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13 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I'm going to an Indian tomorrow with my two brothers, my brother and sister and law, two nephews and possibly my old man (he's away and getting back at some time tomorrow but unsure when).

I was thinking about it earlier and for a brief second was worried thst if my dad couldn't make it there wouldn't be any adults there and they might turn us away.

Including myself there will be five adults there, six if the old man makes it. Only when stopping to think about it did I realise what pish my mind was coming up with.

I don't think it speaks well of my psyche that I often don't consider myself an adult before realising that I actually am, as this is far from a solitary incident in terms of this thinking.

Apparently you don't think of your brother as an adult either, so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about your personal self-image.

It is interesting that anyone your age or younger has stayed a child in your head. Some people have the opposite problem - my great-uncle ripped into his son once because he offered me a cigarette after seeing me again. I was 12.

4 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

I bought two rolls from the bakery late on yesterday and later found that they felt a bit hard for my liking, as if the wifey there had bagged the top ones from a basket that had been sitting out all day.

Fast forward: I check the same rolls this morning, which have just sat in the tied poly bag overnight, and they're now soft and absolutely perfect for my liking. What the hell is going on here?

Condensation building up overnight from the rolls' breath, which softened their tasty flesh.

I've noticed lately that the morning rolls I buy taste much better if frozen, then defrosted in the microwave. They're a lot softer too.

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16 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I'm going to an Indian tomorrow with my two brothers, my brother and sister and law, two nephews and possibly my old man (he's away and getting back at some time tomorrow but unsure when).

I was thinking about it earlier and for a brief second was worried thst if my dad couldn't make it there wouldn't be any adults there and they might turn us away.

Including myself there will be five adults there, six if the old man makes it. Only when stopping to think about it did I realise what pish my mind was coming up with.

I don't think it speaks well of my psyche that I often don't consider myself an adult before realising that I actually am, as this is far from a solitary incident in terms of this thinking.

I get thoughts like t his all the time. Ranging from similar to what you have described, to having to remind myself when buying beer/wine at the shop that im an adult and its not some sort of crazy risk, to having one cos I fancy it and reminding myself that thats ok too and 100% my decision

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52 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Celtic pub next door currently blasting out Roll With It with mass accompaniment. I think I found the IRA songs earlier less offensive.


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16 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

I am in Turkey just now. Was in same hotel 2 years ago. Was mainly British folks then. Now full of Russian loudmouth p***ks!

Hotels predominantly occupied by Brits are to be avoided in my experience.

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On 08/05/2024 at 12:24, TxRover said:

Does not compute.

In peace 🤝

If you get a chance please watch the Saturday Five which is on at 18.00. 

It has a good mixture of presenters with different political views. They discuss various topics that are relevent to what is happening in the news at the time.

It is one of the better shows on the channel that viewers with different views are catered for. 

Last nights show was excellent. 

Not looking for an arguement or abuse. As I say peace 🤝

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37 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Shite trolling from a moron.

Eh?  TxRover totally slated all of GB news. I am in peace telling him about the Saturday Five which is how I explained it.

And why do you have to turn to abuse and call me a moron ?



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2 hours ago, Big Bobo said:

Eh?  TxRover totally slated all of GB news. I am in peace telling him about the Saturday Five which is how I explained it.

And why do you have to turn to abuse and call me a moron ?



I think even you, a moron, knows that absolutely no one is falling for your latest tedious routine.

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2 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I think even you, a moron, knows that absolutely no one is falling for your latest tedious routine.

Says the adult that doesn't think he is one ffs 😂 You certainly post like a child with your insults. 

Anyway I will cease to communicate with you. 👋👋

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7 hours ago, Big Bobo said:

Eh?  TxRover totally slated all of GB news. I am in peace telling him about the Saturday Five which is how I explained it.

And why do you have to turn to abuse and call me a moron ?

Confused how I slated them? I called them racists and nazis, that’s the true, so it’s not slating them, it’s simply appeler un chat, un chat.

As for why he was calling you a moron, similarly, QED.

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On 11/05/2024 at 15:54, tinkerbelle said:

I am in Turkey just now. Was in same hotel 2 years ago. Was mainly British folks then. Now full of Russian loudmouth p***ks!

Don’t let them hear you say that. They’re probably mobbed up. 

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Any p&b'ers ever deleted the account of an $80 billion pension fund?

Google's Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian has weighed in on the UniSuper fiasco and confirmed that UniSuper's Private Cloud subscription was accidentally deleted.

In a joint statement with UniSuper CEO Peter Chun, Kurian admitted that an "inadvertent misconfiguration" during the provisioning of UniSuper's Private Cloud services resulted in the deletion of the subscription.

In a cascade of catastrophe familiar to anyone using duplication, the deletion of the account resulted in deletion across other regions.

"UniSuper had duplication in two geographies as a protection against outages and loss. However, when the deletion of UniSuper’s Private Cloud subscription occurred, it caused deletion across both of these geographies."

Fortunately, UniSuper had backups at another cloud provider. Otherwise, a bad situation could have been oh so much worse. As it is, it has only been since today that the funds' services have shown signs of life, and members have been able to log into their accounts. The organization is also further ahead in the restoration than initially planned, meaning that balances should be up to date.

The joint statement states, "This is an isolated, 'one-of-a-kind occurrence' that has never before occurred with any of Google Cloud's clients globally. This should not have happened. Google Cloud has identified the events that led to this disruption and taken measures to ensure this does not happen again."

The Register
contacted Google to learn more about this "one-of-a-kind-occurrence," but we were simply directed to the joint statement.

In the meantime, UniSuper's woes remain a lesson for companies leaping cloudwards. Someone clicking the wrong button, a previously unknown bug, an unforeseen series of events, or a combination of all three could have dire consequences for a business. ®

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15 hours ago, TxRover said:

Confused how I slated them? I called them racists and nazis, that’s the true, so it’s not slating them, it’s simply appeler un chat, un chat.

As for why he was calling you a moron, similarly, QED.

So I posted in peace with a friendly handshake and you say this. 

Please watch the Saturday five and then form an opinion. I honestly think you will be surprised how diverse and fair it is. You never know you might even enjoy it. 

Anyway TxRover, peace 🤝

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