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Going to see Ted tonight in the cinema, don't know what to expect. Going in with neither good or bad expectations.

I went last night expecting it to be poor, but it was very good.

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Going to see Ted tonight in the cinema, don't know what to expect. Going in with neither good or bad expectations.

I went last night expecting it to be poor, but it was very good.

I'm just back from seeing it and I really enjoyed it. It's a bit predictable in parts, but there are some real laugh out loud moments in there. I'd watch it again.

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I was filling out a job application online and had to answer those utterly pointless questions they ask you. One of the questions was

"You are going to a football match after work and your friends are dying their hair red. You are unsure if you should dye your hair as you don't know the company's policy on this. Do you:

A) Speak to your manager even if it means you can't dye your hair

B) Dye your hair without finding out the company policy

C) Tell your friends it's against company policy

Alas there was no option for "Tell your friends to go to the match without you for having such a stupid idea"

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I was filling out a job application online and had to answer those utterly pointless questions they ask you. One of the questions was

"You are going to a football match after work and your friends are dying their hair red. You are unsure if you should dye your hair as you don't know the company's policy on this. Do you:

A) Speak to your manager even if it means you can't dye your hair

B) Dye your hair without finding out the company policy

C) Tell your friends it's against company policy

Alas there was no option for "Tell your friends to go to the match without you for having such a stupid idea"


D) Get new friends.

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I was, ooop north yesterday (Evanton) to be exact. Just after we crossed the Cromarty Firth, we wondered why everyone was stopping at the side of the road to look at the water. Thinking they were daft, we done our delivery and started to head back. Still loads of people looking at the water and finally I realised what they were looking at. A large colony (is that the correct term?) of seals basking in the sun about 10 metres out.

Seals are cool :)

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I was, ooop north yesterday (Evanton) to be exact. Just after we crossed the Cromarty Firth, we wondered why everyone was stopping at the side of the road to look at the water. Thinking they were daft, we done our delivery and started to head back. Still loads of people looking at the water and finally I realised what they were looking at. A large colony (is that the correct term?) of seals basking in the sun about 10 metres out.

Seals are cool :)

I think the collective term is "club"

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Seals are indeed pretty cool, especially when swimming with them (dolphins are over-rated). They can often come up to you out of curiosity if you're swimming along the coast, especially if flippers are involved which they can pull at. I usually find that you just see the head popping up repeatedly, getting closer each time they do it which I find quite funny anyway. If you go up to them however, totally different story!! No way I'd chance it with an Atlantic Seal though, they're big scary motherf***ers.

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Guest The Phoenix

Your GPS is knackered Sammy.

"Oop North" is the North of England.

Someone there must be wondering where the hell their delivery is.

I also like this...

Eh oop...

A term used by stupid nothern yokels in Britian.

e.g. "Eh oop i just shagged a cow" "Eh oop, chuck" "Eh oop ya fuckin b*****d"


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Seals are indeed pretty cool, especially when swimming with them (dolphins are over-rated). They can often come up to you out of curiosity if you're swimming along the coast, especially if flippers are involved which they can pull at. I usually find that you just see the head popping up repeatedly, getting closer each time they do it which I find quite funny anyway. If you go up to them however, totally different story!! No way I'd chance it with an Atlantic Seal though, they're big scary motherf***ers.

A guy I knew worked cleaning the hulls of ships in Aberdeen harbour and had some horrifying stories about seals sneaking up and biting him while working under water. You can hardly see anything as the water is so grimy and just feel a nasty nip apparently, although the worst one was when he was in hospital for two days as one had bitten the tube that runs to his oxygen tank. He breathed in and got a lungful of manky, shitey harbour water and had to spend two days in hospital getting all manner of antibiotics and stuff pumped into him :barf

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