's pal has a friend who lives in the block told her the gory details. Both guys had their noses and ears cut off, and one of them had his testicles nailed to the floor 🤢🤢🤢🤮.  The father and son who commented the murders both tried to commit suicide after they killed the guys in a case of mistaken identity. Fucking hell....

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12 minutes ago, philpy said:

Don't know if anyone heard about the double murder in greendykes in Edinburgh last week, but the wife's pal has a friend who lives in the block told her the gory details. Both guys had their noses and ears cut off, and one of them had his testicles nailed to the floor 🤢🤢🤢🤮.  The father and son who commented the murders both tried to commit suicide after they killed the guys in a case of mistaken identity. Fucking hell....


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5 hours ago, philpy said:

Don't know if anyone heard about the double murder in greendykes in Edinburgh last week, but the wife's pal has a friend who lives in the block told her the gory details. Both guys had their noses and ears cut off, and one of them had his testicles nailed to the floor 🤢🤢🤢🤮.  The father and son who commented the murders both tried to commit suicide after they killed the guys in a case of mistaken identity. Fucking hell....

There was a young guy not far around the corner from us that got stabbed to death a few years ago due to mistaken identity. Some guy paid a couple of junkies to stab a business rival and they turned up at 17 xxxx place instead of 17 xxxx street and when the guy answered the door they clearly didn't twig that the 17 year old student wasn't the pot bellied balding 50 year old businessman they were after. 

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There is a great Michael Marra song titled "I don't like Methil" about folk that don't hold an affection for somewhere or other, often based on some kind of snobbery. My scheme has less junkies pishing in our stairwell than you etc. 

I miss Michael

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