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1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:


See, this is my issue with music these days - paying for subscriptions. Not only do we have standard subscriptions but we’ve got premium ones as well! Folk just don’t seem interested in owning music anymore. I still make a point of buying CD’s of albums I really like. I like actually owning a hard copy, something I can hold in my hand and look at. If I want to get into new bands I’ll listen on YouTube first. If I find myself listening to them often I’ll then buy their music.

I despise subscription culture. People will just pay money for the rest of their days for things that they will never own.


@DA Baracus

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10 minutes ago, stevieKTID said:

In my opinion you simply can't beat owning a physical copy of an album, i buy a lot of vinyl and can spend hours looking at the artwork and reading the sleeve notes whilst listening to the music. 

The inside cover of the fantastic album     Man -  Be Good To Yourself At Least Once A Day.    Case in point

Image result for man be good to yourself

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I used to love getting albums and poring over the sleeve notes and artwork but have grown to really like streaming instead. I use Apple Music and it is good to be paying something to go back into the artists’ pockets and fantastic to have access to so much music. Sitting in the  car and pressing a button to bring up recommendations or talking to it and asking it to play certain songs would have seemed so outlandish not that long ago. 


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3 hours ago, stevieKTID said:

In my opinion you simply can't beat owning a physical copy of an album, i buy a lot of vinyl and can spend hours looking at the artwork and reading the sleeve notes whilst listening to the music. 


2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

I used to love getting albums and poring over the sleeve notes and artwork 

Some of the fondest memories of my youth involve coming home with a new LP. You'd maybe only heard 1 or 2 of the tracks before and usually, not even that, so it was a voyage of discovery. Had your hard earned £3.99 been well spent or not? And then spending ages pouring over the artwork and reading every word of the sleeve notes. It's hard to imagine now but even when it was a friend who'd got the new album, you were still involved. Often sitting on the floor with him to listen, or phoning him to hear about it. Golden days. 

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

The last record I bought without pre listening was Dananananakroyd's album and it was shit. Which was great cause I was also like 17 and also had nae money. Streaming is much better.

I completely forgot about them

They were briefly my favourite band. Will relisten later

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11 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Spotify do f**k over the majority of artists (not the big c***s) but it’s handy for the car.  

Depends what the alternatives are as to whether they are exploiting artists.

broadly speaking, artists get about £1 for each cd sale or .2p for a stream. Based on that it looks like a bad deal.

But streaming isn’t just a substitute for purchasing. Like you say, you listen in the car, where it might have been radio 2 or some godforsaken transatlantic network bollocks 20 years ago. Radio 1 or 2 pay £100 to £150 per play. At, say 1m listeners that’s, erm .... a fair bit less than 1/5p per listen.  I’d rather have £2k per million listens than £100. 

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26 minutes ago, coprolite said:

.2p for a stream.

This is from last year, more up to date info will be available somewhere.

  • Spotify paid the artists $0,0032 per stream
  • Apple Music got the average rate of $0,0056
  • Google Play Music landed a $0,0055 payout rate
  • Deezer fell slightly lower at $0.00436


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4 hours ago, Shotgun said:


Some of the fondest memories of my youth involve coming home with a new LP. You'd maybe only heard 1 or 2 of the tracks before and usually, not even that, so it was a voyage of discovery. Had your hard earned £3.99 been well spent or not? And then spending ages pouring over the artwork and reading every word of the sleeve notes. It's hard to imagine now but even when it was a friend who'd got the new album, you were still involved. Often sitting on the floor with him to listen, or phoning him to hear about it. Golden days. 

Even better getting it out of Woolies stuffed up your jersey.

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10 hours ago, MONKMAN said:


Outstanding band.


I just listened to the start of The Lathums first tune that came up on Spotify - not my cup of tea, but I'm guessing the lead singer lists Alex Turner amongst his inspirations?

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Cassettes were my thing back in the day. I've also got the habit of needing to purchase everything that whatever band/ artiste I've been into at the time has ever produced. 

Over the years this has included:


The Beatles

The Doors

Van Morrison

Half Man Half Biscuit

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Uses to live going into Fopp on a Friday and buying a new album, some great, some shite but there was just something enjoyable about going in and browsing the selection.

Every time my old man took me and my sister to Dundee for a swim at Olympia we would always be taken into town afterwards to the Fopp in the Overgate. Remember quickly getting bored in the shop and wanting to go, I’d love to go there now - if it still existed!
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3 hours ago, jamamafegan said:


Every time my old man took me and my sister to Dundee for a swim at Olympia we would always be taken into town afterwards to the Fopp in the Overgate. Remember quickly getting bored in the shop and wanting to go, I’d love to go there now - if it still existed!


Grouchos was better. Pay a little extra and get a spliff in the sleeve.

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