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On 26/06/2020 at 21:41, Empty It said:
On 26/06/2020 at 20:12, spud131 said:
Never understand folk who say they don't like any sort of fruit or veg, there are dozens (prob hundreds) of different types of varying tastes and textures, surely there are some they like.

I dont eat fruit or veg, I decided I'm just going to go to the shop and buy one of everything and logically there must be one I'd like just not got round to doing this yet.

Enjoy your massive coronary at 30.

Every time I hear someone saying that they don’t eat a single type of fruit or veg, it baffles me. I’ve got a mate who literally can’t remember the last time he ate fruit or veg, and unsurprisingly he’s about 18 stone and takes about an hour sitting on the pan having to force out a shite each day due to the lack of fibre in his diet. Definitely going to go like Elvis.

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Enjoy your massive coronary at 30.
Every time I hear someone saying that they don’t eat a single type of fruit or veg, it baffles me. I’ve got a mate who literally can’t remember the last time he ate fruit or veg, and unsurprisingly he’s about 18 stone and takes about an hour sitting on the pan having to force out a shite each day due to the lack of fibre in his diet. Definitely going to go like Elvis.

What does he eat?
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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


What does he eat?


A lot of fast food. Mostly chips and red meat.

I used to try to make him try new things but it was absolute torture so gave up. Got an ice cream once and he hilariously said he had to go for a tub instead of a cone as wafer has “too much flavour”.

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I knew a kid at school who was always inviting me over for my tea, which struck me as a bit odd; most parents want their weans' friends punted before dinner time. Looking back, his maw was delighted to have somebody else to cook for, and was likely the one doing the inviting through him. He literally only ever ate Weetabix. Not even any other cereal; Weetabix for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. His maw was a decent cook and put on a variety of different spreads, so I've no clue what was going on there.

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It’s amazing how many people never have a proper home cooked meal, don’t sit down to eat with their families and thus don’t have the accumulated knowledge or ability to even eat things that don’t immediately stimulate them.

I think that our over reliance on processed food and a kind of dopamine hit model of eating means that a lot of adults now eat like kids who are home alone - constant sweets, fast food and fizzy drinks. Certain foods that maybe require a bit of getting used to, like vegetables or fish, just get binned off.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with eating a little bit of junk food but living off it is odd behaviour.

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Not sure Janey Godley is particularly brilliant but wouldn’t really want to be on the same side as the people who get worked up to the point of mania by her on twitter. Seems like the same sort of people who are incredibly angry if a woman (particularly an unattractive woman) gets a speaking role in a film about superheroes or that.

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26 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Clock, you say? There'll be somebody popping in from the Hibs thread to clean it quite soon.

Disappointing, was hoping the "L" was a big clumsy masculine thumbs thing.. Nothing like a bit of tender after care post service.

Edited by welshbairn
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Not sure Janey Godley is particularly brilliant but wouldn’t really want to be on the same side as the people who get worked up to the point of mania by her on twitter. Seems like the same sort of people who are incredibly angry if a woman (particularly an unattractive woman) gets a speaking role in a film about superheroes or that.

She’s pretty shite but fairly innocuous and easily enough avoided. The reaction to her outweighs her worth imo. She has built up a cult like following so she’s obviously doing something right in some folks eyes.
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7 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

It turns out Janey Godley has blocked me, despite her and I never having any interaction on twitter. Really doubt I’m missing much, but pretty odd all the same

Have you ever mentioned her on Twitter? She searches her name regularly.

I've also noticed a recent trend of people blocking entire lists of people that follow a certain individual. There's been a few cases of completely random people having blocked me and I've never interacted with them in my life.

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Have you ever mentioned her on Twitter? She searches her name regularly.

I've also noticed a recent trend of people blocking entire lists of people that follow a certain individual. There's been a few cases of completely random people having blocked me and I've never interacted with them in my life.


Apparently it’s because I’ve mentioned DHOTYA in the past. She’s blocked everyone who’s ever mentioned them, which must be in the hundreds of thousands. Fair play.

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Nobody, if they’re being honest with themselves, gives a single f**k what was Number 1 on the day anybody else was born
I don't give a f**k what was No 1 the day I was born and I also don't know or give a f**k what is No 1 just now.
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