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3 hours ago, stimpy said:

Yesterday while going to work I turned onto the slip lane to join the A90 and a car was about 20 yards behind me on the dualer to I braked to let him past. The guy flashed his lights but I was no longer ready to go and he was right on top of me so I sat waiting for him to realise I wasn't going and to get out of my way. Nope, he actually stopped on a busy dual carriageway and started waving his arms at me. I indicated for him just to go but he just kept waving his arms at me so I became more insistent and he finally took off. Couldn't believe someone would just stop on an A class road like that, it's my job to safely join the busy road and his job not to do anything stupid. Madness. 

C*nts on the road thread for this pish

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Lawyer translates Bible into Doric over 17 years - BBC News

Words can't adequately describe how cringy I find this

Burst out laughing when I saw the related story "MRI scanner in Aberdeen speaks Doric to comfort patients".

I just got a mental image of it using the Stephen Hawking robotic accent to say "fit like min".

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3 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

Do you get a sticker if you're a good boy?

I wish I still had the same dentist as when I was wee. Fitba-mad Geordie that used to have Shoot! and Match in the waiting room. Nowadays it's just interior design magazines and Porsche owners monthlies. 

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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

Burst out laughing when I saw the related story "MRI scanner in Aberdeen speaks Doric to comfort patients".

I just got a mental image of it using the Stephen Hawking robotic accent to say "fit like min".

.... and yer joost lying there and wiv arranged it, and there's nae spikkin, and am goin tae rub yir hawmstrings.... 

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These new messages like "<x> is also here" are starting to make P&B feel like an old-school text adventure. I like it; more please.



You are now in the General Nonsense forum. Around you lies a cornucopia of puns and pictures of a man with abnormally flared nostrils. An intimidating presence with a large hammer stares balefully at you from the corner. To the north you see Online Games & Puzzles, while what lies to the south is not suitable for work.

Melanius Mullarkey and Zen Archer are also here.

What would you like to do?

> I

You are carrying 836 green coins and 3 warning scrolls from the High Priest of the Hot-Tub.

What would you like to do?


The intimidating presence jumps to life and strikes you down with the large hammer! You have been banned from existence! GAME OVER!

Would you like to start again with a different name?



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8 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Burst out laughing when I saw the related story "MRI scanner in Aberdeen speaks Doric to comfort patients".

I just got a mental image of it using the Stephen Hawking robotic accent to say "fit like min".

Doric Daleks-


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6 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

No suggestion as to why there's been such a drop for girls specifically.

I'm surprised that as many as 15% of kids like school "a lot" though. Thirty years ago, it seemed like every class would have one or two happy clappers who loved it, while everyone else was varying degrees of miserable.

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